| Luce Design

伦敦,英国,跟随着音乐和灯光 – 高科技、互动式的音乐体验展 London, UK, Follow the music and light – High-tech and interactive musical experience


Dynamic musical experience needs the support from various lighting techniques to satisfy the functional and ambience requirements


Picture 1: The main exhibition combines chronological zones with thematic installations 

大卫·阿特金森灯光设计(David Atkinson Lighting Design – DALD)2007年被 AEG 欧洲委任为英国音乐历程展(The British Music Experience)设计 O2体育场的照明。

DALD与 Land 设计工作室密切合作,共同为这种高科技、互动式的音乐展创造动态照明设计,覆盖 O2体育场的顶层7000m2的空间。




2, 3舞到十年是一个黑色方块区域,公众可在此互动和学舞。该区域由 Anytronics DMX  


Picture 2, 3: ‘Dance to The Decade’ is a black box area where members of the public can interact and learn to dance. The area is lit for camera by Anytronics DMX controlled light boxes 


预展空间播放一个关于 BME的5分钟影音,介绍及如何使用独特的 Smarticket 系统来参观各个展示空间。访客可激活展览的互动元素,并可对 BME 的独特的音乐特点进行更深一层的探索。

 这个空间的照明由 RCL DR2和 Martin Smartmac’s 组成,为观众的出入的提供照明。这些装置由高位箱桁架悬吊起来。

走过预展空间,观众通过被称为“声音走廊”的空间进入主要 Core 展示空间,Jam 工作室和吉布森互动工作室。这个地区的灯光由安装 Flos 纯点的照明轨道组成,并带有洗墙的光学透镜,点亮了醒目的文字图形。

Jam 工作室的空间被设计成一个教室和让音乐家排练的地方。空间的功能照明来自悬挂在顶上的 RZB 聚碳酸酯球体,并装置了可调光的节能灯。照亮墙上图形的重点照明来自安装了小型轨道式 Flos 纯点灯具。


Picture 4: One display area, Rock Galaxy



戏剧性的 Core 空间由一个大型中央鼓投影屏幕和被称为“扬声景观”的悬吊了扬声器的迷宫组成。安装在空间周边的窄光束金属卤化迈耶灯用深蓝色的光向上照亮了“扬声景观”,创建一个身临其境的浮动效果。覆盖地面的饱和蓝光来自悬吊在空间上方的 Teclumen 灯具。为了帮助中心屏幕的投影成像,4倍初级变焦 HID 灯具投射预定好的网格投射到投影区的边缘。

围绕空间的周边,连接各时区入口的图形文字被20W 的低电压嵌入式椭圆形散布镜头精心点亮。

在核心区域有几个互动区域,包括“重放与播送”陈列橱,播放从原来的索尼随身听卡带机到早期电视机的任何音频。这个局域的照明是由DMX驱动的 LED 和光纤组成。

“舞到十年”是一个黑色方块区域,公众可在此互动和学舞。该区域由 Anytronics DMX 控制的灯箱照亮以便照相。



Picture 5: ‘Playback & Transmission’ showcases anything from an original Sony Walkman Cassette player to early television sets.




“未来”实际上是 BME 历程展的最后阶段的一个区域,展出了大批预测的未来音乐。这一区域的照明用低调的轨道装置灯,以冷色调灯光洗亮地板。


6, 7展栏以虚拟音乐会圆满结束——一将一些大型英国活动的表演片断拼接在一起,营造听觉体验

Picture 6, 7: The experience is rounded off with a virtual concert – a splicing together of snippets of some of the biggest acts to come out of the UK in action which gives an aural experience.


DALD曾与媒体制造商 ISO 及 Land 设计密切合作,来为展览出口的视频增加一个近乎三维的拟真效果。经过深入规划,现场内外“所见即所得”的动态照明外观来自 Martin SmartMac’s, Pulsar Demon Strobes    Chroma-Q Color(用于观众的动态彩色照明)。这些都被用来穿透空间内的烟雾效果。观众和空间的一般逃生照明来自远程控制灯具 DMX DR2 AR111。



David Atkinson Lighting Design (DALD) was appointed by AEG Europe in 2007 to design the lighting for BME (The British Music Experience) at the O2 Arena.

DALD worked closely with Land Design Studio to create a dynamic lighting design for this high-tech, interactive music exhibition, which covers over 7,000sqm on the top floor of the 02 bubble.

The main exhibition combines chronological zones with thematic installations. The nature of popular music has encouraged the unprecedented use of digital media, with a mixture of interactive and linear applications, integrated with a coveted collection of music memorabilia.


