|光重构城市肌理 | Luce Design



The project consists of two office buildings located next to one of the busiest stations in central Jakarta.The first building is a sixth-story building with a roof from a local traditional tribe in Indonesia which was completed in 2018 and the second is an eight-story building with a boat-shaped roof and was completed in 2023.

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照明设计来自Ferry Gunawan Designs,照明概念是对现有建筑内部的补充,以避免在立面上增加混乱的光线,以及避免在办公空间中增加眩光。照明设计的方法是在每层随机分布的窗户上添加一个离散的灯带,从而依据建筑本身的特征在立面上形成了照明的“爆发效果”。

The lighting concept from Ferry Gunawan Designs was an addition to the interior of the existing building to avoid adding light clutter in the facade and glare into the office spaces. The strategy was by adding a discrete lighting strip on each of the randomly-located windows on each floor, thereby providing a lighting outburst on the facade based on its architectural feature.



Result on the first building was then replicated on the second building. Additional lighting strategy was added to highlight all the architectural features without the additional burden of typical maintenance and costs.

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Both buildings contribute to the surrounding area by showcasing another layer of urban lighting texture at nighttime.



Other lighting strategies were included to balance both facades from the main canopy, atriums, and two distinct rooftop shapes. The lower building rooftop provided a hollow space where the light could fill but the second building rooftop was separated by a silhouette of a lighting strip from the penthouse offices below. The aim was to get the floating effect of the boat geometry in the sky.

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这种照明策略是对现有建筑进行最少的照明干预和最少的电力补充。现有建筑的每个窗户都安装了每米功率 4 瓦的高功率线性 LED 灯带,隐藏在铝条中,以与办公室内部相协调。

The approach to this lighting strategy was a minimal intervention and minimal power addition to the existing building. Each window in the existing building was fitted with a high-powered linear LED strip with 4 watts of power per meter, which is hidden in an aluminum strip to match the interior of the offices.

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The rooftop of the lower building is distinguished by highlighting the unique shape inspired by an Indonesian tribe. However, the rooftop of the higher building is accentuated by a different lighting strip strategy to emphasize a floating rooftop volume.



The design intends is to highlight the inherent architectural features while avoiding light pollution in the bustling city.


Bursting from Within

Prize(s)Winners in Exterior Architectural Illumination

Principal Architect: Atelier Cosmas Gozali

Lighting Design:FerryGunawanDesigns

Lead Designers:Ferry Gunawan

Client:PT. Santos Jaya Abadi

Lighting Supplier: PT. Galaxindo

Photo Credits:Ferry Gunawan, Yesser Priono, Suharyadi

Completion Date:April 2023

Project Location:Jakarta, Indonesia



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