| Luce Design

广州,中国,量身定制的功能照明 Guangzhou, China, Bespoke function lighting

特制 LED 白光灯为会议室提供极具功能性的照明,其设计充分结合实际空间的需求和业主对灯光的要求,旨在创造出一个沟通交流与知识传播的空间

The special LED white lights in the conference room provide highly functional lighting. Its design combines the actual space demand with the owners’ requirements to create an area for communication and circulation of knowledge


1: 广州科学中心外景

Picture 1: The whole view of Guangzhou science center



项目对室内灯光的要求是照度要满足国家标准,色温要求冷白,灯具要求安装方便,按时交付使用。灯光的设计可根据被照明对象的功能、环境、人文理念与国家和国际灯光照明标准的综合情况来确定设计思路。为了达到不同灯光效果,在灯具设计方面,需要通过现场实际考察和专业灯具设计技术来实现。设计人员还借鉴成功先例,结合电脑编程和智能设置,使灯光的调节,灵活多变,因时制宜。在满足国家标准中对会议室照度的相应要求的前提下,充分利用小功率 SMD LED 光源的高能效比,以最小的功率实现最高亮度。


Picture 2, 3: The lighting is adjustable according to different demands


以对灯光效果的综合要求为基础,定制灯具再依据照明、光学、节能、配光、优良的制造性价比等五大要素来进行设计。通过模拟设计,样品检测,制造工程师精湛工艺与高精设备而加工实现。所用到的台湾晶元芯片的小功率白光 LED 为一次光源,灯具为拉伸铝制结构,出光灯具面罩采用齿状纵向条纹磨沙亚克力。显色指数为76,满足实际需求,提高性价与能效指数。


Picture 4: foreground of special fixture


灯具采用嵌入式安装,使其能够很好的与天花融为一体。为了与会议室简洁的内饰元素完美地结合在一起,灯光必须满足总体配光要素与条件,同时考虑制造与工程的具体结合,并运用电子电气与结构的综合技术。此外,设计师采用了电气多回路分配控制的光控系统,实现手动与智能控制的结合,按奇数行与偶数行间隔分配灯光控制,根据需要也可按照场景实现调光控制。定制灯具具有合理的结构设计,高效的导热材料,更好的散热条件,优良的LED 光源等优势,因此在为会议室提供极具功能的照明的同时,能够有效地节约能源、降低成本。


Picture 5: Planar graph of special fixture



Photo Courtesy: Huayi Lighting

Guangdong science centre is a venue where most of the science activities take place. With a venue for every event size and occasion, it can host exhibitions for technology fairs, science educational event, academic conferences and leisure. The conference hall is very spacious and is an ideal place for major conventions and smaller events.

Lighting and fixture design

Project requirements are illuminance of the indoor lighting to meet the national standard, cool white colour temperature, easy installation and must be delivered on time. Lighting is designed according to requirements in function, environment, culture and the national standard. In order to meet the needs of different lighting effects, design is based on on-site visits and state of the art technology. The designers referred back to the successful projects combined with computer programming and intelligent settings in order to add flexibility to satisfy specific need. Responding to the national standard requirement to room illumination, low-power SMD LED with high energy efficiency is used to achieve maximum brightness.

Special fixture design

Based on the lighting requirement, the new fixture has to meet others basic elements such as lighting, optics, energy saving, manufacturing and cost-effective. And through simulation process, thorough testing, superb manufacturing skill and high precision equipment the final product is finally finished. Using the Taiwanese wafer chips, low power white LED as the light source, casing is tensile aluminum structure and a face guard is made of vertical stripes frosted acrylic. Colour rendering index is 76 in order to meet actual demand, improve energy efficiency and the price ratio.

Lighting Implementation

Recessed lighting fixtures are used for the integration of the ceiling. In order for the light to blend with the decoration of the conference room, lighting has to meet the requirements of light elements and conditions, and the combination of manufacturing and engineering and the implementation of electronic and structure technologies. In addition, the designer selected multi-circuit lighting control system to realize both manually and intelligently control. Lighting control is distributed in odd and even way and realizes the dimmable control. The special design fixtures are of superior in its structure design, high- efficiency thermal material, and excellent heat diffusion and high-quality LED light source etc.. Therefore, it supplies the functional lighting in an energy saving and low cost way.

项目信息 Project Information

项目名称 Project Name:

广州科学中心一楼会议中心 LED 天花嵌入灯

Guangzhou science center LED recessed luminaire

工程设计制作 Fixture Design:

华艺灯饰照明Huayi Lighting

灯具供应商 Lighting Fixture Supplier:

华艺灯饰照明Huayi Lighting

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