//www.einango.com Lighting Designs Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:22:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 现代化多功能酒店智能照明 Modern multifunctional hotel intelligent lighting system //www.einango.com/?p=1641 //www.einango.com/?p=1641#comments Thu, 23 Jun 2011 08:08:52 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1641 智能照明系统的应用为喜来登酒店营造出典雅而舒适的氛围,在美化服务环境吸引宾客光临的同时带来了可观的节能效果 

The intelligent lighting control system in Sheraton Hotel creates an elegant and comfortable atmosphere couple with top class service environment attracts customers from all walks of life, also greatly improve energy efficiency




大堂是客人进入酒店的必经之路,是光临酒店的第一感觉,在灯具的选用和灯光布置方面必须考虑照明环境氛围与建筑装璜的协调性。为了给客人提供一个舒适、优雅、端庄的光照环境,施耐德电气C-Bus 智能照明控制系统可根据大堂运营状况预设时间,通过对比酒店室内外环境亮度自动调整灯光效果。大堂接待区安装的触摸屏,根据接待区域各种照明需求特点和不同的时间段,可预设约16种灯光场景,也可通过手动编程选择或修改灯光场景。此外,系统充分利用由玻璃幕墙浸入的自然光,实现日照自动补偿。大堂设计亮度传感器,通过感应室内光线达到自动调光的目的。对自然光的充分利用使得C-Bus系统实现在保持设计照度的同时节电50%以上。调光器的使用,可有效延长灯具寿命2-4倍,对于保护昂贵的水晶吊灯和不宜维护区域的灯具有积极意义。








采用 C-Bus 智能照明控制系统后,可使照明系统工作在全自动状态,系统将按预先设置切换若干基本工作状态。根据不同用途用户可以精心地进行灯光的场景预设置,使用时只需调用预设好的最佳灯光场景。还可根据不同区域功能要求,利用灯光的颜色、投射方式和不同明暗亮度创造出立体的、层次的、绚丽的灯光环境,营造愉快惬意的氛围。

系统能够依据国际标准的最佳光照度自动协调室内外光照度。根据预置,部分公共区域若无需即时则减弱或关闭照明系统,既保证有效照明又科学的降低了能耗,节约了能源。系统还具备抑制电网冲击电压和浪涌功能,通过采用软启动和软关断技术,避免灯丝的热冲击,延长灯具寿命。此外,C-Bus 智能照明控制系统将传统照明机械的开与关转换成了智能化管理,通过有效监控和合理化使用,大大减少酒店的运行维护费用。

The design objectives

The owners and designers hope that hotel lighting system is not only for functional use, but also facilitates management and saves energy. In order to meet customers’ requirements, the control system should be simple to operate and easy to control, and maintain, and scalable to achieve energy saving and cost reduction.


The lobby should firstly provide a comfortable, graceful and elegant lighting environment for customers by lamp selection and lighting layout. Lighting of the entire lobby is managed by Schneider Electric C-Bus intelligent lighting control system that automatically adjusts lighting effect according to the presetting time, and brightness  contrasted between internal and external environments to perform real intelligent management. Lobby’s reception area is installed with central touch screen; sixteen types of lighting scenes may be preset according to functional characteristics of reception area and different times. Meanwhile, lighting scenes can be conveniently selected or modified via manual programming. The system equipped with light auto compensation function that can sense the natural light permeated from shutter and adjust the lighting level accordingly, which can save more than 50% of power. In addition, dimmer is used to prolong lamp’s service life by 2-4 times, which is meaningful to protect expensive chandelier and fixtures in hardly maintaining area.

Dining room, café, bar

Many types of dimmable light sources are used in dining room, café and bar. Soft and elegant lighting environment is always maintained by intelligent light control system. Four or eight kinds of lighting scenes may be preset. The Staff can manually program the controller for selecting or modifying lighting scene. Each area is designed with one touch screen for managing lightings. The method is the same with that in the lobby.

Banquet hall

Lighting scenes are preset according to time and specific purpose during the day, you can press just one key for start the optimal lighting scenes. The touch screen in the banquet hall is designed for managing lighting. Programmable control panel may also be available in functional areas of the banquet hall.

Corridor and other public areas

Turn all necessary lights on for those public areas where there is frequent customer movement, while switch off for those areas not frequently occupied. System management is under centralized control in relevant operation rooms, controlled by professional person according to specific circumstances. The operation can be realized by field control, central monitoring control or time control.


C-Bus intelligent control system makes lighting system work in a fully automatic state. It can be easily switched among several specific scenes according to preset modes. Based on different functional requirement, colorful light, installation location and different light intensities, the system could select a three-dimensional, multi-level, and brilliant light environment, which create a pleasant ambiance for visitors.

Corresponding to international standard of light intensity, optimal lighting brightness is modulated automatically by C-Bus lighting control system to reduce the power consumption and save the energy. It successfully restrains impulse and surge voltage from power grid to protect fixtures, avoids thermal shock on lamp filament through introducing the technique of soft start and stop, prolonging service life of fixtures. In addition, C-Bus intelligent lighting control system shift traditional manual switch to the intelligent management. It substantially reduces hotel operation and maintenance costs by advanced management.

