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微小型多晶LED封装Federal FM全系列新上市

台湾LED封装厂领导品牌艾笛森光电,近期推出高效能之微型陶瓷封装Federal FM全系列产品。高流明微型封装Federal FM,包含各色温白光,单色光(R/G/B)及多彩光(RGBA/ RGBW) LED元件。5mm x 5mm的小体积优异特性,不仅可提供高效能的混光效果,亦可使设计师简化光学机构设计,并降低整体系统成本。



高端照明 · 用心缔造


射灯 Spotlight

喜万年(Sylvania)推出的 Beacon Muse 将先进 LED 科技与传统透镜原理相结合,引入全新重点照明和陈列灯理念,是一个全角度可调射灯
Beacon Muse produced by Sylvania introduces an exciting new accent and display lighting concept using cutting-edge LED technology and ancient lens principles to create a fully adjustable spotlight

智能控制系统 Intelligent control system

邦奇电子 (Dynalite) 推出的 BZ-AC 系列电动开合窗帘机采用一体化设计,执行机构和智能控制器集成在窗帘机本体内,即保证整体美观性,又方便安装,大大降低智能化控制系统的成本,适用于酒店、会议室、别墅、家居等。
Intelligent control is applied in the intelligent electronic curtains of the BZ-AC series produced by Dynalite. Integrated design is used and the controller is installed inside the curtain to achieve a beautiful shape with easy installation, reducing the cost. The system is available to hotels, meeting rooms, villas, homes etc.

射灯 Spotlight

HOLITEK 是香港骏科实业下属品牌,负责集团旗下商业照明产业发展,是领先的高档商业照明全系列产品供应商,擅长设计及制造,与来自瑞典、德国、美国,不同国家的顶尖工业设计团队合。
HOLITEK is a lighting company owned by Speed & Technology Industrial (Hong Kong) Ltd., which focus on the development of commercial lighting series products.

高输出LED High lumen output LED

科锐(CREE)宣布推出一款可满足高输出、小型化定向照明应用需求的新型照明级 LED。
CREE announces a new lighting-class LED platform, meet the requirements of high lumenoutput and minimization directional lighting application.

调光系统 Dimming systems

FUTRONIX PFX 系统是一款无通路限制的灯光控制及大楼自动化系统。
The FUTRONIX PFX system is an unlimited channel lighting control and whole-building automation system.

面板灯 Panel light

上海亚明(Yaming Lighting)推出的专业级 LED 面板灯 MYL103,具有节能等特性。
LED panel light MYL103 from Yaming Lighting has an innovative design with saving energy and noise-free properties.

智能雷达探头系统 Motion sensor system

邦奇电子(Bridges)推出的 BC003V 动静感应探头及其独有的拨段式可调光电子镇流器能够实现高精度探测。
The movement sensor BC003V from Bridges Electronic and its unique dial-stage dimmable electronic ballast achieve a high precision detection.

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