Lighting control can create various effects according to time, location and occasion, and when used together with natural light, it can achieve energy-saving and reduces emission to the environment
Picture 1: Grand and crisp, Beijing Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Headquarter building in the night
中国工商银行北京总部大楼,由美国 SOM 建筑设计师事务所设计,楼高13层,建筑面积近13万平方米,分矩型区和弧型区两大部分,中间以天桥形式联为一体。大楼为整体钢结构工程,技术要求高,工艺复杂。整体工程获国家颁发的鲁班奖。
业主对灯光设计的首要要求是节能,其次是提高室内环境的管理控制水平,营造良好灯光氛围和提升楼宇形象。为了实现该设计思想,项目采用了相应的良好的光源、灯具及灯光控制系统,并且充分地利用日照和隐藏灯具。光源以 LED、荧光灯、卤素灯、白炽灯为主。使用到灯光控制系统的主要区域为大堂、餐厅、走廊、领导办公室。
大堂是宾客进入大楼的必经之路,对于灯光营造的环境,单调的灯光效果远不能满足高档楼宇大堂的照明需要。为了使宾客无论在什么时候进入大堂,都能感觉到由灯光效果带来舒适环境,大堂的光环境应最大限度使宾客感到舒适、优雅、端庄。大堂的平均色温在4500K,平均照度为364勒克斯,予人庄重之感。大堂采用邦奇电子 Dynalite 控制系统,配有智能时钟管理器,可根据不同的时间段对灯光的不同需求来设备,分为早、中、傍晚、深夜、凌晨等;也可设置特殊场景用于特定的场合,如欢迎、节日、普通场景,相应的场景存储在控制器、智能控制面板上,通过编程,在指定时间内使周围灯光环境发生缓慢的变化。控制系统中配有邦奇电子的智能探测器 DUS804C,感应室外照度来调节大堂灯光的亮度,使大堂在恒定的光环境下;使之达到照度要求,同时起到节能的目的。
Picture 2: Open and bright lobby
餐厅的灯光主要光线集中在桌面,强调食品的色、香、味,餐厅灯光角度和亮暗的不同搭配形成立体的视觉效果,氛围活泼,折射至墙壁装饰品的灯光玲珑剔透,赋予装饰具有奇特的魅力。餐厅的平均照度为350勒克斯,平均显色指数接近100,色温在3500K,这样予人柔和之感。餐厅配有多种可调光源,采用邦奇电子 Dynalite 控制系统营造不同的灯光场景,如:
- 摆台场景,桌面灯光在50%,周围灯光30%;
- 用餐场景,桌面灯光在90%,周围灯光70%;
- 清洁场景,整体50%。
如大包房利用该控制系统特有 JION 功能随意分割或合并成大小不同的包房,给就餐者带来温馨的空间。
Picture 3 Canteen with soft controllable lighting with high color rendering
为高档办公楼的走廊需要根据不同区域、功能需求来设计灯光;设计理念是在节能的同时光环境大方而不失庄重,营造一种舒适、休闲的氛围。灯具方面,主要采用飞利浦的T5荧光灯、卤素灯、12w LED;因为这样设计可以达到照度要求、节能、维护成本低,从而减少碳排放量,达到绿色节能的需求
灯光控制系统远程对走廊灯具的开启、关闭进行控制,从而提高室内环境管理水平。主要设备有 DDRC1220FR-GL、DDRC820FR、DDRC420FR 开关控制器、DLE405调光控制器、DLPE9100控制面板、电梯厅两侧安装智能探测器DUS804C,作为动静探测使用。主要分为日常、节能、深夜等场景,通过后台软件DLS500根据时间自动更换相应场景:
1、 在日常场景下,所有灯带全开、卤素灯80%、LED半开,当有人从电梯厅进入走廊时,LED灯全开,延时5分钟LED半开;
2、 节能场景下,灯带全关、卤素灯20%,LED灯全开;探测器功能睡眠;
3、 深夜场景下,灯带、部分卤素灯全关、电梯卤素灯5%,LED半开,延时15分钟,只开应急LED灯。
图4:电梯厅主要采用 T5荧光灯形成光带,用卤素灯点缀电梯门头
Picture 4: Elevator hall utilized T5 fluorescent linear fixture and halogen fixtures to highlight the entrance of the elevators
Photo Courtesy: Dynalite
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Beijing Headquarter, designed by SOM Architect, is a 13-storey building with nearly 130 thousand square meters building area. The building has two sections, and are sub-rectangular and arc shaped respectively. The sky bridge in the middle links the two sections together as one. Its steel structure as a whole is of technically demanding and complex. And because of this, the project is awarded the “Luban” national architectural award.
