| Luce Design

Marco Casamonti 马尔科•卡萨蒙蒂

姓名:Marco Casamonti  马尔科·卡萨蒙蒂

职位:chief architect       首席建筑师

公司名称:STUDIO ARCHEA  意大利阿克雅建筑师事务所

marco Casamonti







Founding partner of the Archea firm, Casamonti graduated with honours in 1990, winning a competition announced by the architecture faculty of Genoa the following year and receiving a study grant within the context of the PhD in architectural planning. He received his PhD from the architecture faculty of Genoa in 1994 with a dissertation titled “History and Design, a central issue in the architectural debate of the post-war years”.
He began cooperating with various architecture firms already before graduating, including that of Professor Paolo Portoghesi. In 1988, after working together on the competition for the “recovery of the Murate prisons”, he founded the Archea firm with Laura Andreini and Giovanni Polazzi, commencing an intense professional activity.



马可·卡萨蒙蒂作为阿克雅建筑师事务所创始合作伙伴于1990年以优异成绩毕业,并在次年赢得由热那亚建筑学院主持的竞赛,并获得了建筑规划中一项博士才能拥有的研究助学金。他于1994年获得热那亚建筑学院博士学位,博士论文为《历史与设计——战后建筑争论中的核心问题》。在毕业之前他就与各家建筑事务所开始了合作,包括Paolo Portoghesi教授的事务所。1988年,在合作完成“Murate监狱修缮”竞标之后,他与劳拉·安德列尼(Laura Andreini)和乔万尼·波雷泽(Giovanni Polazzi)合作创建了阿克雅建筑师事务所,开始了频繁的职业活动。



MERATE市政厅 / Merate,莱科,意大利 / 2001

Marco Casamonti 1

NEMBRO图书馆 / Nembro,贝加莫,意大利 / 20052007

Marco Casamonti 2

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