//www.einango.com Lighting Designs Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:22:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 邦奇智能照明控制系统在美丽上海悦榕庄酒店项目中的应用 //www.einango.com/?p=3245 //www.einango.com/?p=3245#comments Thu, 01 Dec 2011 02:41:17 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=3245 “世博民居文化区——美丽上海”项目地处浦东三林楔形绿地南片结构规划区域,功能定位为:以生态为主旨,兼具传统民居文化和时代特色的。上海地产集团花百亿资金打造的“美丽上海”集100余幢中国经典民居汇聚黄浦江边,项目核心部分“美丽上海悦榕庄”酒店即将营业,特色会所、商业街等工程正在紧张建设中。

美丽上海悦榕庄项目采用邦奇智能照明控制系统,产品主要应用于老酒店别墅区、公共区及新酒店公共区。邦奇电子根据各不同区域的使用功能及照明效果,设计多种灯光场景,达到美观、舒适和节能环保的效果。此次项目主要产品应用以Philips •Dynalite 系列。

在新老酒店公共区域,邦奇主要选用了DLE1205 前沿调光器和DMC810GL多功能控制器这两款产品。DLE1205 前沿调光器是12 通道每通道5A 的前沿调光器,设备总负载为60A,适合于白炽灯、低压灯、霓虹灯和一些荧光灯的调光控制。同时,通过Philips•Dynalite 的系统集成器,灯光控制系统可以与安保、HVAC、家庭影院、窗帘控制及室外照明成为一体,完美融合。同时,通过先进的电压调节和软启动技术,它起到可以保护低压灯具并明显的延长灯的寿命。

DMC810GL 多功能控制器则可提供多种负载类型控制的模块,例如白炽灯和可调光电子镇流器,开关控制器,变压器的调光控制等,这样的应用大大节约了公共区域投入和安装成本,并能取得优异的灯光效果。

在老酒店别墅区,邦奇主要选用了DDMC802GL多用途控制器及DDRC1220FR-GL 继电器控制器。DDMC802GL多用途控制器可利用各种输出模块适应不同类型负载。主要能接纳4 个插入式模块,更易于有利使用。可用的模块类型包括:

  1. 前沿相控调光器,适合白炽灯和某些类型可调光电子变压器;
  2. 后沿相控调光器,适用于大多数可调光电子变压器;
  3. 高频镇流器控制器,能适合控制 DALI 广播,1-10V 和DSI 镇流器和变压器;
  4. 继电器模块,能适合大多数类型的开关负载;扇控制模块;帘控制模块等。

DDRC1220FR-GL继电器控制器则用于控制任何类型开关负载,它的优点是可通过DyNet 网络分别进行控制,提高效率,节约成本。





//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=3245 0
邦奇智能照控系统在沈阳七宝山酒店的应用 //www.einango.com/?p=3237 //www.einango.com/?p=3237#comments Thu, 01 Dec 2011 02:07:14 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=3237 沈阳七宝山酒店是朝鲜民主主义共和国在海外投资的唯一家具四星级标准的国际商务酒店。此项目是改造工程,于2011年3月开始筹建,2011年12月竣工.它将是朝鲜政府高官访华在东北地区唯一指定场所.沈阳七宝山酒店项目地址位于沈阳市区核心区域,毗邻沈阳使馆区、政府机关,火车站、地铁站等,地理位置十分优越。













//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=3237 0
西安,中国,自然光与灯光在车站中的完美结合 Xi’an, China, Perfect combination between natural light and fixtures //www.einango.com/?p=1648 //www.einango.com/?p=1648#comments Thu, 23 Jun 2011 09:37:26 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1648 大型车站的灯光控制可以通过不同的场景设置与自然光充分结合,以实现节能减排

The lighting at the Xian railway station is controllable in different settings, combining with the natural light in order to save energy


Picture 1: Special design on the roof introduces more natural lighting

西安北站位于西安市城区北部中轴线上,是一座集铁路、公路、城市交通于一体的现代化大型铁路客运车站。西安北站建筑风格寓意为“唐风汉韵、盛世华章”,其建筑形态融合了唐大明宫含元殿和西安城墙的元素,整个建筑朴素庄重、壮美雄奇。车站主要由站房、站场、动车运用所三大区域组成。站房总建筑面积33.66万平米,主体建筑总高度43.6m。 [1] 


