//www.einango.com Lighting Designs Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:22:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 创意的碰撞 //www.einango.com/?p=19864 //www.einango.com/?p=19864#comments Tue, 21 Oct 2014 08:26:04 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=19864 谈及新设备与系统的设计以及照明设计中应用的各种操作方式时,德国建筑师Dietrich F. Brennensthul 向读者介绍了一些非常有趣的应用案例,同时也阐述了自己对照明设计以及 LED 技术所持有的独特见解。




我的精密工程的毕业文凭和建筑学的学位是我进行后续工作的基础。我在大学期间主要关注的对象是城市规划,无论是对技术细节的深入研究,还是对复杂概念的开发,所有的这些都起到了很重要的作用,并且通过它们之间的相互关系,最终形成了 Nimbus Groups 的企业理念。 Nimbus 团队将我们的产品在实地中进行具体化和形象化,并通过该方式引导我们的思路。我们所使用的材料非常复杂,只有将它置于具体的建筑环境、空间环境以及感知环境中,才能真正地理解它的作用,这一点对于灯光效果和音响效果而言更为突出,而对我们而言,这些也正是我们工作中最为有趣的地方。





LED 与照明设计

您是如何认识到 LED 照明在实际应用中的可适用性的?

我一开始就清楚知道 LED 所具有的潜力:它有可能带来新的结构配置的潜力令我感到兴奋。通过使用更小更轻的 LED 电路板,我们有望首次开发出更薄更简洁的照明产品。这是一个创造出新的代表产品的绝佳机会!2005年时我提出采用这项技术,从而使我们公司在技术上更趋完美,并开发出更为独特的照明装置,而这些新装置与当时市场上的同类装置相比,在效率和使用寿命上都表现得更好。

市场上由 Nimbus 设计的各式照明装置几乎都用于支持定制系统,在您看来,新产品的出现是否总是应项目工程的需求而生?



您如何看待现今 LED 技术在操作性上所具有的潜力?这项技术可以朝着哪个方向发展?

LED 是未来照明的趋势,它所具有的潜能短期内不会消耗殆尽。不过需要克服一些使用者对其的成见,比如 LED 发出的光线不足,并且都是冷光。但实际情况却并非如此,并且我们将继续努力证明这一点。接下来的目标就是通过对调光器加以调节,从而改变 LED 灯所发出的光线色彩,这与之前调节白炽灯和卤素灯调光器的情况相似。很明显,通过调光器柔和化后的传统光源所发出的如夕阳般的光亮在我们的心中留下了太过深刻的印象,因此我们现在还离不开它。不过,这只是一处不足而已,LED 仍然是无与伦比的。它还可以提供更为卓越的能源效率,并且几乎不需要进行维护。


能跟我们谈谈您的另外两个重要品牌吗,Rosso Mock-up?前者侧重于室内照明概念,后者则侧重于开创性的陈列创意

通过Rosso,我们为客户提供室内的灯光过滤与分配系统。这些系统设备主要是为了现代建筑所设计而制造,这类建筑大多采用开敞式的平面布置,并伴随有室内声效的问题。Rosso旗下的产品旨在满足这类型建筑的需求:在开敞式环境中创造一些私人空间,并在需要时随时拆除它们,同时满足营造相对封闭的空间和特殊定制的室内布局的照明需求。Mock-Up则是两个品牌的综合展示,它涵括了两个品牌的概念,并将它们以容易理解的方式展示给世人,例如,我们可以较为容易地让我们的客户了解到 LED 技术的优越。在Mock-Up展示馆,我们组织各种活动来展示产品、搭建展示照明设备和测试室内音效的样板间并举行聚会!我们已成为斯图加特一个标志,并且正计划在其他地方建立更多Mock-Up展示馆。

是否能阐述一下 Nimbus 与各所大学以及研究机构之间所建立起的重要联系?最近有哪些重要的开发源于这样的合作?

我们与各种研究机构和大学展开的合作包括:开发新的照明方案,又或者是在建筑学领域中提供我们的产品进行各种实验。这是一种在多个层面上展开的交换,与我们进行合作的机构包括有弗劳恩霍夫研究所、斯图加特大学以及其他一些理工学院的建筑学系。今年,我们与法兰克福应用科学大学(FH FFM)合作,并受托为参加国际性建筑科技大赛-太阳能十项全能竞赛-设计室内照明与 LED 照明。我们有志于在以节约能源与可持续发展为主题的前提下,帮助伙伴们研究出更好的应用装置,并将其制作得更加完善。


多年以来,我们一直在荷兰和瑞士有着稳固的市场地位。同时也在开发其他国家的市场,包括意大利与巴西市场。我们看到了标有 “德国制造”标签的 Nimbus 品牌 LED 照明设备在欧洲市场上所拥有的潜力。这股趋势目前非常明显,并且还会延续下去。

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=19864 0
以人为本 //www.einango.com/?p=17003 //www.einango.com/?p=17003#comments Fri, 28 Feb 2014 02:58:49 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=17003 建筑设计师 Martina Tabò(生于1974年)先后在都灵、巴塞罗那、波士顿和香港完成了专业教育;2002年以来,她先后开办了“建筑设计”和“通用设计”课程,这些课程已被列入 USAC国际学术交流的一部分。2006年,建筑设计师 Tabò 女士在都灵创办了 MAAT 建筑设计工作室,积极参与不同规模的设计与研发活动。





