EXPO2020 Dubai, the first world EXPO in an Arab country, from October 1st, 2021 toMarch 31st, 2022, with the slogan “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” tries to answer questions of future visions, concepts and technologies for living together in an increasingly interlinked world.
In line with thisoverarching theme, the Austrian pavilion offers adequate space to enter into a multicultural dialogue on questions of a sustainable future. “Austria makes sense” is the ambiguous slogan according to which Austria presents itself in a sensual way.
Building with all senses
该馆由奥地利querkraft 建筑设计事务所设计,灵感来自历史风塔和传统阿拉伯“沙壤土”(由沙子、泥和黏土组成)建筑特性。38个不同高度的锥形物交叉形成了造型鲜明的场馆形态,带有浓厚的阿拉伯特色,重新演绎了阿拉伯传统建筑的特性。
querkraft architects were inspired by historical wind towers and climate-regulating properties oftraditional Arab clay architecture. Re-interpreting the host country’s building traditions, 38 intersecting cones of different heights form the unmistakable shape of the Austrian EXPO pavilion.
Arranged aroundthree green courtyards, exciting and unique room sequences with differentatmospheres are created inside and outside. With it’s haptic surfaces made ofclay plaster pleasant to the touch, the canopy of leaves rustling in the windover the open cones and the omnipresent interplay of light and shadow, the building itself appeals to all senses.
由BüroWien、ArsElectronica Solutions 和设计机构 Bleed 设计的陈列设计强调并延续了这种独特的氛围。通过多媒体和互动艺术装置,以便海外观众能更以直观易懂的方式了解奥地利的文化和技术创新。
The exhibition design staged by Büro Wien, Ars Electronica Solutions and design agency Bleedunderlines and complements this unique atmosphere. With an interculturally understandable imagery and media art installations, the international audienceis brought closer to culture and technical innovations from Austria in an intuitively understandable way.
Emotional and ecological sustainability
In the midst of thehustle and bustle of the EXPO business, visitors to the Austrian Pavilion willfind a place to slow down and relax with pleasant climate, daylight and references to nature.
Thanks to its iconicshape and positive charisma, the temporary building will not only live on inthe appreciative memories of its international guests beyond EXPO 2020.Conceived with economical use of resources in mind from the beginning on, the pavilion will also persist in the physical sense – made possible by theconstruction of just eight different types of precast elements. After 182 days of EXPO 2020, the cones will be dismantled into their individual parts and reassembled in a new location in the Arab world.
该馆将当地传统建筑特点与来自奥地利的智能气候工程的相结合,即使在炎热的沙漠气候中也可以在很大程度上放弃传统的空调技术。与同类建筑相比,能源需求减少了 70% 以上。因此,奥地利展馆在能源和气候敏感建筑的问题研究方面做出了跨文化的贡献。
The interplay oflocal building tradition and intelligent climate engineering from Austria makes it possible to largely dispense with conventional air conditioning technology,even in this hot desert climate. The energy requirement has been reduced bymore than 70 percent compared to buildings of similar type and use. Thequerkraft pavilion thus makes an intercultural contribution to the energy debate and questions of climate-sensitive building.
Size(GFA):1600 m²
Client:AustrianFederal Economic Chamber / Federal
Ministry forDigital and Economic Affairs
Architect /General planning: querkraft architekten
Project management:Werner Consult
Structuralengineering:Werkraum Wien / WME Engineering Consultants
Climateengineering:Ingenieurbüro P. Jung
MEP engineering:Obkircher Plus / WME EngineeringConsultants
Landscape design: KieranFraser Landscape Design / Green4Cities
Fire protection: PokornyLichtarchitektur
Light design: PokornyLichtarchitektur
Accousticengineering: David Haigner
IT-/ securityengineering / Architects of records: WME Engineering Consultants
Exhibition design:Büro Wien / Ars Electronica Solutions
Graphic design: BleedVienna
Cost calculation: Viennaconsulting Engineers
Modell building: ModellwerkstattGerhard Stocker /
Design & Function
Visualization: PatriciaBagienski
Photos: querkraft/ Kieran Fraser Landscape Design / Ars Electronica Solutions
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