Picture 2: Proper lighting in the corridor


为追求节能环保,在屋顶上设几个天窗,用漫发射引进自然光,这样光线不仅不会刺伤人眼,而且节能省电。通过使用符合功能要求的光源和调光系统来进一步达到节能的效果。主要采用日光灯,节能灯,个别区域采用金卤灯,泛光照明大部分采用大功率的 LED 灯。其次,整个车站的灯光通过调光系统进行整体集中控制,方便操作。主要区域包括旅客出站层、站台层、售票室、高架候车厅和户外的泛光照明,场景有上午,下午,晚上,节能,阴天等。通过使用邦奇智能灯光控制系统,整个车站的所有灯光组成一个大的网络,在中控室放置一台装有邦奇 DLightⅢ 服务器软件的电脑,人机直接对话,方便用户使用操作。



Picture 3: The soft lighting makes visitors feel comfortable


由于候车厅挑空较高,设计师主要采用了金卤灯。平均显色指数为65左右,光线比较柔和,以确保旅客进入候车厅后有很高的视觉舒服度。这种自然舒适的感觉主要通过采用自然光与环境灯光的有效结合而实现。设计师通过在屋顶开天窗,将自然光有效地引入室内。在天气变化的情况下,邦奇智能照明控制系统可以实现灯光的调节,设有白天,晚上,阴天,节能等场景,以制造舒适节能的室内环境。为满足功能性照明的需要,大厅内的平均照度在500lux 左右。



Picture 4: Natural ventilation design is used to create a cozy ambiance




Photo Courtesy: Dynalite China

Located in the north central axis of Xian city, North Station is a modern transportation hub for railway, highway and coaches. The architectural style of the station symbolizes the charm of Tang and Han dynasties, and its glorious time. The construction shape of the station has the Tang Ming Dynasty palace and Xi’an city wall elements, the entire building is simple, stately and magnificent. The station comprises of three areas: station building, station, yard and vehicle operation yard. The main station building is 336,600 m2 and with height of 43.6 m.  [1]

Lighting design concept

In order to achieve the energy saving goal, the lighting designer of North station decided to have several skylights on the roof allowing natural light to come in through diffuser, so that passengers will not be dazzled by the bright light. More over it also has energy efficient. The use of different sets of light and the dimming system to meet the functional requirements further achieves the energy saving effect. The lighting is mainly fluorescent and energy saving lamps, metal halide fixture is used for individual regions, and using LED as high-power flood lighting. In some parts, the whole of station lighting is centralized control by a dimming system for ease of operation. The controller is pre-set to provide light in areas such as passenger station level, platform, ticketing office, waiting room and elevated outdoor flood lighting, In addition, scenes include morning, afternoon, evening, energy saving, cloudy and so on. By using Dynalite intelligent control system, the whole station forms a large network and a computer installed with DLight III server application is placed in the central control room. The light for the entire station is easily controlled from the server.

Waiting room

The waiting room is a huge area with a high ceiling, metal halide is used with the average color rendering index of 65, combined with natural and surrounding light, it ensures the comfortable feeling of passengers after entering into the waiting room. The skylights on the roof, allow natural light shine into the room. In the case of weather change, Dynalite intelligent lighting control system can adjust the light according to the pre-set modes such as day, night, cloudy, energy saving and so on. To create a comfortable and energy efficient environment, in order to meet functional needs of lighting, the average intensity of the hall is about 500 lux.


The platform is an open area design aiming at providing a comfortable place for passengers to enjoy natural breeze and day light. Taking the advantage of natural light, the metal halide fixture is also used with the average color rendering index about 65 and color temperature about 3000K, creating a soft lighting environment for the passengers. Average illuminance is 400 lux.