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杭州,中国,闪耀在酒店的星光 Hangzhou, China, Blinking stars in the hotel //www.einango.com/?p=1634 //www.einango.com/?p=1634#comments Thu, 23 Jun 2011 07:46:44 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1634 大型酒店选择了表现建筑线条的照明方式和选用了较低亮度的灯具,柔和朦胧的灯光照亮,与周边夜景融为一体,似夜空繁星,并通过灯具选择和灯具安装位置达到节能的效果 

The hotel approved a lighting design that accentuates the outline of the hotel and uses low brightness fixtures and soft dimmed light integrated with the surrounding atmosphere at night; it just likes stars in the night sky. And with the suitable lighting fixtures and the installation locations to save energy


By: Xinqiao Wang


Picture 1: Night sight of the hotel



考虑到业主所关心的经济问题,在同建筑师、室内设计师的配合下,设计师在需要使用高科技灯具的重要部位,选用进口灯具,其他部分则选取性价比较好的国产灯具以满足业主需求。为了营造自然温馨的效果,设计选取了最能突出建筑材质特色、表现建筑线条的照明方式以及低亮度的灯具。光源方面使用了卤素灯、紧凑型荧光灯、线性 LED 和点光源 LED、金卤灯、荧光灯管。设计师还在公共区域使用了调光系统可以根据需要选择全亮模式、浪漫模式、深夜模式和清洁模式。此外,设计也充分考虑到节能,通过选择高光效的光源、精确配光的灯具和适当的安装位置,实现了合理照明,节约能源。


设计师的中心原则是要在实现照明效果和照明氛围的同时,最大限度的将灯具与大堂内部设计相结合。大堂的核心是特殊造型的木质吊顶,两侧是阶梯状吊顶错落的展开。“我们通过将灯具和吊顶造型相结合的方式,既突出吊顶的特殊造型,又能将灯具隐藏起来,做到了见光不见灯的状态。”本项目的灯光设计师,来自朗程照明的王新巧这样说道。通过选用较小尺寸灯具,将灯具本身对室内设计的影响降到最低。设计师在大堂的吊顶内选择 LED 线性灯具,其余区域使用卤素灯进行照明。这样,人们的视线可以被引导到室内设计师和艺术顾问特别设计的装饰上,比如大堂中的主题雕塑、墙面悬挂的天然艺术品等。通过使用高光效的灯具和窄光束可调整角度灯具,可以应用于不同时段控制模式。对于卤素灯,灯具的输入电压调整为90%,既能营造温馨的暖光,又能使光源的使用寿命延长一倍,减少更换光源的各种支出。


Picture 2: The combination of lighting and ceiling shapes of lobby design




Picture 3: Design of meeting room meets different requirements

Qingdao Intercontinental Holiday Inn is located in the beautiful Qingdao Island, facing the beautiful coastal line and wonderful greenery mountain on the other side. As a resort hotel, it focuses on the cozy and relaxing ambiance for visitors.

Design concept

Considering cost is on the top of the priority list of the owner, the lighting designer together with the architects decided to use imported lighting fixtures in important areas of the hotel that need high-tech lighting, and domestic lighting products with high efficiency in other areas to meet the owner’s needs. In order to create a natural and relaxing environment, the design accentuates the building materials, outlines the artistic lighting of building and uses low luminous lighting fixture. Light sources that are used are halogen, compact fluorescent, streamlined LED & point LED, metal halide and fluorescent. In public areas dimming system is used to set up different lighting modes such as full bright day light, romantic, night time and energy saving according to demands and requirements. In addition, the designer selected high-efficiency lighting source, suitable lighting fixture and proper installation locations to achieve green lighting.


The design principle of the lobby is the realization of lighting effect and the atmosphere through lighting, also maximizing the lighting effect through the combination of lighting fixtures and interior design. The lobby ceiling is made of wood and with laddered shape spreading out from both sides. “Combining the special shape of the wooden ceiling and light fixtures, the purpose is to highlight the shape of the ceiling and at the same time hide the fixtures to get the overall visual effect.” Wang Langqiao explained, designer from Cibles lighting Company. With compact fixture, the impact on the overall effect is minimized, with LED streamlined fixture in the lobby ceiling and halogen fixture in other parts, visitors’ attention is then directed to the decorations such as the theme sculpture and natural art works on the wall. By using high efficiency lighting fixture and the controllable narrow beam with adjustable angle fixture, the hotel also can control the lighting fixtures according to the time of the day and the pre-set modes. The input voltage of halogen fixture is set to 90% to create a warm light environment and at the same time optimal life span with low costs.


Picture 4: A large size French window and skylight in some special area

Meeting room

The designer uses chandelier to provide general lighting in most parts of the meeting room, and at the same time the chandelier provides the kind of prestige effect. In addition, the lighting source and installation location are selected after thorough consideration, for instance, Halogen light source is used as decorative chandelier source, and uses remote controllable fixture as complementary lighting source.

项目信息 Project Information

项目名称 Project Name:

千岛湖洲际酒店 Qiandao Intercontinental Holiday Inn

灯光控制系统集成供应商 Lighting Control System Supplier:

快思聪 Crestron

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蒙特卡罗,环境明亮的健身中心 Montecarlo, fitness centre //www.einango.com/?p=1622 //www.einango.com/?p=1622#comments Thu, 23 Jun 2011 07:02:17 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1622 本文主要介绍一座新建成的健身中心的照明设计,该中心包括体操房和一个室内游泳池

The lighting design project for the new fitness centre in Meda with a gym and an indoor swimming pool


by Giorgio Pasotti



整个健身中心共四层,地下一层用于安置锅炉和做储藏室使用。地上层(总面积为1013.87㎡)包括美体教室、有氧运动教室、带卫生间的体操房、行政部门办公室和保健室等。第二层(总的使用面积可达661.89㎡)包括:入口、一对一训练教室、跑步机训练室,这三部分构成了相连的跃层结构,木楼梯周边的空间摆了很多供自由体操和形体训练使用的器械。第三层(使用面积达1013.87㎡)包括:为各种设备提供维护服务的技术区 ,一家寿司店和一个供会员休息放松的休闲区。


Picture 1: Meda, Montecarlo Fitness. A close-up of one of the large pendant light fixtures used to light the space 




Picture 2: Another view of the spacious interior where even the natural light plays a prominent role



Picture 3: The division of the first floor in two levels through the construction of a mezzanine around the perimeter of the studio 




为了将开阔的空间照亮,这里选择了大型吊灯(直径180cm,为TreCiLuce一款名为“Opera 180”的灯具),点亮后可以获得一种一览无余的效果。


Picture 4: Mede, Montecarlo Fitness. The swimming pool on the second floor



Picture 5: The mezzanine level of the first floor with the lighting fixtures used to supplement the general lighting

 The new building is located in Trieste Street in Meda, in the heart of Monza and Brianza, in an area that is under a newly approved development plan now nearing completion. The original concept behind the construction of the new fitness centre was based on the combination of the flexibility afforded by a pre-fabricated structure – made up of pillars and beams in reinforced concrete – with the use of sought-after materials and designs, while large, vertical windows were planned in order to ensure a good balance of light and ventilation. These elements all helped to create an aesthetically pleasing ensemble.