Lighting Design
The primary goal for lighting design in owner’s brief is high energy efficiency, followed by that is a management control system to create a good atmosphere to enhance the building’s lighting quality. In order to achieve the desired lighting effects; high quality light sources, fixtures and lighting control system were used while full use of nature sunlight and hidden fixture contribute to the overall visual effect. Light sources are LED, fluorescent, halogen and incandescent, and lighting control system was used for the main lobby area, restaurant, corridors, and executive office.
In most cases the lobby setting gives visitors the first impression of the building, therefore it is important to create a comfortable lighting environment. To achieve this goal the average colour temperature and luminance are set to around 4500K and 364 lux respectively. The lobby lighting is controlled by Dynalite intelligent lighting control system, which is equipped with a smart clock management device. The scenes of the lobby can be set to early morning, afternoon, evening, mid-night…etc. according to different time periods and needs of lighting. Scenes can also be created for special occasions, such as festivals, special events…etc. . The corresponding scene settings can be stored in the controller via the intelligent control panel, and through programming the lighting scenes can be changed at pre-defined time. Lighting control system DUS804C and intelligent electronic sensors are used to detect the outdoor luminance level and adjust lighting levels according to the setting. In this way, lighting achieves illumination requirements and serves the purpose of energy conservation at the same time.
In the canteen, light is mostly concentrated on the table, enhancing food colour, aroma, taste, the contrast between bright and dark forms a sense of three-dimensional visual effects, the atmosphere is lively and energetic. Light is reflected at the exquisitely carved wall decorations, enhancing the charm of the space. Luminance level is at 350 lux on average, the average colour rendering is almost 100, color temperature is at 3500K and this gives people a sense of peace. Most light sources in the canteen are controllable and with Dynalite intelligent lighting control system, various lighting scenes can be easily created to cater for different needs, for example:
Table-setting scene, desktop lights at 50%, 30% of ambient light;
Dining scene, desktop lights at 90%, 70% of ambient light;
Cleaning scene, overall 50%.
In spaces like large private dining rooms, the special JION function of this control system makes it possible to split or merge the lighting scenes for different rooms.
For the high-end office building like ICBC Headquarter, the corridors need to be divided into different sections to fulfill various functional requirements while creating a comfortable and casual atmosphere. Fixture-wise, Philips T5 fluorescent, halogen and 12w LED are mostly used because they can help achieve the balance in illumination requirements of the design, energy saving, low maintenance costs, thus reducing carbon emissions.
Lighting control system controls the ON/OFF of the corridor lights remotely. Major equipments used are DDRC1220FR-GL, DDRC820FR and DDRC420FR switch controllers. DLE405 dimming controller DLPE9100 control panel and intelligent detectors DUS804C were installed on both sides of the elevator hall as a movement detector. Scenes are pre-set as normal day light, mid-night…etc and energy saving as well. The controlling software DLS500 automatically switches between the scenes according to the time:
- In everyday situations, all fixtures are on, halogen fixture 80%, LED half-on; When someone enters the corridor from the elevator hall, LED will be fully on, half on LED after 5 minutes delay;
- Energy-saving scene, the light strips will be totally off, halogen fixture 20%, LED fully on; detector in-sleep;
- Night scenes, the light strips and some of the halogen fixtures are totally off, the elevator halogen 5%, LED half-on, 15 minutes delay and only emergency LED on.
项目信息 Project Information
项目名称 Project Name:
北京工商银行总部 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Headquarter building
灯具供应商 Fixture Supplier:
飞利浦等 Philips Lighting etc
灯光控制系统集成供应商 Lighting Control System Supplier:
邦奇电子 Dynalite