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2013 “创意点亮北京”国际灯光节

创意开启未来、灯光点亮生活!  2013年8月16日-8月18日, 2013“创意点亮北京”国际灯光节在北京地坛公园举行。本期灯光节以“第一天”为主题,继续搜集了国内外知名设计师的创意之作,凭借特殊的材料以及独特的设计理念为大家呈现了一种新型的设计手法,不仅表达出设计师别具匠心的设计技巧、对生活的向往,其经典之作更是震撼了前来参观的观众!“以第一天命题,让我们从这里出发,寻找每一个崭新的自己”该活动策展人丁平女士指出。



作品名称 Work Name”  RING-Z

设计师 DesignerPhilippe Morvan (法国France)

设计理念:“圆”在任何民族,文化,宗教,思维中都有其特殊的存在作用和意义,是象征无穷,统一,圆满,完美等意识的一种几何图形。在中国是万物本初状态的样貌,和到达极致的追求及近乎平衡的思考方式。RING-Z 为所有这些概念着色,用千万种颜色的变化组合可能,让“圆”的世界更美。

“Circle” has its special role and significance for any nation, culture, religion and thought. It is a geometric figure symbolizing infinity, unity, satisfactory and perfection. InChina, circle is a balanced way of thinking that all things on earth come to perfection from their original state. RING-Z colorizes all these concepts and utilizes all possible ways of color matching to make the “circle” world more beautiful.

作品名称 Work Name神奇魔方里的未来世界A future world in the mysterious magic cube

设计师 Designer:崔晓光Ray Cui

设计理念:灯光让我们走进神秘的未来世界-神秘魔方里的未来世界。本作品 通过魔方的形式,来展现人们对未来世界种种不同预测,通过声、光、电及喷雾等多种表现手法,演绎未来社会科幻、神奇等多种场景,从而呼吁人们保护生态环境,保护地球。未来城市是个先进的地方。未来的城市每天充满了新奇,因此我们要不断地去更新电脑程序,需要不断地探索各种奥秘。城市就会变得和平和美好。

Light brings us into the mysterious future world. This works through the Rubik’s cube form to show people on the future of the world all sorts of different prediction, through the sound, light, electricity and spray a variety of techniques of expression, the future interpretation of social science fiction, magical and other scenes, which called on people to protect the ecological environment and protect the earth. The future city is an advanced place. The future city is full of novelty every day, so we need to continue updating the computer programs and constantly explore various mysteries. And the cities will achieve peace and goodness.

作品名称 Work Name建·变Trans Form

设计师 Designer谢亚楠  Xie Yanan

设计理念: 建筑形态外观,总是相对固定。屹立以穿越曾经,临下以横截过往时光。而建之构,乃筑之魄。建变,运用影像与媒体艺术方式,在原有建筑结构之上进行创作,使得建筑呈现出完全不同的变化。解构建筑结构,运用基本元素打破、拼贴、更新、重组。让相对固定的建筑型态瞬间改变,是错觉更是随时更新的全新体验。

The appearance of the architectural form is always relatively fixed: standing tall to pass through the past, facing down to traverse the days gone by. The structure of the building is the spirit of the construction. With the art methods of image and media, the Architecture change is created based on the original building structure, presenting completely different variations of the building.

作品名称 Work Name呼吸 Breathing

设计师 Designer:潘晋、郭耀先 Pan Jin, Guo Yaoxian

设计理念:生存在被钢筋混凝土包围的城市空间,习惯且接受这种封闭的“圈养”形式,厚重冰冷的墙壁成为心灵的壁垒,虽然隔绝着喧嚣与嘈杂,却也使人与人之间渐行渐远、冷漠疏离。 但是我们似乎小觑了内心的强大,它不需要“蜗牛壳”的保护与束缚,依旧渴望感知,斑驳的树影;夕阳的温暖;以及雀跃的孩童。让我们抛开纷杂,透过光影的诗意,来感知 “壁垒”之外的世界。“呼吸”是利用透光混凝土筑成的围合空间,所谓“呼” 是晚上围合空间的混凝土墙把内部的光透射到室外,形成一个透光的建筑;而“吸”是白天日光透过附近树林形成的斑驳树影, 透射到围合空间的内墙。 一呼一吸,一昼一夜,循环不止。

We are living within cold and massive concrete walls, so our souls are bounded by the “fortresses“ which have made us indifferent and isolated though without bustles and noises. Nevertheless, it seems that the power of our souls is underestimated as they desire to break down the barriers, trying to feel and perceive the mottled shadows of trees, the warmth of the sun and the innocent smiles of kids and so on. Let’s start to enjoy the world outside the ‘fortresses’ through poetic lights and shadows. “Breathing“ intends to make use of the surrounding space built with concrete pervious to light. At night, light inside walls is transmitted outside, therefore the building appears pervious to light. That is so-called “breathing out“. During the day, daylight penetrates nearby trees transmitting onto the interior walls of the surrounding space, which means “breathing in“. Day and night, breathing in and breathing out moves in circles and never stops.

作品名称 Work Name七星汇地The light of the big dipper

设计师 Designer许楠 Xu Nan


In the dark, sunny sky conditions, using the light of the Big Dipper with the ground; in order to forming a very large-scale scenes. In the dark, overcast sky and cloudy conditions, this production could achieve a small scene of lighting effects.

作品名称 Work Name居者有其树Live In The Tree

设计师 Designer:许东亮 Xu Dongliang


Where can we find a residence utopia? In the future, or in the past? When human beings are farther away from the nature and closer to the virtual world, we might quickly end up having the nature of genetic variation. “Return” might be the theme of the future. The return of the past is evoked by living in a tree house, which brings man closer to nature with more familiar and simpler relationship. After all, we had such experience thousands of decades ago. The symbolic residence built with cartons made of wood is decorated with 2 built-in lights with cool and warm colors that lighten to display the feeling of tree-dwelling, indicating that after the end of the world “the resident has his tree home”.

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