The structure of the internal space was planned over four levels, a basement level, which is used to house the boiler and for storage, and three levels above ground. The ground floor (gross floor area equal to 1013.87 m2), contains the administrative and nursing areas, as well as the space to be used for the gym, which is divided into the fitness suite, the aerobics studio and the bathrooms.

The first floor (gross circulation area 661.89 m2) is instead divided into an entrance hallway, a Personal Trainer room, a treadmill studio and a cycling studio. Above the three studios is a wooden mezzanine level, which is used for freestyle gymnastics and for the weight training and body building equipment.

The second floor (gross circulation area equal to 1013.87 m2) consists of a technical support area and a Sushi Restaurant.

图6:图为 Opera 180型吊灯,灯罩为多碳聚酯材料,按透光性分为高透和低透两种。可以选择散射光源/直射光源,依次使用的灯泡类型为:石英碘灯泡,规格 HIT 3 x 70-150-250 W,接口 G12;荧光灯泡,规格 TC-L 9 x 80 W,接口2G11 

Picture 6: The pendant light fixture Opera 180 with polycarbonate diffuser. The appliance emits direct and indirect light using 3 x HIT 70-150-250 W halide lamps with a G12 lamp socket, and 9 x 80 W TC-L fluorescent lamps with a 2G11 lamp socket 

The design layout and the materials used

The structure of the building consists of pre-fabricated white marble chip panels. The façade was enriched with an Alucobond chrome coating that was used to cover the semicircular central part of the façade. The building features large windows all round the perimeter that guarantee a great degree of natural light. The optimal division of the interior space is obtained thanks to the use of dividing walls made of marine plywood on an aluminium frame, used also for the bathrooms and changing rooms. Externally the building respects the aesthetics and architecture of the interior: a wooden pier provides access to the building through an artificial lake surrounded by iron railings; the building is surrounded by a wooden walkway, around which there is a Tartan running track that separates the building from the Fitness Centre’s exclusive customer car park.

图7:Square 66-C-W 型壁灯或吸顶灯,为获得直射光,可安装 TC-L 荧光灯泡,图中的配置是4x40W,接口2G11

Picture 7: The Square  66 C-W wall light for the emission of direct diffuse light uses  4 x 40 W fluorescent TC-L bulbs with a 2G11 lamp socket

照片提供 All photo courtesy: TreCiluce

The lighting design project

The lighting design project – developed in collaboration with lighting specialist E’ Luce from Valmadrera (LC) – began with the need to suitably enhance the space of this exclusive gym, aiming not only to illuminate but also to create a sense of well-being and comfort for the club members. Particular attention was given to the main studio on two levels: the decision was made to distribute light evenly in order to create lighting conditions clear enough for gymnastic activities to take place, but also able to accentuate the dimensions and contours of the users’ bodies during their training. From an architectural point of view the main studio is a large-scale three dimensional space, all of which needs to be lighted. The considerably large (180 cm in diameter) pendant light fixture that was used (Opera 180 from TreCiLuce) was developed to address the lighting requirements of this type of space both in terms of performance and the need to avoid congesting the space. The entire fitness and weight training area was therefore lighted using only four pendant light fixtures. Direct light makes possible the usual fitness activities while indirect light emissions accentuate the surfaces, highlighting the ceilings and rendering visible the structure and finishing touches of the building. The overall luminous effect is enhanced by the presence of wall lights (Square series, also from TreCiLuce) located on both levels of the fitness studio. The light gives a pleasant sense of security. The same type of appliance was also used for the swimming pool and solarium, giving a subtle emphasis to the areas used for relaxation and recreation.

项目信息 Project Information 

项目名称 Project Name:                                                     蒙特卡罗健身中心 Monte Carlo Fitness

面积 Area:                                                                             2500 m2

工程设计和施工指挥 Project Management:              工程师 – 达涅拉·阿斯那奇 ing. Daniele Asnaghi

照明设计 Lighting Design:                                               Tre Ci Luce, light consultant Davide Maggioni,

E’ Luce illuminazione, Atelier, Asnaghi

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米兰,意大利,通过 LED 及纳米光学技术来控制光线强弱 Milan, Italy, LED and the use of nano-optics to control the flow of light //www.einango.com/?p=1360 //www.einango.com/?p=1360#comments Mon, 20 Jun 2011 01:35:54 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1360 位于米兰圣·茱莉亚诺的宜家家居新分店在室外安装了先进的照明设备,这些灯具由使用替代能源的供电设备提供电力,因此全套装备都是低能耗的高科技产品

For the external lighting of the new IKEA shop in San Giuliano Milanese, cutting edge equipments provide energy for equipments that consume alternative energy, hence it is a complete low energy consumption high-tech system


by Lorenza Bergamaschi, Laura Pepe



Picture 1: San Giuliano Milanese, The new IKEA store (right)


经过长时间和一系列对 LED 技术以及在商场外面外安装这种灯具的试验后,设计者最后决定为宜家家居在米兰圣茱莉亚诺的这家新分店选择 Ruud Lighting 照明设备公司的 LED 灯。

圣·朱利亚诺宜家家居的这套照明系统可以节约大约65%的电能(年节约电量可达100,000千瓦)。如此显著的节能效果,不仅仅是因为设备本身绝热性能良好,同时也归功于一套可以进行自我管理的“智能化”的装置。LED 灯的电控装置可以按实际需要调节光线亮度,例如,可以根据自然光的强弱或者按照商场营业开/关时间对照明进行调节。

