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Saleis mostly perceived as indirectly correlated to lighting. Nevertheless, without lighting and proper lighting, none of the products that one commonly sees nowadays could be purchased. Let’s see with a simple example how proper display lighting affects one’s buying behavior.

Color is a reflection of the wavelengths of light that are not absorbed by materials, and is therefore a relative phenomenon determined by the spectrum emitted by a light source. Many lamp sources, though, distort true colors.

Before 08:00, I have the opportunity to experience how frenzily elderly people behave in their favorite supermarket. These early shoppers rush for their favorite food. They tend to impulsively buy fresh products by combining some of their 5 senses: vision of the colors, touch and smell. But for fresh meat, one can only see without directly touching or smelling.

In the aisles of that supermarket, the majority of the lighting comes from fluorescent light sources that emit mainly green or yellow wavelengths and less red or blue.

Imagine if this shopping environment were slightly altered: a piece of red beef meat which appeared less red under fluorescent or metal halide lamp would look very red under incandescent lighting.

If that piece of beef meat doesn’t look tasty or appealing due to its display lighting, consumers would tend to skip the purchase, and that piece would degrade and be spoilt by the end of the day.

How did you see your beef properly displayed under lighting before buying it last time?

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