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"城市照明" tag

特鲁埃尔,西班牙,点亮群山的黑暗 Teruel, Spain, Brighten up the darkness of mountains

整体的照明方案使这座古城闪耀于群山的黑暗之中,而 LED 与太阳能技术的巧妙结合,则最大程度地节约了能源和资金
The lighting project is designed to light up the city in dark mountains. Integrated with solar energy, LED reduces costs and saves energy to the most extent

绚丽的城市之光 Dazzling lights of the city

The relationship between an individual and their environment, which used to be direct and spontaneous, has changed beyond recognition: from the creation of the first tribal villages to the founding of cities during the Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods; this relationship has been in a state of constant flux since the age of industrialism. All of this has an effect when it comes to making changes to lighting of a city and keeps up with the needs of an ever-changing society.

圣彼得堡,俄罗斯,流光溢彩的古建筑照明艺术 Saint Petersburg, Russia, Dynamic color and light for monumental architecture


Arts Square is an architectural complex based on the design by Carlo Rossi and founded at the beginning of the 19th century. It constitutes one of the oldest and most important urban areas of St. Petersburg

格勒诺布尔,法国, 有轨电车沿线的指示照明 Grenoble, France, Guiding lights along tramway

Grenoble’s third tramway is worthy of attention. Travelling along it at night offers both residents and visitors a unique nocturnal viewing platform, which brings the city’s scenery and architecture to life

蒙泰吉阿迪诺,圣马力诺共和国,古镇照明设计与节能 Montegiardino, Republic of San Marino, Lighting design and energy efficiency in a medieval village


The enhancement of the artistic and historical heritage of this San Marino village through lighting systems, along with a need to keep costs minimal and improve energy efficiency, were the main driving forces behind this pilot project implemented by San Marino’s independent state-controlled public service company (AASS)

贝鲁特,黎巴嫩,古建筑上的“戏剧性”的灯光 Beirut, Lebanon, Theatrical façade for historical buildings

Located in the historical center of Beirut lays a hidden treasure, around 30 buildings which with restored and enhanced beauty. The famous lighting design, Louis Claire has led his team to design the innovative façade lighting for them. We had the chance to interview him and hear his know-how on this type of project

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