| Luce Design

蒙特卡罗,环境明亮的健身中心 Montecarlo, fitness centre


The lighting design project for the new fitness centre in Meda with a gym and an indoor swimming pool


by Giorgio Pasotti



整个健身中心共四层,地下一层用于安置锅炉和做储藏室使用。地上层(总面积为1013.87㎡)包括美体教室、有氧运动教室、带卫生间的体操房、行政部门办公室和保健室等。第二层(总的使用面积可达661.89㎡)包括:入口、一对一训练教室、跑步机训练室,这三部分构成了相连的跃层结构,木楼梯周边的空间摆了很多供自由体操和形体训练使用的器械。第三层(使用面积达1013.87㎡)包括:为各种设备提供维护服务的技术区 ,一家寿司店和一个供会员休息放松的休闲区。


Picture 1: Meda, Montecarlo Fitness. A close-up of one of the large pendant light fixtures used to light the space 




Picture 2: Another view of the spacious interior where even the natural light plays a prominent role



Picture 3: The division of the first floor in two levels through the construction of a mezzanine around the perimeter of the studio 




为了将开阔的空间照亮,这里选择了大型吊灯(直径180cm,为TreCiLuce一款名为“Opera 180”的灯具),点亮后可以获得一种一览无余的效果。


Picture 4: Mede, Montecarlo Fitness. The swimming pool on the second floor



Picture 5: The mezzanine level of the first floor with the lighting fixtures used to supplement the general lighting

 The new building is located in Trieste Street in Meda, in the heart of Monza and Brianza, in an area that is under a newly approved development plan now nearing completion. The original concept behind the construction of the new fitness centre was based on the combination of the flexibility afforded by a pre-fabricated structure – made up of pillars and beams in reinforced concrete – with the use of sought-after materials and designs, while large, vertical windows were planned in order to ensure a good balance of light and ventilation. These elements all helped to create an aesthetically pleasing ensemble.

The structure of the internal space was planned over four levels, a basement level, which is used to house the boiler and for storage, and three levels above ground. The ground floor (gross floor area equal to 1013.87 m2), contains the administrative and nursing areas, as well as the space to be used for the gym, which is divided into the fitness suite, the aerobics studio and the bathrooms.

The first floor (gross circulation area 661.89 m2) is instead divided into an entrance hallway, a Personal Trainer room, a treadmill studio and a cycling studio. Above the three studios is a wooden mezzanine level, which is used for freestyle gymnastics and for the weight training and body building equipment.

The second floor (gross circulation area equal to 1013.87 m2) consists of a technical support area and a Sushi Restaurant.

图6:图为 Opera 180型吊灯,灯罩为多碳聚酯材料,按透光性分为高透和低透两种。可以选择散射光源/直射光源,依次使用的灯泡类型为:石英碘灯泡,规格 HIT 3 x 70-150-250 W,接口 G12;荧光灯泡,规格 TC-L 9 x 80 W,接口2G11 

Picture 6: The pendant light fixture Opera 180 with polycarbonate diffuser. The appliance emits direct and indirect light using 3 x HIT 70-150-250 W halide lamps with a G12 lamp socket, and 9 x 80 W TC-L fluorescent lamps with a 2G11 lamp socket 

The design layout and the materials used

The structure of the building consists of pre-fabricated white marble chip panels. The façade was enriched with an Alucobond chrome coating that was used to cover the semicircular central part of the façade. The building features large windows all round the perimeter that guarantee a great degree of natural light. The optimal division of the interior space is obtained thanks to the use of dividing walls made of marine plywood on an aluminium frame, used also for the bathrooms and changing rooms. Externally the building respects the aesthetics and architecture of the interior: a wooden pier provides access to the building through an artificial lake surrounded by iron railings; the building is surrounded by a wooden walkway, around which there is a Tartan running track that separates the building from the Fitness Centre’s exclusive customer car park.

图7:Square 66-C-W 型壁灯或吸顶灯,为获得直射光,可安装 TC-L 荧光灯泡,图中的配置是4x40W,接口2G11

Picture 7: The Square  66 C-W wall light for the emission of direct diffuse light uses  4 x 40 W fluorescent TC-L bulbs with a 2G11 lamp socket

照片提供 All photo courtesy: TreCiluce

The lighting design project

The lighting design project – developed in collaboration with lighting specialist E’ Luce from Valmadrera (LC) – began with the need to suitably enhance the space of this exclusive gym, aiming not only to illuminate but also to create a sense of well-being and comfort for the club members. Particular attention was given to the main studio on two levels: the decision was made to distribute light evenly in order to create lighting conditions clear enough for gymnastic activities to take place, but also able to accentuate the dimensions and contours of the users’ bodies during their training. From an architectural point of view the main studio is a large-scale three dimensional space, all of which needs to be lighted. The considerably large (180 cm in diameter) pendant light fixture that was used (Opera 180 from TreCiLuce) was developed to address the lighting requirements of this type of space both in terms of performance and the need to avoid congesting the space. The entire fitness and weight training area was therefore lighted using only four pendant light fixtures. Direct light makes possible the usual fitness activities while indirect light emissions accentuate the surfaces, highlighting the ceilings and rendering visible the structure and finishing touches of the building. The overall luminous effect is enhanced by the presence of wall lights (Square series, also from TreCiLuce) located on both levels of the fitness studio. The light gives a pleasant sense of security. The same type of appliance was also used for the swimming pool and solarium, giving a subtle emphasis to the areas used for relaxation and recreation.

项目信息 Project Information 

项目名称 Project Name:                                                     蒙特卡罗健身中心 Monte Carlo Fitness

面积 Area:                                                                             2500 m2

工程设计和施工指挥 Project Management:              工程师 – 达涅拉·阿斯那奇 ing. Daniele Asnaghi

照明设计 Lighting Design:                                               Tre Ci Luce, light consultant Davide Maggioni,

E’ Luce illuminazione, Atelier, Asnaghi

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