//www.einango.com Lighting Designs Thu, 21 Nov 2024 03:14:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 2013年Top-link全国电线连接器行业峰会邀请函 //www.einango.com/?p=15613 //www.einango.com/?p=15613#comments Thu, 07 Nov 2013 06:31:35 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=15613

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LED 应用-室内照明 – LED重点照明 //www.einango.com/?p=15554 //www.einango.com/?p=15554#comments Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:54:00 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=15554 在圣洛伦索教堂项目中,LED 应用的优势显而易见,很难再找到比此更为合适的解决方案。不过这并不意味着 LED 是符合任何项目的灵丹妙药,然而,但就重点照明领域而言,它本身确实有着不可替代的优势。LED成为重点照明设计方案的最佳选择的关键首先取决于其尺寸方面优势。众所周知,LED 是微型光源,在一些具有视觉挑战性的区域(如隐藏光源等)以及一些局限性的环境中的安装应用中有较强灵活性。




  • 呈现雕塑的价值以及其视觉效果
  • 教堂不同时刻所具有的不同功能所需要的照度









  • 可选择额定光通量并进行调节
  • 可调节不同的光束角
  • 可调节 LED 色温
  • 结构的紧凑性
  • 散热效果

LED 产品可通过一下三种途径决定输出的光通量:

  • 改变驱动器(电流)
  • 改变应用的 LED 数量
  • 将以上两种途径结合

通过在一定数量的LED 增加电源电流,输出的光通量会随之增加,同时温度状况也将有一定程度的浮动。在众多情况下,这只是对标准的可变功率的演示(例如,设备从1W到3W)。除了通过高功率满足了热处理的要求,该技术可使设备保留原有的尺寸。

在拟定的方案中,大部分 LED 可达700毫安(吸收率达2.5瓦左右)。 考虑到雕塑与照明设备的实际距离约为2.5到3米,用于照亮雕塑的最常见的光束角为25°。通过凸显与嵌入墙面或天花板里的除雕塑的细节部分,一些特定的照明设备也可达350毫安(稍微高于1瓦)。对于后者而言(墙里或是天花板里的雕塑部分),光束角为9°,在不影响背景环境的情况下可凸显出垂直的又高又窄的结构。在应用集中的高层次光学处理方法时,应进行深入研究,以防造成可能性的直射现象。

对一个 LED 系统来说,色温的选择是决定性的因素,因为它会影响到单元输出的光通量、照明效果以及吸收功率。 据大部分的制造商提供的与色温相关的光学数据显示,相对于暖色调的白光 LED 来说,冷色调的白光 LED 释放出更多的光通量。

在此种情况下,照明设备采用暖光时则会更好的凸显木材的质感,色温约为3, 000K,此时光效稍微低一点。

灯具的安装位置也非常重要。影响传统泛光角度的因素主要为光学与电器部件。在 LED 设备中,我们还必须考虑用于散热的专业设备的安装位置,其位置通常应靠近二极管。考虑到所应用的光学设备,大部分的设备都采用了透镜与反射器。安装微小 LED 的设备通过二级透镜进行光输出,结合最新的TIF 技术,达到一定规模的LED的照明设备(例如,多片、阵列或模块)能够配备反射器时。无论何种方式,与传统的光源相比,LED的尺寸已减少了不少,甚至光学设备也小了很多。



  • 照明设备(LED、光学器件、散热片)
  • DMX 信号控制器
  • 电源供应器





  • 利用功率实现实体群集
  • 利用软件实现虚拟群集

实体群集以驱动程序的线路为最小的管理单元:每一个单元对应一个地址(或程序)调光范围从0到100%。但是只有重新布线才能改变独立单元在整体设备中所体现的功能 。



  • 当设备靠近雕塑时为50%
  • 远离雕塑时为70%

虚拟组群可随人的意愿进行调节,同时无需实体因素的介入 。


  • 调光范围从1到100%
  • 一组设备同时打开
  • 某些部件或设备在更多场景中的应用
  • 非专业用户对照明的管理


该系统包含大概20个(驱动器),每个有3条 DMX 输出通道,电源为230/24 V,直流电为700毫安。每个分支驱动为系统回路提供有线设备。每个通道可支撑6个700毫安的 LED,电源最高可达50W左右。DMX 驱动之间的输出与输入两端相互连接,从而可以传播信号。每一个通道代表 DMX 的一个可寻地址,并可进行独立操作 。

