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第28届 GE 爱迪生年度奖揭晓 The 28th GE Edison Award announced


通用电气公司于5月17日在北美揭晓 GE 爱迪生奖2010年度得主,来自德国波恩 Licht Kunst Licht  公司的 Alexander Rotsch  和  Andreas Schulz 凭借位于德国埃森的 ThyssenKrupp Quarter 照明工程获此殊荣,捧走 Steuben 水晶奖杯。


“爱迪生奖”要求参赛者在其照明设计项目中富有创造性地使用 GE 光源(灯具和/或 LED),此奖每年评定一次,评委由五名著名专家组成,对本年度项目在功能性、建筑兼容性、先进照明产品及技术的有效利用率、色调适宜性、风格及材料质地新颖性、能源效率及成本效率等各方面的性能优势进行评定,选出年度获奖得主。

GE announced winners of the 2010 GE Edison Award on May 17 in North America, Alexander Rotsch and Andreas Schulz from Licht Kunst Licht, Bonn, Germany  got the Steuben Crystal trophy for their lighting design of the ThyssenKrupp Quarter in Essen, Germany. The project selects interior lighting with the interpretation of the unique style of the landmark building, took the place of the flood lighting of exterior walls.

The Edison Award requires participants to use GE light source (fixtures and/or LED) in a creative way. The awards is evaluated once a year by a committee composed  of five prestigious experts, they evaluate  the project from following aspects: function, architectural compatibility, effective utilization of  products and technologies of advanced lighting, color, style, new material and efficiency in energy and cost, based on above evaluation they choose the best one as the winner.

2011年 GE 爱迪生奖现已开始接受评选报名,可登陆www.geedisonaward.com, 报名将于2012年1月9日截止。

2011 Edison Award registration has begun, please check the website: www.geedisonaward.com, (the end of date is on 9, January, 2012)

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