首先应该注意的是,无论主题如何,很多临时的想法往往会成为每个设计过程的起点。我们希望从人文和关系入手,开始设计之旅。以Ilti Luce公司总部(飞利浦集团)为例,我们希望通过对其照明空间进行设计,以便在相关空间举办会议时能陈述自己的产品(一座户外的木制剧院)。在United 1861通信机构设计案例,我们充分营造创意空间与人们之间的围合,并在中间为人们留下一个较为开阔的空间。此外,在私人住宅设计方面,我们通过设计连接次序,以突出视觉与功能关系。我们根据利用这些空间的人们的数量、项目的复杂程度和需求以及当地现行的法规对项目的框架进行设计,然而最初的想法其实很简单。如果私人住宅像设计公司总部和厂房一样来设计,采用公共建筑的造型设计,应该会达到更高的质量。假设如果没有先验范畴,那么设计出的空间就会显得死板并且缺乏层次结构,并且只能将创意机会留给那些在那里短住或常住的居民。










当我们致力于“灯光工厂”项目(Ilti Luce公司)时,我们有机会设计照明系统以及空间结构。在本案例中,客户参与了整个设计过程,设计人员按照方案对 LED 照明系统进行设计和模拟,以突出通向各办公室的路径。如有可能,我们尽量会与照明设计师合作,对项目各个阶段进行定义,以获得一致的解决方案。






此外,可持续发展、生态关注度和能源独立性也将成为优先考虑的问题。另外,我们还将对一些难以预测的现象进行调查:一些客户将成为即兴创作的设计师,他们可以利用 3D 打印机来建造自己的房子,并且可以在网上下达办公室和临时房屋订单,成功下单后,这些订单连同说明书和安装套件均将在短期内交付客户。此外,我们还将协助更多细心的人们对不同类型的住房重新进行研究。

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=17003 0
快、中、慢 //www.einango.com/?p=14587 //www.einango.com/?p=14587#comments Fri, 11 Oct 2013 05:42:21 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=13195 自1978年改革开放以来,中国便开始面向世界,新思想的出现以及外国文化的进入改变了原有的商业环境。无论是80年代还是2005年后进入中国的国外快餐连锁店在本地都面临着激烈的竞争。

以位于美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔市的带Sander上校脸标快餐店为例,作为第一家以鸡肉为主的快餐店,于1987年进驻北京,到2011年,在中国已有3, 200家连锁店。随后,总部位于美国伊利诺斯州布鲁克市的、以汉堡为主的双黄色拱门标的快餐店于1990年10月进驻中国市场,并计划在2013年前拓展到2, 000家店铺。最后一个进入中国市场的是位于美国佛罗里达州迈阿密市的汉堡国王快餐店,到2013年3月为止共有63家店铺,少于之前的两家。




对于快餐而言,我更喜欢慢餐。然而考虑到食品的安全问题,我更喜欢在家中用自己买的食材(如在北京亮点设计中心的 十米店中买的的新季黑米)为自己或是客人烹饪而非去餐厅吃饭。你的选择是什么呢?

As the Chinese Economic Reform started from 1978 leading China on a path to an opening to the world, its business environment started changing with new ideas and acceptance of other cultures. Foreign fast food chains have entered China as early as in the 80’s and some as late as in 2005. But they also face local competition.

Based in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, the first Colonel Sander’s portrayed chicken based fast food store opened in Beijing in 1987 and by 2011 it had more than 3,200 stores across China. It was followed in October 1990 by the double yellow arches hamburger based fast food chain headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA with plans to open about 2,000 stores by 2013. The last to enter the Chinese market is the king of burgers headquartered in Miami, Florida, USA but with only 63 stores as of March 2013, it lags behind the other two.

China has also its own fast food catering local tastes, and one has even ventured outside China. Using an real kung fu actor’s as its emblematic logo, this chain serves “healthy-like” Chinese fast food dishes; it is headquartered in Dongwan, Guangdong, opened in 1994 and has opened more than 400 stores since. One year later started the king of soya bean milk and deep-fried dough sticks headquartered in Shanghai; it has now 1,000 stores opened with a menu which now includes other Chinese dishes. In 1999, a little sheep coming from Inner Mongolia serving “medium speed” hotpot food was brave enough with its 300 stores in China to venture beyond the middle kingdom; since 2011, it is a sister company of Colonel Sander.

All those foreign or local fast food chains grow to a pace that requires standardized elements in order to expedite store opening and operation. In the same manner, efficiency and quick turnover are priorities. In such environment, lighting is primarily a functional and energy efficient element providing mostly a uniform lighting effect. Sometime decorative pendant lights are found above tables or ambient cove lights on a ceiling or a wall. Rarely the lighting becomes a tool to bring accent to a special element in such environment.

On the other hand, when a restaurant owner intends to welcome guests who have time to appreciate food in a custom designed environment, lighting is also part of the elements that makes the business successful. Making people feel at ease with a subtle dimmable lighting or soft tone colors is the role of ambient and decorative lighting, even a functional spaces like toilets can become unique; food, just like other artwork, is well served and presented under accent lighting with high color rendering index.

I prefer slow food and avoid fast food. But under the light of food safety scandals, instead of eating out, I prefer cooking at home either for myself or for guests with ingredients that I buy, such as the new seasonal organic black rice found in the Ten Grain store in the Beijing Liang Dian Design Center. How about you?