在整体系统的核心领域有一个控制部件,可通过发出的 DMX 信号控制系统的开关。控制组件储存了许多照明场景,可通过一些数字小键盘进行控制,甚至是一些非专业用户也能操作(场景以独立的形式出现)。通过应用专业软件,电脑上这些真实、适当的程序得以呈现。借助电器的群集形式以及其所在的位置的优势,我们可通过软件来模拟照明场景,并在没有系统的地方实施大量的编制程序。在启动程序中,大部分的 DMX 都有动态效应。在终端程序,可以独立控制并储存预定模式,借助简化的键盘为终端用户将其整合。在一些应用领域,也可通过安装在现场的类似控制界面的虚拟键盘进行操作。

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成本控制&项目-室内住宅:家居照明新方案 //www.einango.com/?p=15550 //www.einango.com/?p=15550#comments Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:48:50 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=15550 该项目的主体是一个长17.01米、宽5.48米的建筑体,屋顶有一斜坡,内部包括一间起居室、一个门厅、一个盥洗室以及一层的一间卧室,其中起居室里的楼梯可通向阁楼。该建筑被分割成两个区域:休闲娱乐空间和一个带浴室的单人卧室,内部的中央走道将两者联在一起。为降低能耗,设计师在坡屋顶的两边各安装一个尺寸为94 x 98公分的威卢克斯(世界第一樘屋顶窗发明者,现有威卢克斯集团)型号的天窗,同时朝南一边的坡屋顶中央将安装一些太阳能光伏板。



针对该项目的具体需求,来自伽尔拉特的 QRRF 建筑事务所的设计师萨拉·热古佐妮拟定了合理的设计方案并进行实施。其改造重点主要为开放的长廊区域以及与之相关的楼梯处,借此凸显该区域的特色。中央通道在保留了整体结构的完整性以及原有的亮度的同时还将休闲娱乐空间与卧室区分割开来。设计师以同样的方式保证了一楼的入口-起居室与中庭的一致性,并将用餐区与卧室分隔开来。由于设计师钟情于现代灯光的优点:兼具简约与功能性双重优势,现代的照明成了该项目建筑设计以及照明规划的共同关注的焦点。


现今,照明市场为集成线性灯具提供了多种解决方案,即 “光切割”,包括灯具与光源。几乎所有的制造商都或多或少设定了独家的方案,然而客户对其的选择标准包括详细的方案、灯具类型、安装的简便性以及光线的连续性。设计师热古佐妮在此项目中选用了氙气灯及最小系统。该灯具可嵌入墙体,在水平和垂直两个方向均可定制。中庭处,光线可从天花板一直延续到地面。该照明方案的处理极为谨慎,与家具分别为独立的个体,在关闭后光线则消失。入口处的红墙由 Simes 公司的 Lift 灯具打亮,借助两个开关,该种灯具可散出两种不同的光束,营造一种罕见的装饰效果。在无法采用嵌入式安装的地方,设计师采用由“氙气灯”组成的的模拟系统如 Corner 或者 Planos,前者采用角度式安装,后者则采用悬挂式安装。

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产品应用-灵动与生机的办公空间 //www.einango.com/?p=15546 //www.einango.com/?p=15546#comments Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:43:35 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=15546 光线在建筑空间设计中具有举足轻重的作用,不仅勾勒建筑的外部线条,而且突出内部的空间感。对于现代办公空间,设计师们通过对光的巧妙应用,把自然和谐的灯光设计融入办公空间的每个角落,将办公、人和灯光融合,使建筑生发出独特的灵感和生机。



会议室成了让人过目难忘的经典:典雅圆环造型的创意式荧光灯具 Rotaris 悬挂于会议桌的上空,与左右交错的天花线条相互映衬,打造出均匀一致的照明环境;同时,向上散发出的光芒晕染出立面艺术天花层次渐进的柔和光影,与建筑本身Art Deco装饰风范不谋而合,更暗自衬托了品牌对艺术品味的不断追求。


