| Luce Design

光者,人之大爱也 Lighting- human’s favorite


By: Ding Ping

自古以来中华民族对光,这个既普通又神奇的事物表现出极大的崇拜与仰慕。从最开始的“日出而作,日落而息”到后来众多文人骚客、才子佳人 “举杯邀明月,对影成三人”的情怀,光,这种看似简单、随处可见,却又让人难以捉摸的事物,总是悄无声息地走入我们的生活。





Since ancient times, China shows a great worship and admiration for lighting, a common and magical element. The tradition of the Chinese people follows the rules to “start work at sunrise, rest at sunset”. Poets and scholars admire light by saying “I drink with the moon, the moon, and my shadow to make us three.” It seems that light is visible but elusory, quietly enters into our life unconsciously.

In 2010, “Switch on Beijing” show was very successful, thanks to the support of those involved and had good comments from the local DongCheng government, media, participants and audience. The passion that the audience showed during the show made it a success. The use of light by the designers gave deep impression on audience of different ages and social backgrounds.

The enthusiasm of people for light and art stimulates designers to keep working hard. The 2011 “Switch on Beijing” is under preparation.

The venue of the show will still be held in Temple of Earth Park, combined with a special layout, the exhibits will scatter at the corners of the park to leave a long lasting impression to the audience.

More than thirty pieces of artwork are under way with the full support from the DongCheng District government, Temple of Earth Park and Beijing International Design Week. The designers participating in this event will ensure that theirs respective works appeal to the public’s taste for culture and art. This September the Beijing public will again enjoy charming and fantastic lighting event.

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