这种利用纳米光学技术控制光线强弱的灯具和系统比较节能,同时具有超高的灵活性,设备的使用寿命更是高达100,000小时,要感谢最近十年来业内所积累的丰富经验(全世界已经安装了上万个这种设备),这些成果让 Ruud Lighting 照明设备公司为这家瑞典客户选择了 LED 灯具。



2LED 灯具照亮的室外广场

Picture 2: The large outer courtyard illuminated with LED lights


最初定了两个可行的方案:第一个方案采用高压钠灯;第二个则使用大功率 LED 灯作为光源。

为了减少停车场的灯头数量,设计者选择了一种高度达20米的灯塔,灯塔上安装了4个400W的射灯。如此一来,不仅减少了灯头数量,日常的维护工作量也相应减轻。在其它诸如道路、货物装卸区,以及员工专用的停车场则安装了路灯,就是那种客户们最常用的照明设备。Ruud Lighting 照明设备公司因为在意大利境内安装过无数的此类设备,因为可谓经验非常丰富。

至于为什么还设计了一个使用 LED 光源的方案,这要从客户方宜家家居提出的标准说起,他们很重视光源的特性和灯具所能达到的亮度水平。

从一开始 LED 技术就被认为更有优势,最主要的原因是这种光源在使用期内(100,000小时以上)维护的工作量较小。这就意味着在停车场也可以使用路灯用的灯泡,而不是选择比较贵的灯柱用的大功率探照灯。选择路灯用灯泡除了用电器功率较小,还可以在动工前就把费用大幅度地降下来,当然这是在比较了路灯灯泡和灯塔用的探照灯之间的差价之后得出的结论。此外,由于采用的是大规格的圆形对称灯具,这样既在能耗方面符合相关法律的规定,又获得了均匀满意的照明效果。由于所用灯头数量极少,不仅节约了电能,同时还将照明对环境的影响降至最低。

在其它区域安装的是带 LED 光源的路灯,这些灯具可以按照所处区域的特点调节成合适的亮度。总之,由于 Ruud Lighting 照明设备公司这套透镜系统(也称纳米光学技术)具有良好的性能,因此降低了灯具的安装功率,同时也减少了灯头的总数。

LED 照明技术具有很多优点:能耗低,维护少,寿命长达20年,且不需更换灯泡和配件,同时设备对生态环境的影响也较小,且不使用沉重的金属结构件,甚至在不再使用高压光源的情况下,也可以获得满意的亮度。宜家家居向来都高度重视环境问题,不仅要求自己经营的产品环保,同时在管理和经营商场方面也是如此,所以选择这些高新技术,对他们而言也是对未来的一种投资。


Picture 3: The new IKEA store’s large outer courtyard

Saving energy and environmental sustainability are primary objectives in which IKEA invests a great deal. From this perspective the new store inaugurated in San Giuliano Milanese was made with the best technologies: geothermal heat pump, trigeneration and photovoltaic installations, which will produce 70% (rising to 80% in the summer) of their energy requirements. Eco-sustainability also means saving and reducing the consumption of energy and for this reason IKEA wanted to study solutions for the exterior lighting that significantly reduce electrical energy consumption without having to sacrifice visual comfort and security.

The electrical management of the equipment

After a long and detailed series of tests on LED technology and the opportunity of using it for the external lighting of the stores, it was decided to use Ruud Lighting LED devices for the new store in S. Giuliano Milanese. The systems used guarantee a saving of 65% (an annual reduction of 100000 kilowatt-hours) thanks not only to the lower absorption rate but also to the “intelligent” operation of the devices used. The electrical control of the of the LED equipment allows the regulation of light flows that adapt the illumination levels to actual need based on, for example, variations in the level of natural light or the store opening and closing times. The energy savings, the extreme planning flexibility given by the products, the system of nano-optics to control the flow of light, a lifespan of over 100000 hours and above all, extensive experience in the sector gained in recent years (tens of thousands of installations all over the world) have all enabled Ruud Lighting to confirm its place as partner to the Swedish group for LED lighting.

The installation architecture

Setting up the external lighting of the IKEA shopping centres presents significant complexities given the variety of installations and of the intended use of space. The designers had to first analyse the problems relating to the single areas and then identify appropriate solutions: in this scenario the equipment used responds efficiently to the different project requirements thanks to the modularity and flexibility of the illuminating instruments that show the versatility of nineteen different lighting distributions.

The intervention stages

At first two alternative solutions were developed, the first was to have a high pressure sodium light source, the second a high emission LED light source. The hypothesis with discharge light sources anticipated the installation of 20 m high floodlights in the parking areas with four 400W projectors to reduce the number of light points and consequently the associated maintenance costs. In the other areas such as the street, the loading bay, and the staff car park it was anticipated that lamp posts would be used. This is the type of installation most commonly used by the customer and it is one in which Ruud Lighting demonstrates all of its experience through numerous projects completed throughout Italy.

When contemplating the LED light source solution it was necessary to review the lighting standards required by IKEA in their stores, taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the source in question. It was clear from the outset that the use of LED technology could be advantageous. In the first place this source requires little maintenance throughout its lifespan (over 100000 hours): this meant being able to provide for the possibility of lamp posts also for the car parks, instead of a more expensive floodlight installation. The use of lamp posts moreover, permitted the use of lower power devices and significantly reduced the initial installation costs, given the gap between the price of floodlights and lamp posts. In addition, through the use of a wide roto-symmetrical optic it was possible to maintain uniform illumination levels above the minimum required by the regulations even with a small number of light points, guaranteeing increased energy savings and a reduced environmental impact.