项目信息 Project Information

项目名称 Project Name:                                                                                西安北站 Xi’an North Train Station

灯具供应商 Fixture Supplier:                                                                      飞利浦等 Philips etc

灯光控制系统集成供应商 Lighting Control System Supplier:           邦奇电子 Dynalite China

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=1648 0
亚特兰大,美国,天花与地板的倒置 Atlanta, USA,Ceiling and floor up-side-down //www.einango.com/?p=933 //www.einango.com/?p=933#comments Thu, 02 Jun 2011 05:06:22 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=933 在Aliance 中心大堂,无论是天花板上复杂的几何形状,还是深色木质墙板,抑或白磨石地板上不规则的镀锌分隔条,都沐浴在各式上射灯散发出的柔和而明亮的灯光中,巧妙地融为一体,让人耳目一新

In the lobby at Alliance Center, the complex geometries of the ceiling and the rich color wood wall panels, even the terrazzo floor with zinc divider strips are all bathed in the soft and bright lights given off by all kinds of up-lights, ingeniously integrated, creating a refreshing look


Picture1: This 6000-square-foot lobby located at Alliance Center 

Aliance 中心的6000平方英尺的大堂位于亚特兰大市中心的北部中央巴克海特的办公楼内。

Aliance 中心有两个办公楼,这个大堂是在 Aliance二号楼内,一号办公室大楼已经开工,而此大厅被设计为一个为来宾提供动态空间体验的场所。通过水晶玻璃展馆入口进入空间感很强的大堂空间。优雅明亮,大堂内有着充满有异国情调的深色木头,闪闪发光的白色水磨石,充满活力的天花板和精心制作的各种细节。


Picture2: The crystalline glass entrance pavilion



为了配合地板里的上射灯,木墙板由装在天花板的凹槽的轨道式70 W可调金属卤素灯照明。在电梯门的顶部,定制不锈钢荧光灯具照亮电梯大堂的天花板。

这些材料包括 Makore 木皮墙板,镀锌分隔条的水磨石地板,花板上的手绘 GFRG 、石膏墙板和玻璃。地板上有29个上射灯和30条镀锌分隔条,并有三种形状的灯各种各样地旋转。在天花板的17条线中,有6条是弯曲的。天花板包含40个平面和210个交点。


Picture3: Lobby floorplan
This 6000-square-foot lobby is located at Alliance Center, a speculative office complex in central Buckhead, just north of downtown Atlanta.

The lobby serves Two Alliance, a new office tower already under construction when the design of the lobby was proposed as a means to create a dynamic entrance experience. The plaza space between the One Alliance and Two Alliance towers pours into the generously scaled lobby space by way of a crystalline glass entrance pavilion. The glass pavilion opens onto an elegant light-filled lobby of rich, exotic wood, glistening white terrazzo, an energetic sculpted ceiling and finely crafted detail.


Picture 4, 5: Exotic wood veneer wall panels and white terrazzo floor are lit up by simple atmospheric up-lights             


The complex geometries of the ceiling structure and the insertion of the light boxes into the floor invert the traditional ceiling/floor relationship; ceiling as landscape and floor as light.

The surface of the floor light boxes is comprised of slip-resistant, laminated translucent glass, which has a 75% light transmittance. There are three shapes of glass panels which are rotated in plan and scattered throughout the lobby in order to evenly light the ceiling above. The up-lights are 150-watt metal halide lamps set twenty inches below the surface of the glass. Two half-inch-thick white metal louver grids (half inch by half inch) are rotated thirty degrees in relation to each other and set beneath the glass. The rotated louvers diffuse the light, reducing the appearance of hot spots on the surface of the glass and preventing direct glare.


Picture6: The complex geometries of the ceiling structure and the insertion of the light boxes into the floor invert the traditional ceiling and floor relationship

Complementary to the up-lights in the floor, the wood wall panels are washed by track-mounted seventy-watt adjustable metal halide lights set in recessed ceiling coves. At the head of the elevator doors, custom stainless steel light fixtures with florescent lamps wash the elevator lobby ceilings.

Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) achieves the precise geometric intersections of the ceiling. The custom floor-mounted up-lights create a subtle effect on the ceiling and provide enough light to comfortably illuminate the lobby without causing discordance to those passing through.