]]> //www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=14587 0 户外功能性照明-LED 系统的可靠性 //www.einango.com/?p=12701 //www.einango.com/?p=12701#comments Fri, 02 Aug 2013 01:59:06 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=12701 本文我们将重点讨论局限因素,因为如果公共照明恰当地地利用新光源,则能有效节能并提高系统质量,近些年来我们也看到了很多整体性能低下的照明系统。文章结尾,我们简单讨论了公路隧道中 LED 照明的应用,这是我们发现照明安装的具体应用领域。



LED 系统能效


  • 光源能效
  • 灯具性能
  • 系统能效

众所周知,如果正确供电并冷却,LED 可以表现出卓越的效能。在短短几年内,LED 与传统白炽灯、水银灯和高压钠灯达到相同水平,进而超过这些光源。关于光通量,制造商为 LED 提供了不同的驱动电流。可参考谈及温度与流量关系的理论部分

若仅考虑光源,LED 具有积极的优势,但这只是一个良好的开端。从能源角度来看,下一步是评估设备性能,更确切的说是评估光学与电学系统维持光源高性能的能力。为确定设备所有元件的性能,UNI 11356/2010 标准确定通过以下公式来证明整体性能:







关于 ,只有几家制造商在目录和手册中提及该信息,当然该信息也能很容易技术规范计算软件中获取。对于在与地面垂直的平板上安装 LED 而言,这个值一般很高(接近100)。系统的总功率需要考虑光源的吸收和电源的效能。与传统光源相比,LED 系统只能使用非常高效的电子镇流器。

但使用  LED 光源的最大优势是光束的定性和定量管理。目前,道路照明设备根据光束叠加原理,设计使用固定功率的 LED。每个 LED 都有指定的方向,可以最大程度的覆盖照明表面。如设计精良,LED 系统可在支架位于几何高度/空间关系的位置时,达到与传统光源相同的性能。

在安装方面, LED 系统可灵活调整光通量。依据按需供应的原则,需要时,可在道路行人减少的情况下降低光通量。市场上有“远程”管理系统,可以从远程位置的一个点映射并控制光照,比如控制室。尽管这项技术与传统光源可以兼容,但 LED 确实带来更大优势。调整范围为0%-100%,无论对于新安装的 LED 还是既有 LED,可以在需要时再次启动,非常有利于节能。


与配有反射器和放电灯不同,LED 没有滑块来调整灯具的焦点,因此,光度值(固体测量系统)不允许改变。

使用 LED 灯具需要根据每个配置实际测量的数据(光度测定),进行精确的设计。很多制造商使用简单的乘法因素检测将被用于各单元的 LED 模组的光度固体,但这并不完全正确。在大部分情况下,这种做法得到的光度值与实际设备的光度值不符。


如今,应用于街道照明和城市灯具的 LED 系统远没有传统光源的应用广泛。


  • 传统光源系统,也能使用 LED 系统
  • 专为 LED 设计的产品

在某些情况下,应用LED 可以规范现有的城市照明设备。与内部产品不同,街道规划并不支持使用与传统放电光源在光量和尺寸方面类似的改造灯具,而是通过专用 LED 模组(所谓的 LED 引擎)来确定光通量。

专为 LED 设计的系统可以达到优越的性能。如,为米兰博维萨大学设计并建造的复杂系统(图1和图5)开发了灯源分裂,产生了一种全新、独特的设计。在由各种枯燥机器构成的空间中,人们对自然元素的渴望十分明显。该系统按照需要将灯杆放在一起,形成三个基本元素,根据不同的组合,使人产生一种自然的感觉。放置带透镜的 LED 的光学外罩是一种便于拆除的灯罩。每个投影仪均配备15个350 mA LED。

该项目中,设计师观念的改变以及产品应用的进程远早于LED光源的发展。几个月后,便会使用融合两种完全不同的光学技术的产品。第一种技术是使用安装在平衡环上的三个18W左右的 LED 模组,为光束定向。第二种技术是安装两个由20个生物凸透镜 LED 组成的模组,使光分布更均匀。


从理论上讲,受壳体质量的影响,LED 的使用寿命非常长。但是,市面上的 LED 质量参差不齐,一些劣质产品由于装置构造错误使得 LED 和电源部件无法正常运行。在街道上使用的所有 LED 模组一般位于延伸面上,扩大光线散射的面积,当模组从二极管吸取热量时,可通过周边环境进行扩散。一般而言,路灯和所有户外设备防止固体和液体侵入(IP)的水平都很高。然而与开放装置相比,其系统的通风设备则较少。有些施工人员考虑通过增加装置体积来扩大发散面积,实现对流交换。有人则选择将系统细分为 IP 区,从而使 LED 引擎的散热片与户外空气接触。有人倾向于采用主动通风系统。

在某些情况下需要考虑另一因素,系统电源和配件比 LED 的持续时间更短,因此,最好使用辅助隔热室,市面上有些产品可以更换 LED 引擎,或部分 LED 引擎。

一般而言,目前市场在对所有设备维护的领域还有缺陷,照明系统没有一个共同的标准,维修人员必须向制造商购买配件。然而,也不乏有些制造商承诺为 LED 产品提供的质保长于传统光源的情况。

有些企业联盟正在制定一系列内部标准,规定如何实施正确的售后服务和光源升级政策。如 Zhaga 联盟,这个联盟将国际上一些重要的企业品牌结合在一起,使“LED 引擎”标准化(LED 光引擎)。标准化包括五个方面,即:

  • 尺寸和机械结构
  • 耗电量和隔热
  • 控制
  • 光度测定
  • 温度管理

万一出现故障,配备多个电源电路的 LED 的性能也优于传统的单灯系统。如果一个或多个二极管出现故障,道路上的照明也不会完全关闭。因此,能为实际运行情况发送信号的远程控制系统进行整合使得该系统更为引人注目。


公路隧道照明设计旨在在汽车日间或夜间穿过隧道时为驾驶员提供恰当的视觉环境。设计隧道照明技术的参考标准为 UNI 11095。系统的质量根据与安全和视觉舒适度相关的因素判断,比如照度水平、路面和墙面的照度均匀度、减少眩光(增加 TI 阙值),以及与管理相关的因素,比如维护和能耗。



隧道 LED 系统的发展

为赋予隧道适当的照明,我们可将隧道分为短隧道(长度在125米之内)和长隧道(长度超过125米)。在短隧道中,为驾驶人员提供视觉环境比较简单,可以根据实际长度(仍不超过125米)和附加变量(比如出口段的能见度和行驶速度)利用一些投射减损。意大利的Crocina Arezzo 是首批使用 LED 的隧道之一,属于短隧道。在该隧道中,使用60 W LED灯具替换传统钠灯 HPS 100 W 系统,并保持原有的系统分布和结构。一旦获得短隧道的可靠数据,公路运营商就可以将 LED 技术扩展利用到长隧道中。

在第一个案例中,LED 灯具被专门设计用于永久性照明,并由传统系统提供补充照明,从而使用混合光源。入口区和过渡区的亮度值并没有因为经济效益采用固态照明。

Vado 隧道总长为1, 128米,共有三个车道。照明系统为双线式,系统间距10米。根据隧道照明方面的现行法律,可以在隧道入口区安装60个 LED 系统,并在中间安装40个 LED 系统提高照度水平。

最后,让我们看看第一个全部采用 LED 的隧道。在 Monte Veilino 隧道中,每个车道安装一排 LED,使用配备光学且功率范围为40W至120W的设备。系统还采用光通量管理的传递波调节系统(使用电流达到700mA的 LED)。隧道运营商提供的数据表明 LED 与原有钠气灯系统相比,无需依靠UNI 12468 的降级标准,补充照明系统可以节约14%,永久照明系统可以节约38%。


由于对全天候高亮度照明条件的需求,隧道照明设计较为繁琐和复杂。在最初的试验中,选择 LED 可降低约40%能耗。如上所述,从节能角度来看,主要是对比 LED 和传统光源的绝对通量和/或光视效率,而实际优势主要体现在照明的利用率比传统光源更高。可安装低功率设备,并达到相同的结果:对隧道照明而言,优质 LED 灯具的光束可更准确地指向地面,同时在垂直墙面上获得均匀光照。

此外,由于不存在热功率恢复问题,我们可借助 LED 光源调整光通量,使其亮度与此处的交通量以及入口的自然光一致,从而可在不降低照明系统质量的前提下减少能耗。



防止设备老化就意味着必须清除影响光束向外扩散的因素。LED 是光学性的设备,而不是紧凑型或防缩性设备,这就意味着它可以使用自动冲洗系统清除这些因素,比如移动的滚筒。根据隧道管理人员所述,对提议的案例的成本分析表明,与高压钠灯相比,LED 照明将在三年内收回投资成本(考虑节能和维护成本)。


现今,固态技术已成为一项可靠、实用的解决方案。根据客户的具体要求,我们可以在道路和隧道照明中使用 LED 并能达到预期效果,同时不夸大新光源所呈现的实际优势。虽然 LED 的引进相对来说是非常迅速的,然而有时一些商业性的因素还是会影响到我们的判断,从而使得其发展势头达不到我们的预期目标,因此,只有对项目的使用材料做合理规划以及初步控制才能确保项目的可靠性。

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独特的统一 //www.einango.com/?p=12425 //www.einango.com/?p=12425#comments Tue, 23 Jul 2013 02:06:47 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=12425 通过整体的城市照明规划,一二线城市一跃跻身于城市设计的前列。作为国内外城市的形象,城市照明设计的需求包含凸显城市独特内涵,并呈现出城市的魅力夜景。然而,有时一些地产的开发商则会由于一些因素而放弃原有的设计要求。





比如,由于预算问题,地产开发商会继续使用普通的、价格较为便宜的上照射灯,而非采用昂贵、最新的LED技术。另外一些地产开发商会更倾向于在所有立面上使用统一的色温,同时在不使用色彩丰富的LED 的情况下也能呈现出建筑独特性的一面。



First and second-tier cities have a chance to be at the forefront of urban design with an integrated lighting planning into urban planning. Being the face of a city at home and abroad, those requirements, most of them making sense, do shape the urban nightscape makeup. But sometime, property developers take other considerations to whether follow or not those requirements.

For instance, controlling both the brightness and direction of light and at the same time banning the usage of uplight projectors is a way to help keeping a clear view to the shining stars in the new financial district of Tianjin while allowing buildings to be unique.

Although it is understandable to keep a district being developed with an overall integral planning, the Shanghai Expo area lighting planning requires all buildings to uniformly have the different two color temperatures on at least two of the façades, leaving little room to lighting creativity to uniquely distinguish one building from another.

Nevertheless, for various understandable reasons, property developers or owners may at their own risks overrun the requirements of the lighting planning.