With regards to the other areas LED lamp posts with different light distributions based on the characteristics and the geometry of the lighting area were used. In short, it is thanks to the increased performance achieved with the Ruud Lighting products’ system of lenses (designated nano-optics) that a simultaneous reduction in the installed power and the number of light points has been made possible. Given the numerous advantages that LED sources can guarantee in this type of installation – reduced consumption, reduced maintenance, a life expectancy of over 20 years with no need to change light bulbs or other components, the use of sources that are eco-compatible and entirely free of heavy metals, light dimming options – IKEA, who have always been environmentally aware both in the manufacture of their products and with regards to running their stores, have decided to confirm and re-launch their future investment in this new technology.

项目信息 Project Information

项目名称 Project Name:


IKEA store – San Giuliano Milanese

客户 Client:


IKEA Italia Retail s.r.l


Ruud Lighting 照明设备公司——建筑师劳拉·贝贝,建筑师,洛伦佐娜·贝卡马斯奇

Ruud Lighting Europe S.r.l a S.U. – arch. Laura Pepe, arch. Lorenza Bergamaschi

(a) 名为“LEDway Road”的新灯具(下图)

(a) The new LEDway Road device

(b) (c) 照明设计:两个设计演示图(下二图)

(b) (c) The lighting design: two studio interpretations




灯具:型号n. 85 LEDway Road(制造商:Ruud Lighting 灯具设备公司)



亮度:最小10 lux – 最大30 lux

均匀度:0.28 至 0.69


灯具:型号n. 11 LEDway Road(制造商:Ruud Lighting 灯具设备公司)



平均亮度:43 lux



灯具:型号n. 6 LEDway Road(制造商:Ruud Lighting 灯具设备公司)



平均亮度:10 lux



灯具:型号n. 5 LEDway Road(制造商:Ruud Lighting 灯具设备公司)



平均亮度:24 lux



灯具:型号n. 5 LEDway Road(制造商:Ruud Lighting 灯具设备公司)



平均亮度:20 lux


Design Interpretation

Project data of the installed equipment

Outside car parks

Equipment: n. 85 LEDway Road (Ruud Lighting)

Installation height: 10 m

Optic: QVM symmetric street light

Light level: 10 lux min – 30 lux medium

General uniformity: from 0.28 to 0.69

Car park entrances

Equipment: n.11 LEDway Road (Ruud Lighting)

Installation height: 5 m

Optic: PR asymmetric street light

Average light level:  43 lux

General uniformity: 0.55

External loading areas

Equipment: n.6 LEDway Road (Ruud Lighting)

Installation height: 10 m

Optic: AC asymmetric street light

Average light level:  10 lux

General uniformity: 0.30


Equipment: n.5 LEDway Road (Ruud Lighting)

Installation height: 8 m

Optic: TS asymmetric street light

Average light level:  24 Lux

General uniformity: 0.47

Access lighting

Equipment: n.5 LEDway Road (Ruud Lighting)

Installation height: 8 m

Optic: TS asymmetric street light

Average light level:  20 Lux

General uniformity: 0.66

图片提供:Ruud Lighting

All Photo courtesy: Ruud Lighting

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=1360 0
水疗休闲中心,爱尔兰,ESPA 休闲中心自然的反射光 ESPA center, Ireland, Natural reflection of ESPA //www.einango.com/?p=1116 //www.einango.com/?p=1116#comments Mon, 13 Jun 2011 08:10:28 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1116

欧洲大酒店的 ESPA 休闲中心是欧洲最大的集养生和健身于一体的休闲场所。它的温泉馆分多功能区和理疗区客人们在这里可以感受到与大自然充分融合的建筑物带给人们的轻松和愉快

ESPA of Europe Hotel is one of the largest Spa projects in Europe centralized with health and fitness. it is divided into functional area and treatment area for guest to have a pleasant experience from the building integration of nature


by Richard Bolt

1 洛赫·莱茵,基拉尼,欧洲大酒店 ESPA 中心。宽大的开放式游泳池正对着自然风景。 

Picture 1: Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA – Europe Hotel & Resort. The large swimming pool is open to the landscape.

Ref1 :四周的墙壁被卤钨灯照亮,这种卤钨灯带过滤装置,具有向下散射的剂量较小的特点,因此可以很好地表现黑色花岗岩的质地。  

A tungsten halogen lamp illuminated the walls with a diffusion filter, it emissioned via a narrow beam to reveal the structure of black granite.  

Ref 2:厅内采用光纤大吊灯,配合从上面照射下来的自然光给客人以明亮舒适的感觉  

The chandeliers with optical fibers are selected in the hall, the natural light irradiating from above makes visitors comfortable

Ref 3:廊柱用玻璃装饰过的上端和下端由很细薄的卤钨灯的背光照亮。侧墙由可变色的三色 LED 光纤背光灯照亮。

The top and base of the pillars decorated with glass were illuminated by halogen. The side walls were illuminated by changed LED fiber optic lighting.

爱尔兰的欧洲大酒店坐落在优美的洛赫·莱茵湖岸边,酒店 ESPA 的温泉馆是全欧洲最大的温泉休闲会所。HBA 设计事务所的室内设计师们负责这里的照明设计。他们的方案在效果和质量方面都达到了理想的水平。参考 DPA 照明咨询公司的建议,设计者们在出方案的过程中,将自然光也考虑进来,并且综合运用了建物照明的各种技术,使照明与周围环境做到了协调一致。利用精心挑选的材料,获得了光和影协调作用的理想效果。




2 洛赫·莱茵,基拉尼——ESPA 中心

Picture 2:Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA

Ref 1:在这个“热度体验”区,采用了光纤照明系统,配备150W 的金属卤灯和3000K 的热白光灯。只有冰块的造型是用背光照亮的,这里使用的灯具是4200K 的冷白光灯。

In “Heat Experience” area, the system of fibre optic lighting is applied, comprising 150w metal halide lamps, fitted with 3000K warm white fixtures, with the exception of the backlit ice which used a 4200K cool white fixture.