Lighting Concept 

The Pre Show space gives a brief 5 minute introduction AV about the BME and how to view the various areas with the unique Smarticket system. This allows the visitor to activate the interactive elements of the exhibition and also to register further interest in specific BME features.

The lighting in this space consists of RCL DR2 & Martin Smartmac’s, used to illuminate the audience for walk in and walkout. These units are suspended from a high level box truss.

From the Pre Show area the audience is taken through a space referred to as the ‘Sound Corridor’ to the main Core space, Jam Studio and Gibson interactive studio. The lighting to this area consists of lighting track with Flos Pure spots fitted with wall wash optics to light the bold text graphics.

The Jam studio has been designed as a classroom space and area for musicians to rehearse. General lighting to the space comes from RZB polycarbonate spheres which are suspended above the space and fitted with dimmable compact fluorescent lamps. Accent lighting to wall graphics is from track mounted small Flos Pure Spots.

Within the Gibson Interactive studio members of the public can play various instruments including guitars and drums and even mix a music track. Mounted above the space a series of cymbals are up lit by wall mounted metal halide fixtures fitted with red glass filters. The various instrument and large black & white images are lit with Metal Halide spots fitted with daylight colour correction filters to help add good contrast to the red up lighting of the cymbals.

The dramatic Core space consists of a large central drum projection screen and maze of suspended speakers which is referred to as the ‘Speaker Scape’. Mounted around the perimeter of the space narrow beam metal halide Meyer units up light the ‘Speaker Scape’ in deep blue, which creates an immersive floating quality. Pools of saturated blue light over the floor area come from high level Teclumen fixtures suspended above the space. To help support the projection on the central drum screen ETC source 4 Junior Zoom HID fixtures project custom line up grids to the side of the projection area.

Around the perimeter of the space, graphic text links to the entrances of the various time zones are carefully lit by 20 watt Low voltage recessed fittings with elliptical spreader lenses.

Within the core area there are several interactives, which include a ‘Playback & Transmission’ showcase which displays anything from an original Sony Walkman Cassette player to early television sets. The lighting to this showcase is by a combination of DMX activated LED heads and Fibre Optics.

‘Dance to The Decade’ is a black box area where members of the public can

Interact and learn to dance. The area is lit for camera by Anytronics DMX controlled light boxes.

The Edge Zones start in 1945 and work round to 2009. In each Edge Zone, there are timelines documenting specific time periods, interactive showcases and ‘Table Talks’, which allow the public to listen in on conversations between the biggest stars.

With strong dynamic graphics the lighting to the zones is there as subtle enhancement from discreetly positioned low voltage track spots fitted with sculpture lenses and colour correction filters. The showcases are illuminated by Fibre Optic heads with Metal Halide light sources fitted with mechanical dimmer shutters to achieve the 50lux conservation requirement.

 ‘Futures’ is effectively a holding area for the final stage of the BME experience where large scale projected media of the future of music is shown. Lighting to this area is low key with track mounted fixtures washing the floor space in a cool hue of colour.

The experience is rounded off with a virtual concert – a splicing together of snippets of some of the biggest acts to come out of the UK in action which gives an aural experience.

DALD worked closely with the Media producers ISO & Land Design to add an almost three dimensional immersive quality to the Exit Show video. After extensive programming, off and on site with the aid of ‘WYSIWYG’, dynamic lighting looks from Martin SmartMac’s, Pulsar Demon Strobes and Chroma-Q Color punches (for dynamic washes of colour over the audience). These are used through haze effects within the space. Audience blinders and general exit lighting to the space is from Remote Controlled Lighting DMX DR2 AR111 fixtures.

The Exit Show and Pre Show area have also been designed for special events with the dividing wall between opening the space up into a large multi functional venue. All the lighting within the space has been designed not only for the pre & exit show but as multifunctional for live events.

On exiting the show the audience is taken through the retail space, which is mainly lit from twelve 1700mm diameter suspended spheres from RZB lighting, with accent lighting to merchandise from metal halide track mounted fixtures.

项目信息 Project Information

客户 Client:

英国音乐体验展(BME)The British Music Experience (BME)

地点 Location:

伦敦 O2体育场  The O2 Center London

设计师 Designers:

Land 设计工作室(英国) Land Design Studio(UK)

照明顾问 Lighting Consultant:

大卫·阿特金森灯光设计(DALD)David Atkinson Lighting Design (DALD)

灯具提供商 Lighting Suppliers:

Lightworks, Commercial Lighting Systems,  AC Lighting  Special Projects, RZB (UK) lighting

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