For budgetary reasons, a property developer may still consider installing common and affordable uplight projectors instead of using overall more expensive up-to-date LED technology. Another property developer may prefer to keep the same color temperature on all of its facades but still keeping the uniqueness of the architecture while refraining from using colorful LEDs.

Once a building together with its lighting has become an icon of a nightscape, not matter what color temperatures used, how dynamic or calm, its owners, its designers and the public may find it uncomfortable to change a lighting that has been integrated into a daily custom being turned on as night falls and usually off around 22:00. On the other hand, some time it is the reverse: some buildings with unique lighting on the Beijing Changan Avenue have turned back to a traditional lighting design, all having uniform roof dotted lights.

Being different is what makes one noticeably stand out from the rest. How boring would life be without variety.

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银河在哪里? //www.einango.com/?p=11317 //www.einango.com/?p=11317#comments Tue, 28 May 2013 03:10:01 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=11317                                            





Design and technology bring improvements in quality of human life. Among those is artificial lighting.

Artificial lighting certainly brings a sense of safety such as parking lighting whether open air or underground when trying to find a car parked after watching a movie. It is functional in ballrooms where guests attend a wedding party and want to see and listen to the newly wed on the stage. It can attract and direct people to find the right gift in a shop.

On the other hand, design and technology also have drawbacks. Artificial lighting impacts the environment where we all live.

Twenty two percent of all energy generated in theU.S.is used for lighting, with eight percent of that used for public outdoor lighting; popular fluorescent lamp sources are said to be energy efficient, but they also contain extremely polluting mercury. Light pollution is an unwanted element spilled on an unwanted area at an unwanted time. It takes the form of a multimedia advertisement or even a light for a speed camera installed on a bridge impacting drivers’ vision at night; it can be zoos attracting visitors for a night time safari. It is also the light from inefficient sources diffused all around and mostly upward, just like the ones on some avenues inChinacreating a doming cataract imprisoning cities and accompanying a dangerously thinning ozone layer.

As spring moves into summer in this hemisphere, try watching a clear starry night. If you can’t ,the International Dark-Sky Association may help. What an amazing experience it must have been to be able to observe the Milky Way, no matter it was Aristotle, Galilei or Hubble using devices that were as advanced as technology permitted during their respective era.

//www.einango.com/?feed=rss2&p=11317 0
陷阱在哪儿? //www.einango.com/?p=10670 //www.einango.com/?p=10670#comments Tue, 26 Mar 2013 07:13:48 +0000 //www.einango.com/?p=10670         如今,顾客开始关注根据购物场所不同而相应地调整照明,包括早在2010年开业的以及2013年春节前开业的商业场所。就照明设计而言,其初始阶段都以完成一个完美的项目为出发点。然而,初始目标与最终成果往往存在很大差距。那么二者的契合点在哪?我们又能为此做些什么呢?如果业主同意对项目进行实质性改变,那么设计方案的调整就会变得很简单。


  • 增加关键区域如入口及走廊灯等的照度,使得其能够从四周“较暗”的环境中凸显出来,从而引起顾客的注意
  • 将照明区域进行合理的排布,使其成为一个相互协调有序的整体而非一个只装满照明灯具的杂乱空间


  • 在儿童游乐场区域应再增加一倍数量的灯杆,以确保一个更加安全的照明环境
  • 在走廊顶部增添辅助灯具,加强该区域的功能性照明
  • 取消掉白色 LED,使得塔顶处能够有绚烂的灯光效果


  • 移去街道上令人炫目的探照灯使街道的照明氛围变得更为亲切
  • 设计一些富有情趣的艺术照明装置以吸引更多的人群

        所有的这些改变均以增加盈利为目的。因此,当业主准备投资并与项目团队一起介入某个改造项目时,只有当更多可衡量的性能指标有明显增长时才能称其为一个成功的项目, 比如大禹开元酒店项目,其商业价值在改造后一年就有了明显增加:

  • 大禹酒店的营业额比改造前增加了20% ;
  • 客户数增加了35%;
  • 客户满意度增加了65%。



        Where is the catch?

        Recently, customers started requesting to adjust lighting for their respective commercial sites. Some opened as early as 2010 while the latest opened before Chinese New Year 2013.

        Their original design all do carry good intents, including from the lighting point of view. But somehow there is quite some gap between the original design and the actual outcome. So where is the catch? What can be done?

        Adjustments are made easy when the property owner is ready to make substantial changes to the projects.

        For instance, in one project, it appears that the installed functional, decorative and ambient lighting can become more balanced by:

  • Adding adequate lighting, making key entrances and corridors come out from a soft “darkness” to become visible and attractive to strengthen the people flow.
  • Making blocks of greeneries become an integrated melodious patchwork rather than a melting pot of unsynchronized colors full of over powered lighting fixtures.

        The second project is considering going through a round minor adjustments where about 70% of the construction is believed to be matching the original good design:

  • Doubling the number of light poles in the children’s playground, thus making it a safer environment.
  • Adding additional fixtures on the roof top corridor and consider a dual function with light poles and advertisement.
  • Removing slicing white LED to make tower tops becoming fully glowing lanterns.

        When a commercial success brings more success, a local government is looking into changing the image of a famous and popular street full of restaurants to make it even more attractive and profitable by:

  • Removing blinding projectors to make the street pedestrian friendly.
  • Designing interesting art installations integrated with lighting to attract more people.