Ref 2:池内还配备了三色的 LED 背光灯 (RGB LED backlights in the pool)


    设计的注意力主要集中在光源和灯具的应用上。灯具表面的温度需要降低,由于光源和灯具都暴露在外且距离较近,同时还要给游泳池照明,这些问题是最难处理的,另外还要考虑维修,因此在会所内部这个“热度体验”区使用了一套光纤照明系统。这套灯具本身配的光源是150W 的金属卤灯,但实际安装的是3000K 的热白光灯。只有冰块的造型是用背光照亮的,这里使用的灯具是4200K 的冷白光灯。选择这种灯具和光源,是为了更好地表现出水池下面冰块的真实颜色。池内还配备了三色的 LED 背光灯,色彩包括红、紫和蓝色,灯光颜色的变化由一套照明系统进行控制。

正常照明和 LED 灯互相配合,使游泳池室内的墙壁色彩不断变化,池内是可以消除疲劳的动态的水,不透明的大部分的天花板上则被有活力的灯光照亮:这种光与水之间的互动,为营造出一种既充满活力,又不失私人空间的环境起到了关键性的作用,客人们在这里既获得了一种豪华享受,又有宾至如归的感觉。是附加的灯光促成了这一效果,由墙内壁龛向上照出的这些灯光,不仅将墙上很有特色的盾牌照亮,同时也与水下的冰块辉映成趣。

3洛赫·莱茵,基拉尼——ESPA 中心,私人水疗套房

Picture 3: Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA, Private SPA Private Suite



picture 4: see below in Project Info


Picture 5: Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA, perfect combination between the center and the nature



Picture 6: The lighting for the reception of Treatment Room


On the banks of Loch Lein this exquisite location is home to The Europe Hotel and Resort in Ireland. The spa complex is operated by ESPA and forms one of the largest Spa projects in Europe. The interior designers from Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA) were responsible for lighting design and got achievement both in effect and quality. DPA carefully considered the context in which the project was positioned and the impact and influence that natural light had on the site. The palette of architectural lighting techniques adopted drew inspiration from the surrounding environment and coupled with the materials selected to achieve the perfect combination of light and shadow.

The landscape theme

The theme of the Spa is similar to that of the hotel, involving a strong connection to nature and many views of the beautiful surrounding landscape. The relaxation rooms, hydro therapy and pool areas in particular face to the lake, the designer tried to preserve and extend these views through carefully planned lighting design and the use of reflection. The Spa also introduces a stronger emphasis on the Celtic heritage of southwestern Ireland, and this has been reflected in the lighting. For instance, a Celtic pattern is cut in bronze and runs through the length of the active level corridors. Lighting is used to cast a shadow of this pattern on the ceiling, which breaks up the space pleasantly.

The lighting design has strived to fully consider the impact of energy consumption, therefore reinforcing the relationship with the surrounding environment. A balance has been struck between the selection of lamp types and the need to conserve energy, whilst producing an atmospheric ambiance. In many spaces, the lighting is concealed within dedicated details, for instance ceiling slots or backlighting to furniture, pillars and acrylic clad walls decorated with glass. In any given condition, energy efficient lamp sources such as linear fluorescent and low voltage cold cathode have been utilized and dimmed via the architectural lighting control system. 


Picture 7: Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA, one of Treatment Rooms

Appropriate Source and temperature

Particular attention has been paid towards light sources and their application. The surface of Luminaries needs lower temperature, luminaries are exposed and short distances, together with the lighting around the pool area, it was difficult to solve these issues and maintenance related ones. Therefore, the use of fibre optic lighting has been duly considered, comprising 150w metal halide light boxes fitted with 3000k warm white fixtures, with the exception of the backlit ice which used a 4200k cool white fixture, to better represent the true color of the ice bowl. The pool lighting accommodated color change LED’s backlight, linked back to a lighting control system, where a palette of red, magenta and blue colors were selected.

Together with LED sources, The interplay of color change LED light within the wall of the vitality pool and the invigorating movement of water within helps to create an energetic reflective lit pattern to the matt white ceiling above. The relationship between the water and the light in this space is of paramount importance, in order to achieve a dynamic yet personal ambiance, that is welcoming and invites the guest forward in to luxury. The mood is reinforced with additional lighting elements such as the uplight wall niches, lighting to the feature wall shield and the integrated lighting to the ice fountain.

The color temperature of lamps has been carefully selected to coincide with the texture and the material palette, with an over-riding feeling of passion and well-being. The Treatment Rooms for example, have several lighting layers both architectural and decorative, which combine to the quality. An injection of colored light is designed to portray an energetic and charming scene.

In addition to the artificial lighting installation, the use of candles further portrays quality and further strengths the culture ambiance and the connection with the interior and natural landscape.

图四:洛赫·莱茵,基拉尼- ESPA中心,平面图(图纸提供:DPA照明咨询公司)

Pic4:Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA, Graphic (Picture Courtesy: DPA lighting consultants)


Project Information

项目名称 Project Name:


Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA – Europe Hotel & Resort.

客户方 Clients:

基拉尼酒店有限公司 Killarney Hotels Limited Company

照明技术设计 Lighting Design:

尼克·霍克特 Nick Hoggett

DPA 照明咨询公司合作伙伴 Partner of DPA lighting consultants:

理查德·波特 Richard Bolt

顾问公司&施工单位 Consultants & Operators:

ESPA, Surrey

建筑设计 Architect:

格斯汀建筑设计,都柏林 Architects Gottstein, Dublin

室内装修设计 Interior Designer:

伦敦 HBA 设计事务所 Hirsch Bedner Associates

电气设备顾问 Consultants Electrical & mechanical equipment:

IN2工程设计合作,都柏林 IN2 Engineering Design Partnership, Dublin

设备厂商 Equipment suppliers:

全球光纤公司,Neolec 照明公司——阴极冷光灯,密封技术、IQ 智能技术(iLight 照明控制系统)

Universal Fibre Optics, Neolec Lighting – Cold Cathode, EncapSulite, IQ Technologies (iLight Lighting Control)


Picture 8: Loch Lein, Killarney – Center ESPA, the hall of the enterance


图片提供:DPA 照明咨询公司

Picture courtesy: DPA lighting consultants


灯光设计师与客户 Lighting designers and clients

项目历程 the Project Itinerary

picture on the left: Richard Bolt


During the design process, at what point will you contact with clients ?do you contact with them directly or via the architects?


