|飘落于繁华之处的一朵巨大的“云” | Luce Design

100 Liverpool Street |飘落于繁华之处的一朵巨大的“云”

利物浦街 100 号毗邻利物浦街站和未来的Crossrail火车站,经过翻新和扩建,这里成为一个面积为 520,000 平方英尺的、可持续的办公空间和零售商业空间。

Lying adjacent to Liverpool Street Station and the future Crossrail Station, 100 Liverpool Street comprises 520,000 square feet of sustainably constructed lettable office space following extensive rebuilding and extension.


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Speirs Major 与 建筑事务所HopkinsArchitects 和室内设计 Universal Design Studio 密切合作,负责大楼外部的夜间标识、底层零售拱廊、办公室入口大堂、屋顶花园以及二楼大厅和中庭的照明设计。

Working closely with Hopkins Architects and interior designers Universal Design Studio, Speirs Major developed the lighting design for the external after-dark identity, ground floor retail arcade, office entrance lobbies, roof gardens and the second-floor lobby and atrium.


The result is a naturally vibrant design that encourages easy movement, creating positive and comfortable environments to shop, work,network and socialise.



The office space is accessed by two entrance Lobbies – to the South (from Liverpool St) and North(from the Circle and Octagon Mall).

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大堂,投在垂直表面的一束洗墙光凸显建筑的标识属性,增强辨识度及指路功能。与 UDS 合作选择的独特吊灯提供了人性化的光以及必不可少的工作照明,同时突出艺术品、家具和植物的光营造出温馨的氛围。

In the lobbies, a wash of light onto the key vertical surfaces supports a strong external identity while promoting legibility and wayfinding. Distinctive pendants chosen in collaboration with UDS provide a sense of human scale as well as essential task lighting.Highlights toartwork, furniture and planting contribute a warm ambience.



The Second Floor Lobby and Atrium accommodates the mainreception, café, and informal meeting/flexible work areas. Designed as welcoming and free-flowing space, highlights to key vertical surfaces again support clear legibility and way finding.



Additional feature and task lighting supports the right ambience and functionality specific areas, such as the reception desk, seating areas and work stations. The café breakout is marked out by a glowing installation of hanging perforated panels, lit in tuneable white to allow the ambience to be adjusted to suit. In conjunction with localized banquette fixtures there is a sense of natural, comfortable light at an intimate scale.

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宽敞的中庭对照明提出了独特的挑战。设计师在对自然光研究后,发现自然光严重不足,在一年的大部分时间里,即使在白天也需要人造光。根据建筑的格栅结构以考虑到后期的清洁问题,Speirs Major 提出在格栅空隙悬挂一个巨大的吊灯解决光线不足的问题。

The vast atrium space presented a unique challenge.Having conducted natural light studies it was determined that for most of year artificial light would be required even during the day, and that light from the perimeter would not be sufficient. Informed by the grid of the building and working with the restrictions presented by access for cleaning equipment,Speirs Major proposed a large-scale lighting element to hang in the void.


“The Cloud’ as it has become affectionately known, is one of the largest chandeliers ever constructed in the UK. By acting as a point ofreference for all the multiple viewpoints from the offices and terraces intothe void, the Cloud helps to humanise the space, while emphasizing its impressive volume.


Speirs Major 的高级合伙人 Mark Major 解释说:


Mark Major, Senior Partner at Speirs Major explains:“We started by sketching some ideas, and as a design team settled on having just one large object, rather than a series of objects – aclean, simple, and practical solution that could be executed at the right scale. The geometry of the piece is entirely derived from the architecture,considering elements such as the cladding grid as well as practical issues such as the impact of the hanging points on the cleaning cradles.

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叶片设计借鉴了建筑师Hopkins和室内设计师UDS 在建筑覆层和室内设计中使用的材料语言。它们的双重性质(一侧哑光,一侧反光)被开发出来,因此随着人们的行走,效果会略有不同——这是对云的自然变化的一种致敬。叶片上的穿孔散射光时的图案,形成了“云状”的纹理。

The blade design draws on the language of materials that Hopkins and UDS used in the architectural cladding and interiors. Their dualnature (one side matt, one side reflective) was developed so that the effectreads slightly differently depending on which way round you walk – a nod to thenatural variation of a cloud. And the perforations in the blades create aninterference pattern that scatters light, creating further ‘cloud-like’texture.


Bringing this hugely ambitious idea to reality required ahuge amount of work and collaboration within the design and manufacturing teambut it has become avery important part of the signature of the building.


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The ground floor ‘Octagon Mall’ retail arcade also servesas a key east-west circulatory route, linking the station, Liverpool Street,Bishopsgate and Broadgate Circle. A carefully crafted balance of brightnessensures that any contrast when moving inside/outside is softened, and theretail frontages

are given due prominence.



From the exterior, the double height colonnade is accented after dark to create a warm and inviting street presence.


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Located in the setbacks of the top five floors, theoffices open out onto a series of outdoor planted terraces and amenity spaces.These are accentuated after dark with low-level lighting within the planting and soffit lighting that softens the indoor/outdoor transition and supports safe and easy circulation.

利物浦街 100 号已获得了英国建筑研究院环境评估方法(BREEAM)的杰出认证,并有望获得 WELL 金牌认证。

100 Liverpool Street has achieved a BREEAM Outstanding rating and is on target to achieve WELL Gold certification.


Project Credits

Client: British Land

Lighting Design: Speirs Major – ClementineFletcher-Smith, Martin Firera Alessandri, Mark Major, Ewan Parsons, Sam Tuck

Architect: Hopkins Architects

Interiors: Universal Design Studio

Landscape: Gillespies

Project Manager: M3

Main Contractor: Sir Robert McAlpine

Manufacturingpartner for ‘The Cloud’: Stoane Lighting

Photographer:James Newton

Copyright of images : Speirs Major, James Newton


Luce e designLuce e design源于意大利,进入中国16年。旨在打造东方融合西方的平台,将意式设计的经典与传承以及东方设计的含蓄与内敛相结合,








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