       All those changes are certainly aiming at increasing income. So when a customer is ready to invest in a renovation together with its project team, it can only make it become a successful project with measurable key performance indicators. In the case of the Dayu Kaiyuan hotel, its entire renovation has brought measurable business benefits. Year-on-year after the renovation the:

  • Overall turnover increased by 20%
  • Number of guests increased by 35%
  • Customer satisfaction increased by 65%

        Certainly every client’s intent is to design and construct successfully a project only once without any post construction adjustments. To minimize these kind of situations, don’t be fooled, be prepared with a professional project team that includes an independent lighting designer which keeps its design in-house and follows the project from A-to-Z, especially taking into consideration the stages for tender and site supervision.

        Happy April Fool’s Day! How many carp fishes did you catch this year stuck on your back?

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2011新的探索 LED商业照明市场路在何方 //www.einango.com/?p=3139 //www.einango.com/?p=3139#comments Thu, 17 Nov 2011 09:57:53 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=3139 白光LED从1996年问世以来,就一直作为未来绿色光源被众人期待着。随着科技的进步,白光LED果然不负众望,在性能提高和价格下降的推动下,逐步朝着照明的主角方向迈进。从户外的景观装饰照明应用到室内照明的应用,LED在照明的应用上,如今可谓一片繁荣景象。

  强大专家阵容 正反对决揭开谜底





  摸索与反思 大功率LED灯的推广

  LED照明灯具市场,真如上述所说的一片繁荣吗?尽管,LED从问世至今一直备受关注,然而,在不同阶段也迎来了业界人士的各种质疑、深思、讨论等,并且在质疑的过程中不断改进、迎合市场的需求,在问题和反思中前进是LED成长的必经之路。 中国照明网以产业推动的责任为己任,在不同的产业发展阶段,与时俱进,积极地举办各项专题活动,推进照明产业的健康发展。




  2011新的探索 LED依然站在舆论话题的风口浪尖

  2011年,科技部和工信部就加快产业转型、推动绿色节能产业发展发表意见,将第四代光源LED纳入了国家的“十二五”重点扶持推广项目之中。巨大的市场发展空间以及国家产业政策的双重利诱下,使得LED室内照明产业在我国大受追捧,相当多的企业投资这个领域。但LED室内照明依然面临成本高、技术性能的不确定性、特别是技术发展瓶颈等问题。那么,LED室内照明的应用现状及发展前景究竟如何? LED室内照明的未来发展之路到底指向何方?相信很多业内人士都怀着他们各自的见解走着不一样的探索之路。





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对比的细节The terms of the contrast — 马克•梅杰Mark Major //www.einango.com/?p=999 //www.einango.com/?p=999#comments Thu, 09 Jun 2011 09:57:02 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=999 文:马丝摩·维拉

by Massimo M. Villa

我们拜会了这位世界上最重要的灯光设计师之一马克·梅杰。他和乔纳森·斯皮尔斯一起在伦敦和爱丁堡建立了 S+M 设计室。在此,他们讲述了英国灯光与设计的发展历程

We have the opportunity to visit one of the most prestigious lighting designer-Mark Major, who established the studio of S&M with Jonathan Speirs in London and Edinburgh, where they related the development of lighting design of England


    当我第一次进入灯光设计行业时,这一行业在英国并不常见,一个完全独立的、付费的建筑灯光设计服务,这几乎是闻所未闻的。当时大部分建筑环境的照明设计由顾问电气工程师或照明配件供应商来进行。鉴于后者提供的服务都是免费的,客户不大愿意付费去找灯光设计师提供照明设计,但对一些客户来说 “世界上没有免费的午餐” ,则认为只有专业灯光人士结合其他设计专家比如建筑师,景观设计师和室内设计师在一起时,项目才能真正实现它的价值。但这并不是说很容易说服客户雇用我们。恰恰相反,我们很努力地游说和教育客户,专业灯光设计师的价值,以及我们的服务和什么是正确的方法。照明设计师因此应运而生,虽然经历过困难,但我相信经历这样的过程之后我们会变得更加强大。






当我们在黑暗中再次显露出某些在白天我们无法感知的、或无法理解的事物的状态,细节或材料时,灯光显示出强大的威力。比如说,当在研究一个历史事件,提及等级制度的形式和相关细节,就可以从一个特殊的角度提供一个叙述详尽的故事。在伦敦的Kings Cross, 我们设计了灯光的总体规划,这个规划是为了重建之前具有历史意义的堆货场。在那里,我们决定只点亮原始的工厂建筑,因为它们都很漂亮,这些建筑位置,从视觉和功能上表达得很清楚。之后我们建议那些新兴的、现代办公楼,住宅和零售商大楼不点灯以便形成鲜明对比,我们相信,通过这么做,不仅这些历史建筑更为明显,而且保留了这个作为堆场的历史遗址的回忆。伴随着历史,我们也探讨价值观,以及夜晚使用艺术的方式。


在灯光设计师还没有从体制上发挥其应有的作用时,您认为灯光设计在都市中应该发挥怎样的作用?正如现在所说 – 伦敦已经是过度照明,是不是照明设计太少的结果?



