| Luce Design


作品名称:日常悟品    Perception for daily stuff
作者名称: 贾立  Li Jia
作品简介:生活悟品 日常之美。塑料桶、盆,普通的日常物品,是我们对家的时代记忆。
Everyday objects are our memory of the time with family.


作品名称:港湾   Harbor
作者名称: 李兆海  Zhaohai Lee

繁忙的生活已使我们的身体透支不起,我们需要一个充满能量的港湾。停下脚步让我们在这里充分休息,让我们吸取能量,让我们感受光线的抚摸,让我们用健康的身心感受光带给我们无限的欢乐。作品和亮点设计中心建筑结合, 为观展者提供一个能量休憩的空间。
We are pressed terribly fatigued by the development of the city and the bristling high buildings, so that we need a quiet pastoral and space to have enough relaxation.
The busy life has overdrew our body, we need a harbor brims with energy. Let us stop and rest here, draw energy, feel the touch of lights, and use our healthy body and heart to feel the infinite joy brought by the lights. Construction works and highlights design center, provide the visitors an energy relaxation space.


作品名称:我和你,记忆的碎片  Fragments of my love story
作者名称: 梁贺   Lego Liang
作者把他与太太从相识到现在,记忆中不同的零碎场景,通过安装在改装托马斯小火车上的一组小型LED 投射灯,向布置在轨道四周位置深浅不一的纸板投影,表现在透光拉膜上,配以他在不同国家、街道、地铁、市集上收录来的形形色色录音剪辑。
To lock the memories we spent together.
Memory is the process by which information and experiences can be stored, retained and thenrecalled.
The designer, LEGO LIANG, have been wondering how to lock the memories with his wife since they met. The shadows of the scenery you see and the sound you hear are the experiences they had. It’s a great idea inspirited by shadow puppet show. Led spotlights were fixed on the toy trains and the light travel around while the trains ride on the railway. When the puppets, which were drew on pieces of paper and cut out by LEGO, block light travelling from a source, the shadows are made.
This small lighting installation is just telling us a love story in a creative, simple and funny way.


作品名称:墨竹水影  Bamboo & Shadow
作者名称: 刘晓松 / 刘慧敏   Xiaosong Liu / Huimin Liu
The work ideas from the bamboo / Chinese ink paintings and Chinese old shadow play.These three elements are integrated into the modern science and technology , make the picture give it new life by lighting and wind.


作品名称:光合作用  Photosynthesis
作者名称: 邵爽  Shuang Shao
“光合”由三个部分组成,玻璃器、木杯、太阳能底托。她的每个部分都是以上下罗列的方式放置在一起的,并且可以分开或者组合的方式使用每个部分。白天,阳光给植物带来温暖和能量的同时也给“光合”的太阳能底托传送能量。夜晚,太阳能底托会完成光能合成作用,也就是把白天吸收的光能转换成光亮。此时“光能”会带领我们感受植物和光影结合出的温馨,而且我通过“光合”找到了我理解的植物& 灯具的共合体。
Photosynthesis, photosynthesis function“Photosynthesis” is composed of three parts, glass, wood, glass solar bottom bracket. Every part listed above can put together, also can be separated or combined. During the day time, the sun brings warmth and energy for plant but also for “Photosynthesis”solar bottom transfer energy. Night time, solar energy base will complete the photosynthetic function, also is to absorb energy during the day into the light.
This “light” will lead us to feel the plants and light with the warm, and I through “Photosynthesis” find my understanding of plant & co-integrate lamp.


作品名称:从众   Follow
作者名称: 罗伟  Wei Luo
作品简介:本案采用一种诙谐而轻松的手法表现了对于国人集体无意识的, 喜欢跟风的心理. 冷光线折成的蜥蜴爬行于旧砖墙上, 从墙面转折到天花而后再转折到对面的墙上, 形成了一个独特的通道。
From a humorous and easy perspective,this case represents the mind that people are unconscious and like follow authority.Coldlight is folded into lizards walking on the old brickwall.shape continues through wall to ceiling in order to form a unique passageway.