DPA 咨询公司参与了 HBA 建筑设计事务所对酒店的重装修设计,由于对公共部分的重装修工程做得很成功,所以接着他们又参与了 SPA 中心的项目。因此工程设计是在酒店业主认可的前提下,由 ESPA 的工作人员和 HBA 设计事务所设计师共同合作完成的。

DPA lighting consultants have been involved in the hotel renovation by interior designer HBA. Following the successful completion of the public areas, DPA then participated in the design of the SPA. The design was coordinated through members of ESPA and HBA under the permission of the owners of the hotel.


All the design chocies-including the lighting design, do they need to be confirmed by clients?

DPA 选择的所有照明设备都要经由 ESPA、HBA 和酒店方面的确认。

All specifications made by DPA lighting are confirmed by ESPA, HBA and Hotel.



What about are your relationships with manufacturers of lighting?

DPA 是独立的照明咨询公司:我们和照明设备的生产厂家之间的关系很正常,但我们不会受产品生产商的影响,我们选择设备完全从是否符合设计要求出发。

DPA is an independent lighting consultants company: we are on good terms with manufacturers of lighting, but we select products which meet the design requirements without being influenced by manufactures.

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=1116 0
米兰,意大利,在创新中领略古典 Milan, Italy, Speaking the new from the old //www.einango.com/?p=1062 //www.einango.com/?p=1062#comments Mon, 13 Jun 2011 01:39:03 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=1062

文:娄娜· 兰谱斯

by Luana Lampis


The new lighting for a historical museum in Milan: an example of respect and appreciation for a masterpiece of 19th century architecture

1米兰Bagatti Valsecchi博物馆安装新照明后的餐厅图片提供Leo Torri 

Picture 1: Milan, Bagatti Valsecchi Museum. The dining room after the new lighting installation (Photo courtesy: Leo Torri)


19世纪后期的米兰贵族福斯托(Fausto)兄弟和朱塞佩(Bagatti Valsecchi),决定在米兰的中心建立自己的宫殿。宫殿的设计灵感来自伦巴第16世纪贵族住宅,其室内装饰着文艺复兴时期的艺术品和古董家具。如今这个宫殿已成为欧洲最重要的也是保存非常完好的博物馆,馆内文艺复兴时期的收藏品按19世纪展览会的风格陈列着,如:木材和帆布画,雕塑和木制家具,武器和装甲,陶瓷和玻璃制品,黄金和象牙制品,金属和挂毯(图1)。


    Bagatti Valsecchi 博物馆照明设计的主要目标是为了突出这一伟大的建筑艺术遗产。房间装饰华丽,木制方格天花板,木材或挂毯装饰的墙壁,以及镶花地板,在没有更新照明装置之前,给人以精致华丽的印象。不过,因为光线不足,华丽的装饰只能被部分地展现出来。照明工程项目的早期概念是,博物馆最初只希望有一个样板间,以便能找出博物馆有些操作上的关键问题,同时希望为博物馆的照明系统找出一个适当的解决方案。第一个房间方案是非常重要的,因为它包含的是所有主项目上的主题(图2)。现有的照明系统是根据当时的语言学的理念形成的,但被证实这并不适合现代化的博物馆。因为现在的照明系统,不能突出装饰华丽的房间和建筑、艺术元素,如木制方格天花板,给参观者一种“平面”的环境印象。根据博物馆的要求,一方面是设置适当的照度,以便将房间里的一切完美地呈现,另一方面是提升家具的视觉效果,突出参观者最有兴趣的建筑和艺术元素。照明设计师建议使用具有高度显色性的光源,强调建筑与家具的材质色彩。 


2 红色室:为了能找出问题和解决办法的样品室  

Picture 2: The Red Room: Sample room set up to identify problems and solutions


Problems encountered


Proposed solutions

1 木格子的天花板房间高处光线暗淡

Coffered ceilings/upper zone of the rooms poorly lit


Increase lighting of the ceiling in order to highlight the detail

2 吊灯光度很强

Chandelier with strong light radiating from the light sources


Balance the flow of light:


Reduce the light flow below


Add a component to shine light upwards to illuminate the ceiling

3 过度闪烁,天花板光线暗淡,影响视觉效果

Excessive dazzle that limits the view of the poorly lit ceiling

Reduce the level of light below

Incorporate wall lights to diminish contrast

4 房间部分的光线不足

Parts of the room are poorly lit


Use spot lighting to highlight detail of particular interest

5 装饰和建筑的重要细节不突出

Important decorative and architectural detail not effectively accentuated


Use spot lighting to highlight detail of particular interest



Table 1: The individual problems and the proposed solutions to improve the lighting



最初的样板房间草案初稿确定三个阶段的标准:用新的灯光源取代现有在壁灯和古董吊灯的光源;在博物馆大部分的房间内,用特制的LED玻璃扩散器以增强较果;新的可调 LED 射灯一体化使用,突出艺术作品和美化灯火艺术(图3)。

3博物馆照明计划里的房间和改造类型:取代原光源(蓝色和绿色)和新的(红色)LED 灯板 

Picture 3: Plan of the museum showing the areas and types of intervention: Substitution of the bare light sources (blue and green) and the new LED boards (red)

第一阶段,先将现有裸灯泡灯具的分类。为了突出木质镶板的效果,设计师选择新的卤素光源(18W,电源电压 E14灯头)与暖色温度(2800K)取代现在的荧光灯。



Picture 4: Highlighting and cataloguing the different glass diffusers of the existing lights