不同于会议室固有的功能,中央平台更多充当着连通各个办公区间的角色。考虑到其特殊性,配合色彩斑斓的灯光将能更好的活跃中央平台的氛围,因此中央平台采用了LED暗槽灯iColor Cove,它在赋予玻璃天花舒适雅致的彩色光亮的同时,更能够实现柔顺自然的彩光波动,打造出流光溢彩的艺术空间感。往来于它之间的员工由此而得到全身心的灯光洗礼,自然焕发活力和生机。另外,多彩的灯光对压力的缓解和心情的调节实在是不可多得的馈赠,温暖的灯光也给了员工对于企业的感性认知和归属感。


整个区域采用PowerBalance Mini嵌入式LED灯具,小巧的模组设计打破传统嵌入灯具的造型框架,将300mm见方的PowerBalance Mini逐一嵌入纯白方形天花吊顶,轻松自然地融进简洁清新的整体空间。简洁的空间留给员工更多的工作和思考空间,既能激发灵感,又能有效提高工作效率。其专利金字塔造型更能有效舒缓视觉感受,提升空间照明品质的同时,也保证了员工的用眼及身体健康。同时,多重高新科技的结合更确保该产品超高系统效率,比T5节能60%,全方位打造出高品位的绿意办公空间。


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罗通多港,葡萄牙 //www.einango.com/?p=14590 //www.einango.com/?p=14590#comments Fri, 11 Oct 2013 05:55:08 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=13217 对于一些设备/系统,与其他相比,LED的应用不仅多了种选择,而是作为优化系统的核心部分For some installations/systems, the use of LEDs has represented much more than a choice among many others indeed an essential condition for the realization of this system itself end of summary

在圣洛伦索教堂项目中,LED 应用的优势显而易见,很难再找到比此更为合适的解决方案。不过这并不意味着 LED 是符合任何项目的灵丹妙药,然而,但就重点照明领域而言,它本身确实有着不可替代的优势。LED成为重点照明设计方案的最佳选择的关键首先取决于其尺寸方面优势。众所周知,LED 是微型光源,在一些具有视觉挑战性的区域(如隐藏光源等)以及一些局限性的环境中的安装应用中有较强灵活性。




  • 呈现雕塑的价值以及其视觉效果
  • 教堂不同时刻所具有的不同功能所需要的照度










  • 可选择额定光通量并进行调节
  • 可调节不同的光束角
  • 可调节 LED 色温
  • 结构的紧凑性
  • 散热效果

LED 产品可通过一下三种途径决定输出的光通量:

  • 改变驱动器(电流)
  • 改变应用的 LED 数量
  • 将以上两种途径结合

通过在一定数量的LED 增加电源电流,输出的光通量会随之增加,同时温度状况也将有一定程度的浮动。在众多情况下,这只是对标准的可变功率的演示(例如,设备从1W到3W)。除了通过高功率满足了热处理的要求,该技术可使设备保留原有的尺寸(如图5)。

在拟定的方案中,大部分 LED 可达700毫安(吸收率达2.5瓦左右)。 考虑到雕塑与照明设备的实际距离约为2.5到3米,用于照亮雕塑的最常见的光束角为25°。通过凸显与嵌入墙面或天花板里的除雕塑的细节部分,一些特定的照明设备也可达350毫安(稍微高于1瓦)。对于后者而言(墙里或是天花板里的雕塑部分),光束角为9°,在不影响背景环境的情况下可凸显出垂直的又高又窄的结构。在应用集中的高层次光学处理方法时,应进行深入研究,以防造成可能性的直射现象。

对一个 LED 系统来说,色温的选择是决定性的因素,因为它会影响到单元输出的光通量、照明效果以及吸收功率。 据大部分的制造商提供的与色温相关的光学数据显示,相对于暖色调的白光 LED 来说,冷色调的白光 LED 释放出更多的光通量。

