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被访者:顾比奥  博士  亚洲区总监  Zumtobel Group

              Dr. Juergen A. Koprio, Managing Director Lighting Brands Asia


记者:Zumtobel 奥德堡照明牵手建筑纪元展作为在中国的展会首秀,在您看来建筑纪元有哪些特点?与其他展会最大的不同体现在哪里?

Reporter: As the first show of Zumtobel hands with Architect@work, whats the feature of Architect@work in your point of view? Is there any unique point of the show that is different from other shows?

顾比奥博士:本次是我们首次参加建筑纪元展。我认为该展是一个极好的平台,将与建筑行业相关的企业与专业人士汇聚一堂。在这里,可以看到和建筑相关的不同行业,以一种有效、趣味性的方式呈现在人们面前。该展的亮点在于为特殊领域的参展者提供了一个很好的交流平台,汇聚设计师、建筑师以及建筑领域的不同部门。 通过各种有效形式,如展台展示产品,相关研讨会以及不同形式的交流活动。

Dr. Juergen A. Koprio: It is the first time for Zumtobel China to take part in this event as an exhibitor. We have chosen Architects@work because it is a unique and effective platform. It is bringing together different sectors of the industry which are all adding value to architecture. The format of the event allows for intensive interactions and exchanges between suppliers from different industrial segments and designers, architects and consultants. The topic that they are commonly interested: Providing better solutions for living and work environments

For Zumtobel the format of the event is especially effective because it allows to  interact with clients at different levels: We have a booth to show our lighting concepts, solutions and some of the new products. At the same time there are seminars offered, where our experts can share some of their recent lighting concepts and experiences applied to current projects in collaboration with leading architects and designers. And then of course, in between the formal events there is space for many informal exchanges. We believe this combination does generate many interesting contacts and business opportunities, especially with the high professional level of the visitors present here.

记者:Zumtobel 奥德堡照明在本届建筑纪元展上亮相哪些创新设计理念与产品技术?

Reporter: What kinds of new products of Zumtobel will be displayed in the event?


LED 的引入使得不同照明氛围的实现成为了可能,但如何以恰当的方式呈现照明效果则很重要。在过去4、5年中,我们看到不同 LED 的产品,最初是直接将  LED 放入光源。 如今我们更注重应用,特别是与室内、室外知名建筑师与设计师合作,但本质不变:为建筑设计提供最恰当的照明氛围,并以此提升建筑存在的价值,达到建筑师所预期的照明效果。

Dr. Juergen A. Koprio: Zumtobel is a company in the lighting field that always tries to contribute with a combination of leading technology, innovation and design. This is what we show here with several new products and concepts that cover different applications. We think about lighting in the context of the specific applications requirements, while supporting the design idea of the architect or owner with suitable lighting concepts. With this we are creating the desired atmosphere, emotion or environment. In other words, architects create spaces, we support these creations with suitable lighting concepts, improving the value to the users of those surroundings.

Since the introduction of the LED’s by early adopters, everybody as caught on and is working now with these new light sources. However, it is extremely important to do it in a correct way, suitable for the task, the environment and the atmosphere required. Over the last 4 or 6 years, we have seen several generations of LED’s lighting products: The first generation just incorporated LED’s into conventional luminaires. Soon thereafter the first specific adaptations ( e.g. specially adapted optics) appeared on the market. Today we have reached the stage where this technology is integrated into specific, modern designs creating products and performances that were not possible before. Zumtobel shows examples in today’s presentations were creative architects and designers combine new  architectural  ideas with the right LED based lighting concepts to enhance their  buildings (by day and night) and add visibility and value to their creations.

记者:贵司对于“人和环境的和谐” 有怎样的诠释与解读?在贵司哪些产品及解决方案中有所体现与渗透?

Reporter: What’s the interpretation of the theme- “The harmony between human and environment”? Which kinds of your products/solutions are applied with the theme?