    还有设计师决定使用高光度和双面 LED 的灯板,每个灯板都有不同的 LED 数量。其中一个主要设计,是用相对小量的 LED 在灯板的底部,把分散器的用途充份显示出来,同时限制其光线水平,以避免过强的光线影响参观者的视觉。早期的分散器分类,确定为 LED 灯板分为三种形式:小型,中型和大型,各自的功率为7、17和30 W,选择的色温度在2800 K,以保证最佳的显色性和材料的色彩。

    先制造了几个 LED 灯板原型,在现场测试时以确定和解决有关的布线和 LED灯板的装配,并确保简单快捷的安装。迄今为止,前两个阶段已大致完成,空间感觉的效果和想象有很大不同(图5a-b)。虽然现在能够清楚看到房间的细节和不同房间的颜色,但对游客来说没有任何明显的变化。房间好像和以前一样,只是现在可以分辨出结构复杂的装饰和细节。维护博物馆的艺术遗产的原始特征是这个项目的最佳的结果。



5a–b荣誉馆前(一),后(二)对原有灯,壁灯所做的工作(图片提供Leo Torri 

Picture 5: The Hall of Honour before (a) and after (b) the work done on the original lamps and sconces (Photo courtesy: Leo Torri) 






Picture 6: Accent light with special enclosure that can also house other auxiliary systems and the current situation (Picture 2, 3, 4, 6 courtesy : Metis Lighting)

In the heart of Milan, the Fausto brothers and Giuseppe Bagatti Valsecchi, who were part of the late 19th century Milanese nobility, decided to build their own palace, which was based on the aristocratic 16th century residences in Lombardy, the interior being adorned with renaissance art and antique furnishings. Today the palace is one of the most important and well preserved museum homes in Europe, where the renaissance collections are assembled in adherence to the 19th century exhibition style: paintings on wood and canvas, sculptures and wooden furniture, weapons and armour, ceramics and glass, gold and ivory, processed metals and tapestries (picuture 1).

 The design objectives

The objective of the lighting design project for the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum was to highlight the great artistic heritage of the building. The rooms were richly furnished, with wooden coffered ceilings, walls in wood or with tapestries, and parquet floors. The impression prior to the installation of the new lighting was that of sumptuous detail that could, however, only be partly appreciated because of the poor lighting conditions. The new lighting project came about as a result of a request by the Museum for a project proposal to set up a sample room, with a view to identifying critical issues and defining appropriate solutions for a museum lighting system. The room that was first proposed was highly significant in that it contained all of the themes that were then developed in the executive project (picture 2). The existing lighting – probably created according to precise philological choices – proved to be unsuitable for a modern museum. It wasn’t possible to accentuate the more important architectural and artistic elements such as the beautiful wooden coffered ceilings, and at the same time it gave the impression of a rather “flat” environment. The request of the client therefore was on the one hand to set appropriate lighting levels so that everything in the room could be fully appreciated, and on the other hand to both improve the visibility of the furniture and enhance those architectural and artistic elements that are of particular interest. Added to these requests was the proposal by the lighting designers to use light sources with a high colour rendering in order to highlight the material qualities of the architecture and the furnishings.

 The project phases

The design proposal encountered some difficulties given the somewhat delicate nature and high artistic value of the project framework, primarily having to work in a space that was almost impossible to modify without potentially being invasive.

Based on the criteria of the sample room a preliminary draft was prepared, which identified three phases: The substitution of the existing light sources in the sconces and the antique bare bulb chandeliers with new generation sources;The development of special boards for  LED  light bulbs with glass diffusers, which are present in many of the rooms; The integration of new adjustable LED spotlights in order to accentuate the lighting of works of art and furnishings of particular interest (picture 3).

During the first phrase, the existing bare bulb light fixtures were catalogued. New generation halogen light sources (18W, mains voltage E14 light socket) with a warm colour temperature (2800K) were preferred to the compact fluorescent lights being used, as they are ideal for highlighting the wood panelling.

The second and certainly the most delicate phase required some modifications to the existing glass lamps while at the same time avoiding any damage or aesthetic alteration to them. Their candelabra structure holds a series of light diffusing glass capsules, inside each of which is a compact fluorescent light source. The conformation of these glass diffusers was carefully studied and catalogued according to size and shape (picture 4). This data was then used to identify the most appropriate light source able to guarantee the correct direction of the flow of light, optimal colour rendering and a sufficient level of uniform light on the ceilings.

 It was decided to use a high emission multi-LED board with lamps positioned on both sides, but with different densities. The sole purpose of the underside, with fewer LEDs, is to illuminate the diffuser and evoke its original use while limiting the level of light so as to avoid dazzling the observer. The earlier cataloguing of the diffusers identified three formats for the LED boards: small, medium and large with a respective total power output of 7, 17 and 30 W. The chosen colour temperature remains at 2800 K in order to guarantee the best perception and colour rendering of the materials.

Several prototypes were created and tested on site in order to identify and resolve issues relating to the cabling and assembly of the new boards and to ensure a quick and simple installation of all of the light bulbs. To date the first two phases are almost complete and already with this intervention the perception of the space is very different (picture 5 a-b). Although despite being able to now appreciate the rich detail and colour of the different rooms, none of the visitors is aware of any apparent change in the lighting. The general perception of the rooms is as before, only now it is possible to distinguish the intricate detail of the decoration and architecture. This is probably the best possible result for a project which was always bound by the necessity to safeguard the original features of the museum’s artistic heritage.

Work in progress…

The third and final intervention, or rather the incorporation in some rooms of accent lighting for the artworks and furnishings of particular interest, is still in development. The adjustable spotlights and the housing for them will be created on an ad hoc basis. Work is in progress to identify where to put them along the cornices and lintels of the doors so as to minimize obstructing the space. The new fixtures will also facilitate the integration of auxiliary elements (surveillance cameras and emergency lighting) allowing most of the equipment to be hidden from view (picture 6).


项目信息 Project information

项目名称 Project Name:

Bagatti Valsecchi博物馆

灯光设计Lighting Design:

Metis lighting – Marinella Patetta and Claudio Valent

LED 特殊光源供应商 LED special sources suppliers:

Light contract

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