7:木墙板由装在天花板凹槽的轨道式70 W可调金属卤素灯照明           

Picture7: The wood wall panels are washed by track-mounted 70 W adjustable metal halide lights set in recessed ceiling coves

The materials include Makore wood veneer wall panels, terrazzo floor with zinc divider strips, painted GFRG and gypsum wall board at the ceiling and glass. There are twenty-nine up-lights and thirty lines of zinc divider strips in the floor with three shapes of lights rotated for variety. Of the seventeen lines in the ceiling, six are curved. The ceiling is comprised of forty planes and two hundred and ten points of intersection.

项目信息 Project Information


业主 Owner:                                  Tishman Speyer 地产  Tishman Speyer Properties

项目名称 Project Name:           Alliance 办公二楼大厅 Office tower lobby for Alliance Two

项目面积 Project area:              550平方米 550 square meters

建筑师 Architect:                        麦克·斯科金,美林·伊拉姆 Mack Scogin, Merrill Elam Architects

灯光顾问 Lighting consultant:加布勒·扬斯顿 Gabler Youngston


Picture8: The custom floor-mounted up-lights create a comfortable and subtle effect on the ceiling



图片提供:Timothy Hursley

All photo courtesy: Timothy Hursley

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=933 0
亚特兰大,美国,“跳跃着”的现代水晶灯 Atlanta, USA, The “dancing” modern Chandelier //www.einango.com/?p=925 //www.einango.com/?p=925#comments Thu, 02 Jun 2011 04:30:34 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=925 艺术性的水晶灯在改建后大堂内成为凸显现代明快风格的重要手段。

Artistic Chandelier becomes important method to enhance the modern and crisp ambience in the renovated lobby.

1:夜色中,Midtown Plaza1669 平方米的大堂内造型独特的水晶灯

Picture 1: This 6000-square-foot lobby located at Alliance Center

在改建前,One Midtown Plaza 大堂是一个比较暗的环境,地理位置上也缺乏存在感。这是20世纪80年代典型的建筑风格,当时暗红色花岗岩是在美国非常流行。大堂入口从街上羞涩地凹进去,在大堂的西大门笨拙地连接到停车场,缺乏与大楼主体的连接。

改建后的大堂为所在的 Peachtree Street 街道增添了新的个性,开放和亲切。闪闪发光的白色内饰是原大堂空间忧郁特点的完全相反的风格。大堂的艺术性吊灯- C78,好似在空间内舞蹈着,急切地展示着它的特点。日光会突出它的每个表面及特点。

如果用一句话来形容 C78水晶灯,那就是,它是一组由被打乱的钢柱等材质组成的现代灯饰。C78由14组293个钢柱,29个手吹玻璃球,586个空间坐标,1个蛋形灯饰,1个眼睛状的发光孔,615个吊绳和783个数字转换元件。



白色多孔的玻璃板覆盖着大厅的墙壁,呈现出一个外观简约清新的空间。这个空间现在融入了 Peachtree Street 的日常生活和活动。另外,漆成白色的水磨石地板和石膏顶棚也有助于提高空间的亮度和动态光的品质。


Picture 2: The crystalline glass entrance pavilion

在 Peachtree Street 新建立的北面侧廊贯通了1号和2号Midtown Plaza,同时也可以从西边停车场场进入大楼。但是无论从 Peachtree Street 或是停车场,都可以从C78水晶灯底下通到保安前台,而画廊北面的由透明玻璃组成的穿孔铝板幕墙,它贯通了1号和2号Midtown Plaza,同时也使南面的阳光可以照进画廊。而这个打孔墙所使用的主题是这个城市普遍使用的具有本地特色的山茱萸的景观。



Picture 3: Lobby level floorplan, after construction

技术说明:在上面的52个吊灯天花板装置有两种类型:第一类是完全固定槽,其中包括了一个可调光的 PAR38金属卤化物灯。六英寸的标准孔径,彩虹色的铝制反应锥和白色的边缘。第二种类型是完全固定嵌入式槽,包括 PAR38卤素灯和彩虹色的铝制反应锥和白色的边缘。

Prior to renovation, the lobby of Midtown Plaza was a dark, cavernous space lacking presence on Peachtree Street. A product of the 1980s, when dark red granite was extremely fashionable in the United State, the lobby brooded in its own shadow, receding from the street. The west entrance of the lobby was awkwardly connected to the parking deck and lacked connection with Two Midtown Plaza.

