| Luce Design



路易•克莱尔   《灯光与设计》 照明顾问

Louis Clair    Lighting Consultant for Luce e Design





A lighting designer’s task is to design “good lighting. “Good lighting” not only refers to being “amazing,” but “right” too. Right means the right light at the right place with the right energy and for the right costs.

Our responsibilities don’t stop at the “night image” of evening openings, but cover economic usage and easy maintenance. Naturally, our professional duty is to avoid “glare and wasting energy.” The meaning of these constraints were not clear to our customers and sometimes they choose cheaper designers and projects, without taking into account the whole scope of work needed through full control of usages and environmental constraints. In fact, the new green application of lighting design helps us to better understand our work and responsibilities for better quality lighting. It has been a very good thing for our profession.

In China there are inflationary uses of light, due to a greater ”appetite” compared to other countries, and until the last 2 years every body wanted to be ”more visible” than his neighbor. This natural demand had just one answer, put more and more light to get brighter illuminations and luminous signs in the middle of shining towns, chasing out the darkness of the night, covering the environment with a huge orange bubble without a visible star. Thanks to energy saving and environmental preservation policies, people all over the world are starting to learn what “good lighting” is and are accepting to “read and judge” heavy illuminations and environmental damages.

How do designers play their roles to avoid the over inflationary uses of lighting? In China, there are now “green and low carbon” towns asking designers for lighting charts and guidance to maintain the facades of lighting designs to reasonable limits. The second step will be to dim the existing illuminations, in China especially. Because of public judgments, towns will have to control illuminations, first with just rules about “good lighting” as well as saving energy and the environment. Employ free independent professional lighting designers, letting them achieve their full scope of work until acceptance of the installation, making them responsible for their designs in order to achieve the right combination between esthetics and energy saving.

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