作品名称:In & Out
作者名称: 朱丽越   Juliet Zhu
作品简介:在千百劫的轮回中我们的一生只是短暂的一瞬,就像入住旅店一般,昨天check in,明天check out 。这就是我们的生活,当你死去两三天后,你还能记得伴侣的名字,但十天后,便已经忘记那个人到底是“她”还是“他”。二十天后,甚至会忘记他或她到底是不是一个“人类”。此时,引导你进入下一世的力量开始起作用。假如你将转世成一只鸟,曾经对爱情的饥渴和对伴侣的热望,将被对虫子的饥渴和对飞翔的热望取代。我被佛教的这个理念深深震撼因而创作了这个作品,利用光线与闪烁的透明材料构成虚拟的佛相剪影,形成一个可以让观众穿越的门帘状装置,从而让观众体会这种瞬间进出的感受。十字交叉的形状构成更丰富的视觉感受,也符合东方文化中轮回和旋转观念。悬挂水钻的工艺能充分发挥透明材料对光线的折射,在“虚”和“实”,“隐”和“现”之间寻求视觉美感。
In the samsara of countless eons, our life is only a moment long. Like staying at a hotel for one night:yesterday you checked in and today you check out. This is what our life is like. Two or three days after you have died, you may still remember the name of your partner, but after ten days you will already have forgotten if it was a “he” or a “she”. Twenty days on you will even have forgotten if it was a human being or not. At this time the force leading you to your next life will already have started to kick in. if you may be reborn as a bird, and your thirst for love and aspirations for a partner will be replaced by a hunger for insects and a wish to fly.I was deeply taken by this Buddhist idea and therefore created this piece. It makes use of light and an evasive material to compose a virtual silhouette of a Buddha. It forms a kind of curtain that the viewer may pass through, thus experiencing the feeling of this momentary entering and exiting. The hanging rhinestone-technique brings out the light and its reflections in the transparent material to its fullest,seeking visual beauty in the difference between void and matter, between what is hides itself and what appears.



作品名称:大杯子 Giant Cup
作者名称: 连志明& 王珂  Zhiming Lian &Ke Wang
This work’s boundary is fuzzy, combined with outdoor furniture and garden lamp. Design concept continues the designer’s original products: Cactus Cup. Three stools, one round table. The whole group likes sculptural. Exaggerated size of cups make more surprises and humorous.


作品名称:PM N.N
作者名称: 吴威  Wei WU
作品简介:“霾”已经围绕建筑,围绕我们生存空间,作品通过对PM 微粒粉尘的放大,秀出对这一危险环境现象的展示,具有现实讽刺意义和时代意义;同时作品的构成也注重光的秩序性和艺术性,采用5-8 中不同大小规格,2200K,2700K,3000K,3300K,4000K,5000K,5500K 的白色色温段,形成光的构成,布局高低错落,对现场的气氛营造能起到一定效果;选择在花坛,整体布局从30M 到300MM 高度遍布,人群由作品内部进入室内,有一种身临其境的感受,同时在中远视点都可以展示灯光表演的韵律,具有宣传性。
“Haze” had been around the building, surrounding our living space. This work show this dangerous environmental phenomena, through amplification of PM particulate dust, with irony and time significance.Meanwhile the work’s construct also concentrate to the light’s order and artistry, 5-8 different sizes,
2200K,2700K,3000K,3300K,4000K,5000K,5500K white color, high and low scattered; Located in flower beds, the height from 30M to 300MM, tourists walk through them into interior, there is an immersive experience. Meanwhile the work can show the rhythm of the light show, with publicity.

吴威作品-PM N吴威作品-PM N.N

作者名称: 叶伟德   Dominique Phommahaxay
作品简介:到2014 年8 月末,我已经在国内生活了整整十年。从第一天回国开始,所有的往事都变成了一种难忘的回忆。
通过LDPi 的项目,能够从照明设计方面推进中国的发展。中国的飞速发展带来了很多城市的变迁,过去的老家可能已经被拆迁的不在了,城市的发展打破了原有家庭的住户方式。而家里的人也已经各奔东西,很难相聚,让我们记住这种亲情和美好且难忘的回忆。这个作品纪念我们童年、少年时期带给我们的美好回忆的家!打开门,给自己半分钟时间沉浸在童年的回忆中,让你的思绪和“回忆”融为一体。
The end of August 2014 marks my first decade spent in China. From the very firs t day,memories have built up since returning to the motherland.
On one hand, LDPi’s lighting design projects contribute partly to the growth of Chi na. Such development brings various urban changes. Houses in hometowns may be be subject to dismantlement, thus deeply impacting the lives of their occupants. Though these residents may have been parted from thei r loved ones, house and belongings, those will remain unforgettable memories.This installation pays tribute to the remembrance of th e beautiful hometown childhood memories. Open the door, give yourself half a minute to recall your childhood memories and let your emotion be in harmony with this installation.


作品名称:时光钟   Time Clock
作者名称: 张明睿 / 赵沛 / 刘慧敏     Mingrui Zhang / Pei Zhao / Huimin Liu
The time clock is designed based on a rethink of the phenomenon that artificial light is used immoderately in lighting design. Through using modern intelligent lamps and the most common lighting design skills, we redefine the way of peopl e recording time in the form of the traditional clock. Reinterpreting light and the rel ationship of space and time, design purpose is to warn people of adverse effects on the environment by abuse of modern artificial light, to
appeal people to control light and return a piece of dark s ky to the earth.



作品名称:你是主角   You’re the star
作者名称: 周红亮   Hongliang Zhou
The movie stars, they are cute or beautiful or scary … …A variety of images, they are memorable!Light and shadow play a huge role on characterization and the expression.This work tries to use a lighting device,With your participation,Find many possibilities of self-image with light shadow,Let you be the superstar.



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