The renovated lobby of One Midtown Plaza presents a new personality to Peachtree Street that is generous, open and inviting. The sparkling white interior is a complete reversal of the somber character of the original lobby space. C78, the grand chandelier, fairly dances through the space, eager to be on its way. Daylight accentuates every surface.

C78 can best be described as a vector array interrupted in its trajectory. C78 consists of 14 clusters of 293 vectors, 29 orbs, 586 space coordinates, 1 parasitic eggoid, 1 oculus, 615 tethers and 783 digital transformations.

C78 and the lobby space are simply lit by 52 recessed down-lights. Light plays randomly along the lengths of the painted steel vectors. The hand-blown glass orbs capture light from the same down-lights adding sparkle to the chandelier.

In the early morning, east light streams into the lobby, activating the vectors and orbs in a continuously changing kinetic mode. C78 energizes the lobby and celebrates the volumetric generosity of the space. Asymmetrical, informal and friendly, C78 is a contemporary reinterpretation of chandelier.

White fritted glass panels clad the lobby walls, rendering the space legible from the exterior. The space now participates in the activity and life of Peachtree Street. A white terrazzo floor and painted white gypsum board ceiling contribute to the brightness of the space and the animated quality of the light.

The newly created side gallery to the north improves the connection between One Midtown Plaza and Two Midtown Plaza and clarifies the west entry sequence from the parking deck. With the creation of the side gallery, everyone, whether from Peachtree Street or the parking deck, enters the building through the lobby under C78 and through security. A transparent glass wall on the north side of the gallery looks out to a perforated aluminum screen wall that defines the connections between the One and Two Midtown Plaza buildings and sends south light into the gallery space. The dogwood blossom motif of the perforated screen wall speaks to the native popularity and its pervasive use in the landscape of the city.


Picture 4, 5: The contrast with chandelier between day and night  

The 52 fixtures in the ceiling above the chandelier are of two types. The first fixture type is a fully recessed, adjustable accent light for a PAR38 metal halide lamp. Six-inch nominal aperture, low iridescence clear alzak reflector cone with white painted flange and locking adjustable mechanism. The second fixture type is a fully recessed down-light for a PAR38 halogen lamp, low iridescence clear alzak reflector cone with white painted flange.

项目信息 Project Information

业主 Owner:

Tishman Speyer 地产  Tishman Speyer Properties

项目名称 Project Name:

现有  Midtown Plaza  办公大楼大堂的改建  Renovation of existing Midtown Plaza office building lobby

项目面积 Project Area:

1,669 square meters 1669 平方米

建筑师 Architect:

麦克·斯科金,美林·伊拉姆 Mack Scogin, Merrill Elam Architects

灯光顾问 Lighting consultant:

加布勒·扬斯顿 Gabler Youngston


Picture 6: The close-up view of the orbs


图片提供:Timothy Hursley

All photo courtesy: Timothy Hursley

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=925 0
江苏,中国,且看电视塔的流光溢彩 Jiangsu, China Colorful lighting from the TV tower //www.einango.com/?p=906 //www.einango.com/?p=906#comments Thu, 02 Jun 2011 03:35:38 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=906 2010年11月,随着武进电视塔景观照明工程的顺利竣工,国内高塔夜景照明项目中又增添了一个经典案例。228米高的塔身,被装扮一新,夜幕下的武进电视塔光彩闪耀、动感飘逸,成为整个武进地区一颗耀眼的明珠

November 2010, with the successful completion of façade lighting construction, Wujin TV Tower becomes another shining example of megatower lighting projects.  With a body that is 228-meter-high, the tower is dressed up in a new light at night that is dynamic and elegant, making it a dazzling pearl in the entire area

文:王 刚、黄泽准

by Wang Gang, Huang Zezhun

1, 2:绚丽的色彩变化使武进广播电视塔在夜晚显得格外的美丽 

Picture 1, 2Colorful lighting makes the Wujin TV Tower the beautiful focal point





武进电视塔景观亮化工程项目中,采用了如 LED 全彩线性洗墙灯、LED 全彩投光灯、LED全彩点状灯、LED 竹节模组灯等14种不同类别的景观亮化灯具,其中有10余种 LED 景观亮化灯具都集中纳入了 LED 灯光控制系统,通过灯光控制系统的协调、统一控制,使塔身6700多套LED灯具实现多种动态灯光效果,以及多场景的灯光艺术表演。



