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蒙特卡罗,环境明亮的健身中心 Montecarlo, fitness centre

The lighting design project for the new fitness centre in Meda with a gym and an indoor swimming pool

广州,中国,量身定制的功能照明 Guangzhou, China, Bespoke function lighting

特制 LED 白光灯为会议室提供极具功能性的照明,其设计充分结合实际空间的需求和业主对灯光的要求,旨在创造出一个沟通交流与知识传播的空间
The special LED white lights in the conference room provide highly functional lighting. Its design combines the actual space demand with the owners’ requirements to create an area for communication and circulation of knowledge

特鲁埃尔,西班牙,点亮群山的黑暗 Teruel, Spain, Brighten up the darkness of mountains

整体的照明方案使这座古城闪耀于群山的黑暗之中,而 LED 与太阳能技术的巧妙结合,则最大程度地节约了能源和资金
The lighting project is designed to light up the city in dark mountains. Integrated with solar energy, LED reduces costs and saves energy to the most extent

米兰,意大利,通过 LED 及纳米光学技术来控制光线强弱 Milan, Italy, LED and the use of nano-optics to control the flow of light

For the external lighting of the new IKEA shop in San Giuliano Milanese, cutting edge equipments provide energy for equipments that consume alternative energy, hence it is a complete low energy consumption high-tech system

水疗休闲中心,爱尔兰,ESPA 休闲中心自然的反射光 ESPA center, Ireland, Natural reflection of ESPA

欧洲大酒店的 ESPA 休闲中心是欧洲最大的集养生和健身于一体的休闲场所。它的温泉馆分多功能区和理疗区,客人们在这里可以感受到与大自然充分融合的建筑物带给人们的轻松和愉快
ESPA of Europe Hotel is one of the largest Spa projects in Europe centralized with health and fitness. it is divided into functional area and treatment area for guest to have a pleasant experience from the building integration of nature

绚丽的城市之光 Dazzling lights of the city

The relationship between an individual and their environment, which used to be direct and spontaneous, has changed beyond recognition: from the creation of the first tribal villages to the founding of cities during the Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods; this relationship has been in a state of constant flux since the age of industrialism. All of this has an effect when it comes to making changes to lighting of a city and keeps up with the needs of an ever-changing society.

圣彼得堡,俄罗斯,流光溢彩的古建筑照明艺术 Saint Petersburg, Russia, Dynamic color and light for monumental architecture


Arts Square is an architectural complex based on the design by Carlo Rossi and founded at the beginning of the 19th century. It constitutes one of the oldest and most important urban areas of St. Petersburg

米兰,意大利,在创新中领略古典 Milan, Italy, Speaking the new from the old


The new lighting for a historical museum in Milan: an example of respect and appreciation for a masterpiece of 19th century architecture

亚特兰大,美国,天花与地板的倒置 Atlanta, USA,Ceiling and floor up-side-down

在Aliance 中心大堂,无论是天花板上复杂的几何形状,还是深色木质墙板,抑或白磨石地板上不规则的镀锌分隔条,都沐浴在各式上射灯散发出的柔和而明亮的灯光中,巧妙地融为一体,让人耳目一新

In the lobby at Alliance Center, the complex geometries of the ceiling and the rich color wood wall panels, even the terrazzo floor with zinc divider strips are all bathed in the soft and bright lights given off by all kinds of up-lights, ingeniously integrated, creating a refreshing look

亚特兰大,美国,“跳跃着”的现代水晶灯 Atlanta, USA, The “dancing” modern Chandelier


Artistic Chandelier becomes important method to enhance the modern and crisp ambience in the renovated lobby.

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