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Design and technology bring improvements in quality of human life. Among those is artificial lighting.

Artificial lighting certainly brings a sense of safety such as parking lighting whether open air or underground when trying to find a car parked after watching a movie. It is functional in ballrooms where guests attend a wedding party and want to see and listen to the newly wed on the stage. It can attract and direct people to find the right gift in a shop.

On the other hand, design and technology also have drawbacks. Artificial lighting impacts the environment where we all live.

Twenty two percent of all energy generated in theU.S.is used for lighting, with eight percent of that used for public outdoor lighting; popular fluorescent lamp sources are said to be energy efficient, but they also contain extremely polluting mercury. Light pollution is an unwanted element spilled on an unwanted area at an unwanted time. It takes the form of a multimedia advertisement or even a light for a speed camera installed on a bridge impacting drivers’ vision at night; it can be zoos attracting visitors for a night time safari. It is also the light from inefficient sources diffused all around and mostly upward, just like the ones on some avenues inChinacreating a doming cataract imprisoning cities and accompanying a dangerously thinning ozone layer.

As spring moves into summer in this hemisphere, try watching a clear starry night. If you can’t ,the International Dark-Sky Association may help. What an amazing experience it must have been to be able to observe the Milky Way, no matter it was Aristotle, Galilei or Hubble using devices that were as advanced as technology permitted during their respective era.

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