在此种情况下,照明设备采用暖光时则会更好的凸显木材的质感,色温约为3, 000K,此时光效稍微低一点(如图6)。

灯具的安装位置也非常重要。影响传统泛光角度的因素主要为光学与电器部件。在 LED 设备中,我们还必须考虑用于散热的专业设备的安装位置,其位置通常应靠近二极管。考虑到所应用的光学设备,大部分的设备都采用了透镜与反射器。安装微小 LED 的设备通过二级透镜进行光输出,结合最新的TIF 技术,达到一定规模的LED的照明设备(例如,多片、阵列或模块)能够配备反射器时。无论何种方式,与传统的光源相比,LED的尺寸已减少了不少,甚至光学设备也小了很多。



  • 照明设备(LED、光学器件、散热片)
  • DMX 信号控制器
  • 电源供应器






  • 利用功率实现实体群集
  • 利用软件实现虚拟群集

实体群集以驱动程序的线路为最小的管理单元:每一个单元对应一个地址(或程序)调光范围从0到100%。但是只有重新布线才能改变独立单元在整体设备中所体现的功能 (如图8)。



  • 当设备靠近雕塑时为50%
  • 远离雕塑时为70%

虚拟组群可随人的意愿进行调节,同时无需实体因素的介入 (如图9)。


  • 调光范围从1到100%
  • 一组设备同时打开
  • 某些部件或设备在更多场景中的应用
  • 非专业用户对照明的管理


该系统包含大概20个(驱动器),每个有3条 DMX 输出通道,电源为230/24 V,直流电为700毫安。每个分支驱动为系统回路提供有线设备。每个通道可支撑6个700毫安的 LED,电源最高可达50W左右。DMX 驱动之间的输出与输入两端相互连接,从而可以传播信号。每一个通道代表 DMX 的一个可寻地址,并可进行独立操作 (如图10)。

在整体系统的核心领域有一个控制部件,可通过发出的 DMX 信号控制系统的开关。控制组件储存了许多照明场景,可通过一些数字小键盘进行控制,甚至是一些非专业用户也能操作(场景以独立的形式出现)。通过应用专业软件,电脑上这些真实、适当的程序得以呈现。借助电器的群集形式以及其所在的位置的优势,我们可通过软件来模拟照明场景,并在没有系统的地方实施大量的编制程序。在启动程序中,大部分的 DMX 都有动态效应。在终端程序,可以独立控制并储存预定模式,借助简化的键盘为终端用户将其整合。在一些应用领域,也可通过安装在现场的类似控制界面的虚拟键盘进行操作。(图11、12)

The church of San Lorenzo located in Porto Rotondo is a little architectural jewel created by the sculptor Mario Ceroli. The unique nave having dimensions 8 x 13 meters is decorated with hundreds of wooden statues as well as with marble and glass works.

The main points of the lighting conditions are:

●          the importance and evaluation of the sculptures;

●          the illumination of different moments of the religious function.

In a highly artistically important surrounding, the lighting system is subjected to particularly strict protection restrictions. The strong need to realize a non-invasive system in conjunction with the lighting objectives has been taken into consideration too.

The most outstanding feature in this aspect is the multiplication of the points of light. All the sculptures are illuminated through 260 small projectors; and now, compared to the past, even those parts which previously were not captured by the natural light are now highlighted or better to say brought to the light by the artificial illumination. Considering the dimensions of such structure, which led to the necessity of a scale factor, a conventional installation could be taken into consideration, in which each visual task corresponds to a respective source. Different solutions have been adapted to the beam width, to the power emitted from the lighting body (emitted flux) and geometry of installation all depending on a specific statue or on a group of statues. The fragmentation of the sources and the resulting intensification of parametric contrasts and shadows increase the perceived space (See picture 1).

The auditorium does not have any particularly tailored light system and is feed by the remaining light which is diffused into the surroundings when the illuminance level on the statues is at its maximum intensity. Once again the outcome is successful due to the reduced quantity, where it is possible to exploit every lowest inter-reflection. In this situation the statues have been perceived at the same extent as an element to be exploited and as an instrument to achieve a proper light distribution (See picture 2).

Moreover, the possibility of placing the sources of light at the back of the sculptures has allowed the generation of suggestive backlit games, creation of an entirely glare-free perimetric illumination keeping the devices hidden (See picture 3).

The apse functions with a dual illumination system having both a functional and decorative aim. The main altar, as the selected place for the reading and Mass celebration, is illuminated by various projectors which have a higher flow compared to those dedicated to the niches. A floodlights’ battery located underneath the altarpiece base brings out and highlights the existing sculptural group (See picture 4).