    当然在英国和海外都有许多优秀的灯光设计师。在英国我们喜欢像Jason Bruges和United Visual Artists这样有创造力的艺术人才。在国际上我们非常尊敬诸如Roger Narboni 和Kaoru Mende这样的灯光设计师-他们在城市环境中的灯光设计中运用了很多技巧。这些设计师的作品持续的为国际标准提供了一个很好的基准点。



    在过去的几百年间,我们看到了照明技术为了延长白天和提供方便、清洁、便宜的灯光而不断发展和成熟。但是,只有当爱迪生和斯旺的照明革命,才使我们可以廉价,方便,自由的使用灯光并在夜幕降临后可以用光照亮城市的每一个部分。在我们看来,在20世纪这种不断的追求以便创造更多的光 – 仅仅是因为我们能够做到;在新时代,我们应该考虑如何可以做的更多以便按照我们的需求获得更多的灯光。



    一直以来,我们坚信的是了解光源是我们工作的本质所在。所以我们是有责任了解在我们领域所发生的最新的、令人振奋的发展情况。这包括不断发展的 LED  和 OLED,及照明材料的不断发展,同时照明控制的重要性日益增加。在这次采访中我曾经提过,对于像我这样处理了不到六种光源的照明设计师而言,未来还有无限的可能性。由于未来的建筑会结合新的照明技术,传统照明装置也许会显得过时,这意味着我们未来要学习要更加谨慎地处理照明。

What is the context and the lighting market condition from which the professional experience of your practice has emerged?

When I first came into lighting design it was very unusual in the UK, almost unheard of, for someone to be offering architectural lighting design services on a fully independent, fee paid basis.  At that time most lighting design for the built environment was either carried out by the consulting electrical engineer or by the manufacturer who was supplying the light fittings. Given that the latter always offered that service for free it may have seemed impossible that clients would prefer to pay for such a service but those that truly understood that ‘there was no such thing as a free lunch’ recognised the considerable value that a highly creative professional could bring to the project when properly integrated with other design professionals such as the architect, landscape designer, interior designer, etc.  That is not to say that it was always easy to convince people to hire us.  Quite the contrary.  It took a lot of hard work persuading and educating the market of the value of what we do and defining the way it should be done – properly.  That was the context out of which we emerged and whilst it was a struggle I believe that we are much the stronger for having gone through that process.

We have the feeling that your approach to lighting design, like that of others in the international lighting design community, is firmly opposed to the inflationary use of light, and shows an awareness of the value of conserving darkness. Can you comment?

We have always felt that contrast and the dialogue between light and shade plays a key part in the visual and emotional expression of the built environment. Sometimes this contrast is marked by extremes of light and dark; on other occasions the relationship can be more subtly balanced. A good example to underline what we mean is to turn to the world of painting. The artist Caravaggio bought considerable drama to his paintings by exploiting the contrast between light and shade using his technique of chiaroscuro; whereas the more romantic humanist painter Vermeer, painted soft diffuse light to create a multiplicity of shadow providing complex meaning to his work.

When we illuminate a building or an environment, we acknowledge that by choosing the degree of light and shade, we are also placing a new interpretation on the architecture in a similar way. We are therefore always careful about the amount of light we use and the degree of darkness we retain so that we meet the functional and aesthetic requirements of a project in a balanced manner.

The emphasis you lay on research aiming to enhance the human presence in city frameworks becomes in your projects identification of technical solutions searching for perfect agreement between lighted settings and the various modes of using the settings. What are the most important design tools you use to that aim?

One of the dangers of any designer explaining the process they use, is it may be treated as some of form of infallible recipe for success. Having said that, it is fair to say that over the last 15 years we have developed an approach to urban lighting that consistently comes back to a few themes. Some of these aim to enrich the human experience by employing light to refer to things that might not otherwise be obvious by day.

Light has a tremendous power when seen against the canvas of darkness to signal and reveal forms, details and materials that may not be so readily understood and appreciated during daylight hours. For instance, when working in a historical context, a simple decision to allude to specific hierarchy of forms and details can provide a consistent narrative in a specific direction.  We explored this in our work at Kings Cross London, where we developed a light masterplan for the ongoing redevelopment of a former historic railway goods-yard site.  There, the decision was made to only illuminate the original industrial buildings – many of which are very beautiful structures – such that their position, visual language and function is made clearer.  We then suggested that the new, contemporary office, residential and retail buildings should remain largely unlit to create a contrast.  We believe that, by doing this, not only does the site become more legible, but equally, the memory of the former use of the site as a goods yard is retained. Other issues we explore alongside history include communicative values, and the means by which art may be integrated into the night-time experience.

The second set of values that we apply is to help our clients understand that good lighting design like many other design disciplines is based on achieving the right balance between various conflicting forces on the project. In architecture, interior design and many other related disciplines, it is often not necessary to spell this out, but in lighting design because there are so many diverse views of what is good and bad practice it helps to remind people that light is not just about providing the right ‘lux level’, but rather addressing a variety of qualitative and operational issues as diverse as: creating identity, assisting with way-finding and supporting safety and security. All of this needs to be achieved in a sustainable manner working within what are often tight economic constraints. Whilst that may seem obvious, we never fail to be surprised how within the client group, very few stakeholders feel that all these values are equally important. Rather, each has a prejudice towards a certain part of the spectrum. For example, environmentalists will always want to use as little energy as possible but do they worry about the aesthetic outcome? The security consultant is often only interested in the amount of light and how it works with CCTV cameras. The client and cost consultant just want to know how it all can be afforded. The actual people the light is designed for – the public or the building users – are often not present during those conversations.  We see it as our role to try and reconcile all of these conflicts to develop a lighting design that is both special and answers the real needs of the client and the people who will experience the final result.

