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现代化多功能酒店智能照明 Modern multifunctional hotel intelligent lighting system


The intelligent lighting control system in Sheraton Hotel creates an elegant and comfortable atmosphere couple with top class service environment attracts customers from all walks of life, also greatly improve energy efficiency




大堂是客人进入酒店的必经之路,是光临酒店的第一感觉,在灯具的选用和灯光布置方面必须考虑照明环境氛围与建筑装璜的协调性。为了给客人提供一个舒适、优雅、端庄的光照环境,施耐德电气C-Bus 智能照明控制系统可根据大堂运营状况预设时间,通过对比酒店室内外环境亮度自动调整灯光效果。大堂接待区安装的触摸屏,根据接待区域各种照明需求特点和不同的时间段,可预设约16种灯光场景,也可通过手动编程选择或修改灯光场景。此外,系统充分利用由玻璃幕墙浸入的自然光,实现日照自动补偿。大堂设计亮度传感器,通过感应室内光线达到自动调光的目的。对自然光的充分利用使得C-Bus系统实现在保持设计照度的同时节电50%以上。调光器的使用,可有效延长灯具寿命2-4倍,对于保护昂贵的水晶吊灯和不宜维护区域的灯具有积极意义。








采用 C-Bus 智能照明控制系统后,可使照明系统工作在全自动状态,系统将按预先设置切换若干基本工作状态。根据不同用途用户可以精心地进行灯光的场景预设置,使用时只需调用预设好的最佳灯光场景。还可根据不同区域功能要求,利用灯光的颜色、投射方式和不同明暗亮度创造出立体的、层次的、绚丽的灯光环境,营造愉快惬意的氛围。

系统能够依据国际标准的最佳光照度自动协调室内外光照度。根据预置,部分公共区域若无需即时则减弱或关闭照明系统,既保证有效照明又科学的降低了能耗,节约了能源。系统还具备抑制电网冲击电压和浪涌功能,通过采用软启动和软关断技术,避免灯丝的热冲击,延长灯具寿命。此外,C-Bus 智能照明控制系统将传统照明机械的开与关转换成了智能化管理,通过有效监控和合理化使用,大大减少酒店的运行维护费用。

The design objectives

The owners and designers hope that hotel lighting system is not only for functional use, but also facilitates management and saves energy. In order to meet customers’ requirements, the control system should be simple to operate and easy to control, and maintain, and scalable to achieve energy saving and cost reduction.


The lobby should firstly provide a comfortable, graceful and elegant lighting environment for customers by lamp selection and lighting layout. Lighting of the entire lobby is managed by Schneider Electric C-Bus intelligent lighting control system that automatically adjusts lighting effect according to the presetting time, and brightness  contrasted between internal and external environments to perform real intelligent management. Lobby’s reception area is installed with central touch screen; sixteen types of lighting scenes may be preset according to functional characteristics of reception area and different times. Meanwhile, lighting scenes can be conveniently selected or modified via manual programming. The system equipped with light auto compensation function that can sense the natural light permeated from shutter and adjust the lighting level accordingly, which can save more than 50% of power. In addition, dimmer is used to prolong lamp’s service life by 2-4 times, which is meaningful to protect expensive chandelier and fixtures in hardly maintaining area.

Dining room, café, bar

Many types of dimmable light sources are used in dining room, café and bar. Soft and elegant lighting environment is always maintained by intelligent light control system. Four or eight kinds of lighting scenes may be preset. The Staff can manually program the controller for selecting or modifying lighting scene. Each area is designed with one touch screen for managing lightings. The method is the same with that in the lobby.

Banquet hall

Lighting scenes are preset according to time and specific purpose during the day, you can press just one key for start the optimal lighting scenes. The touch screen in the banquet hall is designed for managing lighting. Programmable control panel may also be available in functional areas of the banquet hall.

Corridor and other public areas

Turn all necessary lights on for those public areas where there is frequent customer movement, while switch off for those areas not frequently occupied. System management is under centralized control in relevant operation rooms, controlled by professional person according to specific circumstances. The operation can be realized by field control, central monitoring control or time control.


C-Bus intelligent control system makes lighting system work in a fully automatic state. It can be easily switched among several specific scenes according to preset modes. Based on different functional requirement, colorful light, installation location and different light intensities, the system could select a three-dimensional, multi-level, and brilliant light environment, which create a pleasant ambiance for visitors.

Corresponding to international standard of light intensity, optimal lighting brightness is modulated automatically by C-Bus lighting control system to reduce the power consumption and save the energy. It successfully restrains impulse and surge voltage from power grid to protect fixtures, avoids thermal shock on lamp filament through introducing the technique of soft start and stop, prolonging service life of fixtures. In addition, C-Bus intelligent lighting control system shift traditional manual switch to the intelligent management. It substantially reduces hotel operation and maintenance costs by advanced management.

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