The average illuminance of reference is about 100 lux; it can be raised to 300 in the altar area and reaches its peak of 500 on certain sculptures. The system is built in a way that permits the possible adjustments in intensity in its entirety or for specific areas. This allows the atmosphere change in the existing space and the restitution of the works without affecting the lighting aimed at the religious purposes.

Selecting of lighting stuff/devices

The determining reasons for the selection of the devices include:

●          possibility to choose the nominal flow and adjust it;

●          possibility to choose between different amplitudes of the light beam;

●          possibility to opt for the LED color temperature;

●          structure compactness;

●          heat dissipation

LED products create the ranges of emitted flow in three ways:

●          with the variation of the drive (current);

●          with the variation of the number of LED’s in use;

●          by combining both the above mentioned variations.

By maintaining invariable/constant the number of diodes and increasing the power supply current, the amount of emitted flow will be increased, but the temperature conditions will also fluctuate. In many catalogs this is demonstrated with an indicative power variation (for example, devices from 1W to 3W). This technique allows maintaining the same size of the device, provided that it should be resized for thermal disposal required by a higher power (See picture 5).

In the proposed project the majority of LED’s run at 700 mA (more or less 2.5 W of absorption). The most commonly opening beam used for the sculptures is 25°, taking into account the existing distance of approximately 2.5 to 3 m between the statue and device. A restricted number of devices run at 350 mA (slightly more than 1 W) by intervening to point out the structural details unrelated to the sculptural solid mass/group situated in the walls and ceiling. For the latter one, the opening of the beam is 9°, which enables to highlight the vertical high and narrow elements without affecting the background surroundings. The use of optical means with a high level of concentration must be accompanied by a thorough study to avoid any possible direct glare phenomena.

The color temperature selection is decisive in a LED system since it affects the amount of light emitted from the unit, as well as on the lighting and the absorbed power. It is proven that the white light LED’s emit more flow in the cool tones and less in warm tones according to the majority of manufacturers given the photometric data which are relative to any color temperature.

In such situation, all devices have a warm tone of light that is particularly suitable to highlight the substantial qualities/features of the wood. The color temperature is about 3000 K, so we can say that it is not particularly advantageous with regard to the efficiency (See picture 6).

The space used by the device is extremely important for some installations. The factors that mostly influence the dimensions of a traditional floodlight are both the optical and electrical components. In LEDs case we must also consider the dedicated devices to thermal dissipation, normally placed close to the diode. With regard to the optical equipments used, most of the devices apply lenses or reflectors. The devices that mount small dimension LEDs drive the flow through secondary lenses, and the most widespread exploit TIF technology, while devices with amalgamations of LED that reach a certain size (for example, multichip, arrays or modules) can be equipped with a reflector. In either way the dimensions of the diode’s emitting surface are so reduced compared to the conventional light sources that, for a mere scale factor, even the optical device is very small.

What may seem as a sort of awkward is the electronic device required for the operation and inspection of the diode. Certain appliances incorporate the power supply and management system in the body, resulting in an integrated product easy to install and generally more durable over time. In other cases, the components are all separate and this enables for distribution in space at someone’s pleasure, while respecting the distances of power supply voltage specified by the manufacturers. In addition, this allows buying compatible products from different manufacturers, seeking the power which is optimal to the system requirements.

This is the case of the proposed installation, where we differ:

●          lighting body (LED, optics, heat sink);

●          driver DMX signal;

●          power supply.

This is quite advantageous for systems with an elevated number of low power absorption devices as it allows combining multiple lighting devices into a one electrical unit, optimizing the number of elements.

When opting for a system breakdown, an increased level of concern in laying the lines and as well the right placement of the equipments is required. Both power suppliers and drivers must be arranged in the protected areas, but the operating temperatures nevertheless need to be within the limits indicated by the manufacturer (See picture 7).

Definition of clustering and control systems

Any of the 260 supplied projectors does not light up on its own but in groups instead, creating a considerable simplification to the system. There are two main categories of clustering:

●          physical ones, using the power;

●          virtual ones, using the software.