Picture 3Close-up view of installed rice character shaped structure floodlights and full-color spotlights 





武进电视塔的LED灯光控制系统采用了先进的 DMX512灯光控制系统,该控制系统的信号控制与传输分为三级,如图5所示。

第一级LED图像控制系统控制计算机与3套LED工控机之间的信号传输,采用星型连接,由计算机发出总的信号,统一传输给3台 LED 工控机;

第二级LED工控机与长距离信号接收器之间的连接,也是采用星型连接,LED 工控机发出信号传输给控制范围内的若干套长距离信号接收器;




Picture 4Close-up view of installed high power floodlights








这些不同区域,不同层次的 LED 景观灯具,通过系统的统一协调控制,可实现整体同步灯光效果。



Picture 5The lighting control system framework






Project background
Wujin TV Tower has 228 m height, is the highest and the most versatile steel tower at county level. As a landmark in Wujin City, it is a member of the High Tower Committee of China. The tower is located in Wujin Business Center, which is a theme-oriented commercial district with dining, shopping, entertainment, leisure, tourism, sports and housing. The Wujin TV Tower is the heart of the commercial center.

Project overview

For the project, 14 different types of landscape fixtures were implemented such as linear full-color LED wall washer, LED full color flood light, LED full-color spot lights, LED bamboo node fixture. More than 10 kinds of fixtures are controlled by the lighting control system through centralized and computerized coordination, so that over 6,700 sets of LED fixtures can deliver a variety of dynamic lighting effects and multi-scene light shows.


Design objectives

The main objective of the project is to “build a modern, dynamic, signature light environment”. Specifically, the control over the whole tower is divided into three sections vertically, lower, middle and higher and the three layers from inside to outside horizontally. In this way, the large disk over the bottom of the tower, each of Chinese character “rice” shaped steel tower, the flange end of each column, each layer of wells, hemispheric dome, and the top of the tower structure and three platforms all can have different lighting effects as well as a unified and coherent coordination of multiple scene changes.

Artistic lighting performance control system
Wujin TV Tower LED lighting control system uses the advanced DMX512 lighting control system, the control system is divided into three tiers of signal control and transmission, as shown in picture 5.
Level one, LED image control system manages the signal transmission between computer and 3 sets of LED Industrial Personal Computer (IPC). In a star connecting mode, all the signals are sent by the computer to 3 LED IPCs.
The connection between the second tier LED IPCs and long-distance signal receiver is also in star connecting mode

The third tier consists of long-distance signal receiver system which sends the signal to each fixture through the trunk mode; each fixture has a built-in program control chip which enables the fixture to read the needed control signal from the signal line.

The advantages of applying star network topology and DMX512 lighting control protocol is that a set of fixtures failure will not affect the normal operation of other fixtures. In addition, a single set of control equipment failure can only affect lighting equipment within the control ranges (the fixture itself is not damaged) and other fixture and control equipment can still work properly.
The entire tower has 3 sets of LED IPC is divided into three zones from top to bottom, three layers from inside to outside:

From top to bottom:
The top section is from the 200-meter-high top of the tower to 155 meters high hemispheric dome-shaped which is lit by full-color prism fixture;
The second area is between 142 and 50 meters down below the “rice” character shaped structure;
The third area is 33 meters downwards to the end of platform.

From outside to inside:

The outermost layer consists of flange bamboo node fixture;
The second layer is rice character shaped structure of high-power floodlights and full-color spotlights;
The innermost layer is full-color high-power floodlights;
The LED landscape lighting for these different sections are synchronized to achieve the overall lighting effect.

项目信息 Project Information

灯光施工总包 Lighting contractor:

江苏曼特照明科技有限公司 Jiangsu Mante Lighting

设计单位 Design Institute:

复旦大学规划建筑设计研究院照明研究所Lighting Research Institute in Architectural Design and Research Institute of Fudan University

灯具供应商 Fixture Supplier:

广州雅江光电 Yangjiang Applied Technologies

艺术灯光控制系统集成供应商 Lighting Control System Supplier:


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