What role, not yet institutionally played by lighting designers, should in your opinion lighting design play within the greater metropolitan areas? What is said nowadays – that London is over-illuminated – is that a result of too little lighting design?

We believe that lighting designers are playing an increasingly important role here in London in creating the future of the city environment after dark. It is true to say that many of the more important projects in the capital now benefit from having a lighting designer as part of the project team. And, it is notable that planning authorities and other regulatory bodies are looking to ensure that lighting is properly planned from the outset, especially when it come to sensitive locations, such as tall towers riverside sites.  The only problem is that, given there is no formal recognition or professional training for lighting designers to do this type of work, we worry as to how clients and authorities can discriminate between those that have the experience and background to perform such work, and those who simply see city lighting as another source of income.

It is apparent to us that since the financial crash of 2008, the bottom line has become a more significant factor than the actual ability of a consultant, and as a result there are one or two lighting masterplans that have failed to realise the opportunity they should have, becoming little more than a glossary of lighting terminology, with some tables for lighting levels and some random ideas for lighting architecture thrown in.

Of course there are many great lighting designers both in the UK and overseas.  Here in Britain we like the work of the more creative ‘artists’ such as Jason Bruges and United Visual Artists.  Internationally we greatly respect lighting designers such as Roger Narboni and Kaoru Mende – who display real skill in handling light in the urban environment. Such designers continue to provide a benchmark for future international standards.

Could the master planning tool, which in our country is still not often used, provide specific solutions for the need to build and/or rediscover legible paths for the urban areas in our cities?

Light is obviously a very useful tool in the modern city after dark. The development of cities shows that man has consistently endeavoured to banish the night and extend the day over many centuries. So, the question is, why have we always tried to do this? Is it due to a primitive fear of the dark? Or there is so much to do each day, that we cannot allow the night to curtail our working and leisure activities? Throughout the last few centuries we saw the gradual evolution of increasingly sophisticated forms of lighting technology that aimed to extend the day and provide light conveniently, cleanly and affordably. But it was only when Edison and Swann revolutionised society with cheap, convenient, and freely available sources of illumination that we were able to light every part of our city from dusk to dawn. It seems to us that during the 20th century this relentless quest to create more light – just because we could – now leaves us on the threshold of a new age in which we may consider that we will be able to do pretty much what we want in lighting terms.

This is a fantastic opportunity for the lighting designer because for the first time society understands that it needs visionary teams to work together to champion the role of darkness. By this we mean designers whose entire philosophy and experience equips them to suggest how much light is actually required in a given context, for whom, when and for how long. In examining the success of cities after dark more broadly in economic, social and environmental terms, lighting design has moved beyond being merely an adjunct to theatre or engineering, and has become a separate entity in its own right. The only thing that will hold it back now is a lack of education among the professionals, who profess to deliver on its promise, or the failure of clients and commissioning bodies to realise the importance of its role.

In terms of future application scenarios for designed light, in what domains do you think we will witness increased developments of new technology solutions, and what will be the application fields where the presence of designed light will increase mostly?

We have always believed that knowledge of the source of light is at the root of what we do. We therefore have a duty to keep abreast of the new and exciting developments that are taking place in our field. These include the ongoing evolution of LEDs and OLEDs, the development of new and exciting materials that work with or react to light and the increasing importance of lighting controls. I have implied earlier in this interview that the future possibilities seem to be limitless to someone like me who started out as a lighting designer dealing with less than a half dozen usable sources. The fact that traditional light fittings may be made obsolete in the future by buildings that incorporate new lighting technologies into their very fabric, means that we will need to learn to look at the way that light is handled even more carefully in the future.



Picture : Lighting designer Mark Major


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光者,人之大爱也 Lighting- human’s favorite //www.einango.com/?p=963 //www.einango.com/?p=963#comments Thu, 09 Jun 2011 01:39:36 +0000 http://sites.tecnichenuove.com/chinalucedesign/?p=963 文:丁平

By: Ding Ping

自古以来中华民族对光,这个既普通又神奇的事物表现出极大的崇拜与仰慕。从最开始的“日出而作,日落而息”到后来众多文人骚客、才子佳人 “举杯邀明月,对影成三人”的情怀,光,这种看似简单、随处可见,却又让人难以捉摸的事物,总是悄无声息地走入我们的生活。





Since ancient times, China shows a great worship and admiration for lighting, a common and magical element. The tradition of the Chinese people follows the rules to “start work at sunrise, rest at sunset”. Poets and scholars admire light by saying “I drink with the moon, the moon, and my shadow to make us three.” It seems that light is visible but elusory, quietly enters into our life unconsciously.

In 2010, “Switch on Beijing” show was very successful, thanks to the support of those involved and had good comments from the local DongCheng government, media, participants and audience. The passion that the audience showed during the show made it a success. The use of light by the designers gave deep impression on audience of different ages and social backgrounds.

The enthusiasm of people for light and art stimulates designers to keep working hard. The 2011 “Switch on Beijing” is under preparation.

The venue of the show will still be held in Temple of Earth Park, combined with a special layout, the exhibits will scatter at the corners of the park to leave a long lasting impression to the audience.

More than thirty pieces of artwork are under way with the full support from the DongCheng District government, Temple of Earth Park and Beijing International Design Week. The designers participating in this event will ensure that theirs respective works appeal to the public’s taste for culture and art. This September the Beijing public will again enjoy charming and fantastic lighting event.

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