The physical groups conditional on the drivers’ wiring are the minimum manageable unit: they respond to an address (or channel) and can be attuned from 0 to 100% of the nominal flow. It is not possible to change the assignment of a unit to a given group except through the re-wiring procedure (See picture 8).

The virtual teams are combinations of physical groups (now sub- groups) that accept the same message of control and thus react in the same period of time. The physical subgroups can be set with various dimming values so as to create a view with balanced light levels.

To take an example, a virtual grouping can take into consideration two physical subgroups that will switch on and off simultaneously:

●       the first regulated at 50% as the appliances are positioned at a close range to the sculptures;

●       the second at 70%, as it is positioned at a larger distance

The virtual groups can be modified at someone’s wish in the scheduling point with no physical intervention on the equipment (See picture 9).

The electrical and control system distribution follows the requirements defined by concept, such as:

●      adjustment of the flux emitted from the devices from 0 to 100 (rate);

●      power on / simultaneous setting of certain devices;

●      allocation of some components/devices at additional/more scenes;

●      lighting management by unskilled users.

Understanding that the “dismemberment” of the appliance in block as previously described enables a degree of power flexibility during the installation phase, it is obvious that the complexity of management requires a logical digital clustering. The adopted system is the DMX 512 type for both the hardware and the protocol of the signal. Such a solution is among the most widespread for the management of composite light sequences and scenery which require rapid response times.

The system consists of approximately 20 interfaces (driver) DMX 3 channels each, and its power supply 230/24 VDC at 700 mA. From the outputs of the driver branch off the lines supplying the wired devices in series. Each channel supports up to 6 LED 700 mA for a power supply maximum of approximately 50 W. The DMX interfaces are all connected to one another through to outputs in / out and this establishes the circulation of the signal. Each channel is adjusted individually and represents an address in the DMX universe (See picture 10).

At the core basis of the entire system there is a control unit that handles the switching system by sending DMX signals. The control unit has been stored a number of bright scenes that can be addressed through a numeric keypad available even by less specialized user (in standalone modality). The real and proper programming occurs on PC instead through the use of the dedicated software. Keeping in mind the clustering pattern of the appliances and their positioning makes possible to simulate bright scenes using the software and  carry out a large part of programming without necessarily being at the system’s site. The majority of DMX software has dynamic effects libraries to build up in a simple way ignition sequences. Upon the program termination, it is entered in standalone mode that enables to store the defined scenes and associates them with a simplified keyboard for the end user. In certain applications it is possible to work on a virtual keyboard similar to the control interface that shall be physically installed on site (See picture 11, 12).


//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=14590 0
High lumen output LED //www.einango.com/?p=1897 //www.einango.com/?p=1897#comments Tue, 05 Jul 2011 07:06:14 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1897 CREE announces a new lighting-class LED platform, meet the requirements of high lumenoutput and minimization directional lighting application.

The multi-die XLamp MT-G LED features Cree Easy White ™ technology to deliver consistent color in a small, highly efficient package. This innovative LED is designed for the high-lumen, small-footprint requirements of 35 and 50 Watt halogen retrofit lamps. It is optimized for retail stores, residential settings, museums, art galleries, hospitality and landscapes and is the first commercial LEDs to deliver sufficient light output for these applications.

Product features:

  •  Packaging size: 9 x 9 (mm)
  • Color temperature: Warm white light (3000K)
  • Flux: 560 lm (85 ℃,110 A) or 1525 lm (85 ℃, 4A)




//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=1897 0
LED components //www.einango.com/?p=1873 //www.einango.com/?p=1873#comments Tue, 05 Jul 2011 04:08:42 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1873 High Voltage Drive LED components from Everlight enhance light efficiency, taking place of general LED lighting.

Product features:

  • 1W, 2W and 4W power consumption to meet the needs of different brightness of LED
  • Ceramic substrate technologies, and improved heat dissipation
  • Package Dimensions: 3.5×3.5mm(1W); 6.0×6.0mm (2W and 4W)
  • Available for lighting up by simple bridge resistance, a stable and efficient light source, saving the cost of design-driven parts
  • Suitable for use in small LED energy-saving lightings, such as: candle fixture (MR-11) or jewelry fixture (MR-16), so as to solve installed problems caused by too many LED current transforming parts




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