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  • 增加关键区域如入口及走廊灯等的照度,使得其能够从四周“较暗”的环境中凸显出来,从而引起顾客的注意
  • 将照明区域进行合理的排布,使其成为一个相互协调有序的整体而非一个只装满照明灯具的杂乱空间


  • 在儿童游乐场区域应再增加一倍数量的灯杆,以确保一个更加安全的照明环境
  • 在走廊顶部增添辅助灯具,加强该区域的功能性照明
  • 取消掉白色 LED,使得塔顶处能够有绚烂的灯光效果


  • 移去街道上令人炫目的探照灯使街道的照明氛围变得更为亲切
  • 设计一些富有情趣的艺术照明装置以吸引更多的人群

        所有的这些改变均以增加盈利为目的。因此,当业主准备投资并与项目团队一起介入某个改造项目时,只有当更多可衡量的性能指标有明显增长时才能称其为一个成功的项目, 比如大禹开元酒店项目,其商业价值在改造后一年就有了明显增加:

  • 大禹酒店的营业额比改造前增加了20% ;
  • 客户数增加了35%;
  • 客户满意度增加了65%。



        Where is the catch?

        Recently, customers started requesting to adjust lighting for their respective commercial sites. Some opened as early as 2010 while the latest opened before Chinese New Year 2013.

        Their original design all do carry good intents, including from the lighting point of view. But somehow there is quite some gap between the original design and the actual outcome. So where is the catch? What can be done?

        Adjustments are made easy when the property owner is ready to make substantial changes to the projects.

        For instance, in one project, it appears that the installed functional, decorative and ambient lighting can become more balanced by:

  • Adding adequate lighting, making key entrances and corridors come out from a soft “darkness” to become visible and attractive to strengthen the people flow.
  • Making blocks of greeneries become an integrated melodious patchwork rather than a melting pot of unsynchronized colors full of over powered lighting fixtures.

        The second project is considering going through a round minor adjustments where about 70% of the construction is believed to be matching the original good design:

  • Doubling the number of light poles in the children’s playground, thus making it a safer environment.
  • Adding additional fixtures on the roof top corridor and consider a dual function with light poles and advertisement.
  • Removing slicing white LED to make tower tops becoming fully glowing lanterns.

        When a commercial success brings more success, a local government is looking into changing the image of a famous and popular street full of restaurants to make it even more attractive and profitable by:

  • Removing blinding projectors to make the street pedestrian friendly.
  • Designing interesting art installations integrated with lighting to attract more people.

       All those changes are certainly aiming at increasing income. So when a customer is ready to invest in a renovation together with its project team, it can only make it become a successful project with measurable key performance indicators. In the case of the Dayu Kaiyuan hotel, its entire renovation has brought measurable business benefits. Year-on-year after the renovation the:

  • Overall turnover increased by 20%
  • Number of guests increased by 35%
  • Customer satisfaction increased by 65%

        Certainly every client’s intent is to design and construct successfully a project only once without any post construction adjustments. To minimize these kind of situations, don’t be fooled, be prepared with a professional project team that includes an independent lighting designer which keeps its design in-house and follows the project from A-to-Z, especially taking into consideration the stages for tender and site supervision.

        Happy April Fool’s Day! How many carp fishes did you catch this year stuck on your back?

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