顾比奥博士:我举例回答这个问题:我和同事在德国完成了一个非常有意义的博物馆项目,该博物馆建在公园地下。为了营造一种自然、节能的照明环境,我们将灯光与通过建筑结构射进的太阳光相结合来获取人工照明。该项目对于您所提到的问题来说,是一个很好的诠释。针对城市的地下建筑项目,会产生很多问题,如根据一天日光的变化,室内光线相应改变,日夜交替对光线产生的影响等,借助 LED,我们可以对较暗的光线做相应的补偿,营造光影交换的情景。应用我们的产品,该博物馆最终实现了业主预期的照明效果,同时也满足了他们关于技术方面的较高要求,通过细节处理将这两方面相契合。对于应用 LED 的项目,可以补充日光的不足,同时采用柔光镜来实现恰当充满艺术与文化气息的照明氛围。照明不仅指光源或反射器,更是一种理念。这就是我们所追求的境界,相对产品来说,我们更倾向于提供照明解决方案。

Dr. Juergen A. Koprio: I use one very specific example to explain how collaboration between architects and lighting manufacturers can contribute to “The harmony between human and environment”: The Zumtobel team cooperated with schneider + schuhmacher Architekturgesellschaft mbH, a leading architect in Germany and a leading lighting designer LICHT KUNST AG, Germany  who designed the new Staedl museum in Frankfurt, Germany. Because of space restrictions and to preserve the beautiful garden environment in this busy city, the new extension was built underground under the garden. In order to get not only a very natural lighting atmosphere to show the art collections but also an energy efficient solution, a combination of a light-duct & light source, named CONELIGHT was conceived. The solution lets the sunlight come through during the day and acts as a luminaire at night. As you can imagine, the requirements for a modern lighting solution for an art and culture in an underground structure, situated in the middle of a city, poses a lot of special challenges that have to be carefully considered. For instance, the shadows from neighboring buildings change the light levels substantially over the course of the day – a situation not acceptable in this high end application. In our example the team could solve this problem with an innovative integration of LED’s and controls to automatically compensated for the changing light levels and also colour temperatures and maintain the serene lighting ambient that the museum creators were looking for.  At the same time a very special landscape  was created in the garden above, which was made visible in a very esthetic and attractive way at night. The result of this collaboration was recently awarded a design price for their work.


Reporter: How does the development of your company in China market since it has entered China several years ago? Will you make relevant adjustment in the marketing position and the strategy in the future and with any targets to be achieved?


Dr. Juergen A. Koprio:  Asia has been identified by the Zumtobel group as one of the major growth areas and a great deal of emphasis is placed on the developments in China. One and a half years ago, we have made some adjustments in our approach which allow us to better serve the market and which will support our continued developments in China and the entire Asian market.

The improvement of market share is always an obvious objective. I personally  think in today’s market a starting point to get there is first a clear positioning of the brand and a proper segmentation of the market. This must then be followed by a clear focus and targets on the selected segments where we know we have or can develop a strong position.  One of the adjustments therefore was a new segmentation and a clear focus on specific market segments we want to address.  Among them are of course the segments for Office and Retail but also for Art & Culture, Façade lighting etc. We are a global company with European origins and design DNA and we want to bring this know-how more effectively to the market in Asia and specifically China. This is our current direction which has proven to bring us forward – but, of course we are always attentive to new developments to which we can react to with our development and manufacturing capabilities. Since we can cover several segments, have established regional presence and our market share is has a lot of growth potential, I think we are less exposed to smaller economic corrections i.e we can always find some room to grow:  We are convinced that there is a huge potential for a successful future in Asia for the Zumtobel brand.


Reporter: How does supplier cooperate with the designer in order to achieve the ideal lighting ambience?


Dr. Juergen A. Koprio: Zumtobel has a great history of collaboration with successful and well known architects and designers. Our former CEO and son of the founding father of Zumtobel,  Mr. Juerg Zumtobel, started this tradition of collaboration many years ago. He initiated many projects with now famous names to create design oriented lighting solutions which can provide the right light ambient for specific applications or objects. So up to this day the origins of many of our current, successful pillar products and concepts can be traced back to such collaborations, often applied directly to specific building projects that were realized during the process.

Today, we continue to work together with various partners to provide the technical solutions for their concepts in order to emphasis a fantastic building, a specific character of a design or just to accentuate the value of the architecture by bringing their built space in the right light. We have used the seminars during Architect@work to present some of the new concepts and lighting solutions we recently contributed to: Examples of projects with Olafur Eliasson, schneider + schumacher , Monica Bonvicini have been shown or documented and we do actively build on in these and other collaborations with architects and designers to build our common future in Asia.

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